Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gundam Big Expo - Image Gallery (Part 1)

MG Astray Blue Frame (2nd Revise)

PG 00 Raiser
Release in November 09

HG 1/144 Unicorn Gundam
This will not be a transformable kit, but rather 2 kits sold seperately for Unicorn mode & Destroy Mode. Both will be released in November on the same day. I do prefer it this way, since painted kits should not be played with often, espeically transformation.

HGUC Kshatriya
Release in October 09
Images from ToysDaily


  1. omg you're killing me dude. mg blue frame, pg 00 raiser, hg unicorn mode. what am i going to do?! how can i say no to this?!

  2. ya, the MG blue frame looks nice. and I really am starting to like the Unicorn gundam.. more money already gone.
