Friday, January 8, 2016

SD Gundam EX-STANDARD 00 Gundam - New Images & Release Info

SD Gundam EX-STANDARD 00 Gundam 
(Release Date: Feb 2016, Price: 600 yen)


  1. Just bought my EX-S Aile Strike and, wow, it's more complicated than the not-so-old-yet SDs we have. The proportions are excellent but the places you need to paint are just terrible.

    I love it and I also hate it at the same time!

  2. So does this not come with the 0 Raiser and GN Sword 3?
    I bet they play on releasing an 0 Raiser kit with the GN Sword 3 later..

  3. Just use the old 00 raiser to mix this this...hahahaha
