Saturday, May 14, 2016

HGUC 1/144 Hyaku Shiki [REVIVE] @ Shizuoka Hobby Show 2016 [New P-Bandai Announcment & New Images]

HGUC 1/144 Hyaku Shiki [REVIVE] 
(Release Date: Aug 2016, Price: 1,200 yen)

P-Bandai Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Mega Bazooka Cannon announced for the HGUC 1/144 Hyaku Shiki [REVIVE]!!!   Stay tuned for new updates and images!


  1. So I guess we are not getting an RG version any time soon.

  2. Whoot, been hoping for one of these!

  3. shitty yellow instead of metallic coating? C'mon...

    1. and then you complain the price when it's metallic coating...

    2. Right? I mean you know someone is just going to do a metallic exclusive

    3. Exactly my thought, Anon 7:58am. These people always have something to complain about, and forget how to be grateful even in the littlest matter.

      For me, I prefer this kind of gold than metallic coating 'cause I can always buy a cheap yet high-quality gold paint.

    4. I choose this over bling-bling plastic because I can paint it with better gold color. Sinanju is an exception tho.

  4. Was pretty excited with gold mold in RG sinanju but then, Cheap gold mold... at last, we meet again :(

    1. What we see here is what most gold plastic looks like. Sinanju had a chromed gold paint coating. The gold plastic may look like shit, but it does have a couple advantages over gold chrome. Business-wise, it is much cheaper to make gold colored plastic (and by extension, making the kit cheaper for the consumer to purchase) than to make plastic then spray it with a very precise mixture of expensive chrome paint. Secondly, you don't have to worry about nubs as much as you do on chromed kits, because you're going to paint over the whole kit anyway, lol.

    2. Yes, people forget the horrible nubs. Exacto knives really don't remove nubs from a kit; it still would show especially after topcoating, I keep telling my friends. Sanding is still better. Then again sanding a chrome plated makes the chrome useless, so just making this decision is the best for me.

  5. Seems underwhelming for number 200

  6. Was hoping the gold kinda looked like the gold in the MG 2.0, as opposed to this kind of rather shitty gold.. At least it's better than the original shiny cheapish chrome gold

  7. i wouldn't mind the "shitty yellow", since they're giving a decent price~ repaint your desired gunpla gives better experience than just straight up build

  8. I'm not really bothered by the 'gold'. Good thing I'm not a straight builder. *perks of extra effort*

  9. I'm gonna wait for its mega launcher too..

  10. Is it recycling the mold and oarts from the Delta Gundam and Mega Shiki?

  11. Make it 2000 yen kit
    But with MG 2.0 gold coating plz :(

    1. More like 3000 yen if you want gold coating.

  12. I'm really happy that this kit will be made. And I don't mind the colour, thanks to this the price will be kept low, which is a plus for me. If you don't like this gold you can always paint it.

  13. Actually the gold is pretty good i say, rather the one that came with the MBL (old one).

  14. please i hope they do a zeta revive. after the lightning zeta and the rg. i would have hoped they did zeta gundam first. i want to buy the zeta gundam hg but the kit is so old it takes way more to get it looking good.

  15. 200th HGUC, shouldn't it be Ni-Hyaku Shiki?

  16. I'm excited for this kit! I hope we get proper beam sabers for the Hyaku Shiki.

  17. Anything is better than the blindingly shiny gold from the original. Also hope the mega launcher isn't too expensive.
