Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Viewer Complaints About A Scene From Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Series

Viewer Complaints About A Scene From Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Series
Info via AnimeNewsNetwork

The Japanese Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization (BPO) watchdog group has published a number of viewer complaints in October.  The complaint stems from a scene in the Japanese animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.

The complaint referenced to a scene that shows "several nonresistant prisoners and enemy soldiers are gunned down by the young male protagonist."  Although the complaint did not specifically name Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans as the series in question, but the scene described in the complaint does seem like what was shown in one of the episode in the series.

It is to be noted that viewers were warned of the mature contents in the series at website such as Hulu.com.  Much of the other sites including Gundam.Info. does not have such warning for the younger audience.


  1. Do they aware that anime majority are for teenage to adult viewer?

    1. Most anime nowadays and I mean most have whiny MC that advocates against violence and tries his/her best not to kill as well as ranting on about it or the type that believes strength in friendship and redeems the villains as much as possible. Mikazuki here being the rare refreshing sort of MC who has no qualms in killing in cold blood may raise complaints from people who are too used to the above examples as a norm of anime.

    2. Maybe because previous Gundam TV Anime Series like Gundam Age & onward (ie : GBF, etc) are created to be "More Kid-Friendly" So people (that not aware of this series) can assume that Gundam is Kid-Friendly / Kid-show. But when IBO back to the roots with more darker theme, THIS happens. But I think this complaint is ridiculous since Gundam is not meant to be kid-friendly in the first place.

    3. هناك الكثير من الحمقى اللذين يريدون أي عذر للإساءة إلى أسطورة الجاندام

      There are a lot of fools who want any excuse to abuse to the legend (GUNDAM)

    4. So mika can't shoot a guy who lost a duel, but titans can eat people, Guts can maime people, Dio can throw knives through dogs? Wow.

    5. @Nineball Seraph: yup... for me Gundams are the only shows tells that war is not cool but cruel.

  2. Of all the things the Japanese Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization (BPO) are going to whine about it's that? Have they seen their own game shows?

  3. Gundam=War Drama, Gundam=Not for babies.

  4. I thought people know that most Gundam have that element?

  5. Those viewer definitely does not read the dialog. Crank WANTED to be killed off, he does not want to suffer in pain he would rather die instantly, that is very humane way to kill off a wounded peroson not to mention he wanted to die anyway. Those viewers must be gundam haters or retarded. Very logical thinking right there. Jesus.

    1. Worse actually, they're liberal treehuggers that want to save the children from a "violent cartoon" (that they don't actually watch). There's always going to be some idiot sitting at home looking to champion a cause so they can feel important just once in their miserable lives

    2. That goes to the "naughty"

      Ned Flanders,2015,watching IBO.

    3. retarded you are, yes. Huwwnn~lol

  6. This is quite ridiculous.
    I bet these are from non-anime fans who just assumed that because of all the colorful scenes, that it was solely a children's cartoon show with robots.


    And "...viewers were warned of the mature contents in the series [on some] website[s]..." yet they still complained?

    1. You have no room to criticize others or call me them idiots since your the whiney to of the Gundam community with your ridiculous wish list.

    2. Fuck you suiton. You're wrong even when you're right. You're the Chris Chan of gundam

  7. We are becoming a generation of pansies...Gundam has mostly been an adult show, with mature themes, so grow up or don't watch. Preferably the latter, since the people complaining obviously don't have the mental capacity to deal with fantasy. Wonder how they deal with real life?

  8. Hmm yeah i wonder if they even let their child watch ecchi scene

  9. eh they actually protested to this? i thought many animes are even more "violent". what about death note, where the protagonist is a homicidal god complex who kills everyone? what about berserk with all the blood gore and nudity?

  10. Before this shit even came out it was said that this shit would be a dramatic series and any parents out there should of looked into it more before letting their kids view it. Way to go parents.Besides there are way more violent gore filled anime out there anyway.Bunch of morons.

  11. Good demonstration of war's cruelty
    At least better than game-like or heroic atmosphere...

  12. Ummmmmm...... seriously.... WHO CARES. Shows like this aren't for babies and brats anyways.

  13. Really they're just bothering to care now? There have been way worse scenes from anime that far over shadow this

  14. In Japan at least, the timeslot for mature audiences would be the late night slot.

  15. from the first episode it never look like a child's show... u wan a child show? go back to dora

  16. It's gundam, everything should be for mature audiences... That's why they pulled Gundam Seed out of the US :D

  17. Uhm, a series that from the synopsis is full of teenage slaves, wars, poverty and violence which is crude and violent, totally unexpected...

  18. Thats why we can't have nice things! Stop ruining something that is good. I love iron blooded orphans, a series i think that can holde the candle to gundam 00 and wing. so please don't ruin it!

  19. Hoho, but then nobody complained when an dead child soldiers are shown in the very first episode of 00, and when young Setsuna killed his parents.

    1. Or when the young soldiers were shown in the previous episode being sacrificed so the very people who were gunned down could escape with their lives.

    2. Actually the people who normally complain were too busy voting for Obama to see those scenes. We got lucky or Setsuna would've been compared ti Hitler by these idiots.

  20. Gundam, specifically Iron Blooded Orphans, airs at 5:00PM which is considered kids to teens airing time.

  21. It's almost like this show about war and child soldiers could be triggering... Maybe read a description before you let your kids watch it.

  22. There are always timeslot right? If they complain just move the timeslot to midnight.

    The show itself it mediocre nothing ground breaking. That makes me ooh thats new. I cant wait Thunderbolt making his entries. Thunderbolt had more mature theme than this

    1. Yeah,with a rockstar-like guy and Nick Vujicic as protagonists xD

  23. Boo to them, go back to the "moe" shows or them ecchi shows they glamorise so much.
    And they have the decency to justify "loli".

    This is something of a refresher to bring back something so dark or in my opinion, quite the norm. Hell, Saint Seiya f'ing kill people by bludgening his enemies with his fist.

    I guess titty anime over there is more cartoony and more child friendly than anything.

  24. U know who the MC should gun down on? Every TV broadcasting censorship organization. Those ppl ruin everything, and so what if kids sees violents and sex, im pretty sure videogame already done irreversible damage to them already

  25. As if Highschoold DxD is the softest thing for children content-wise.
    As if Umaru-chan is the best example to be a person.
    As if Love Live is the best example of child labor. (Some idols are -16 on Japan,yeah.)
    As if Shingeki no Kyojin (which Tomino complained,yes,the same guy that DESTROYED one of his characters with the nosecone of a 19 mts MS) is the most non-blooded show ever done.

    TV Censorship organizations are more useless than Reality shows.

  26. Leave our gundam alone, if you find it too violent, don't let your kid watch it.

  27. I was surprised by some of the deaths so far. The kids being shot early on, the executions, and Crank's death. I appreciated that they actually followed through with the "orphan mercenary" thing with them actually doing the types of unpleasant things you might expect people in those circumstances to do.

    But let's get real here. Gundam is and has always been a shonen show. Gundam is created for teenagers and tweens, and some of the OVAs are for older teenagers. Robot toy merchandising is a major aspect of the production of the anime (hence this blog...). Gundam ACE is a shonen magazine. The difference between Gundam and DBZ or Naruto is that Gundam has many generations of fans and the older fans are still interested in what's going on. The best equivalent is Star Wars which is also a kid series that fans have kept interest in as they got older.

    The complaints are dumb, people should have more confidence in kids, but these types of complaints happen all the time for everything under the sun so no one should get their panties in a bunch over it either.

  28. seriously?? i mean really japan?? with all blood, gore and ecchi anime out there??

    1. Don't forget AAA HENTAI on TV,yeah,TV,not even DVD or some shit like that

  29. To be fair Mikazuki did break the Geneva Convention. Even if it doesn't exist on mars, I'd still be pretty upset as a parent showing this to a 10-12 year old without any kind of warning it would be happening.

  30. Gundam is about war gentelmen. And u cant avoid violence from wars.

  31. Gundam is about war gentelmen. And u cant avoid violence from wars.

  32. Cry babies got to shut the f up...and grow up if not find something else to watch this is not gundam build fighters...

  33. Sure, we haven't seen a main kill off dudes like Mikazuki here but look as far recent as 00 and Destiny. Nena Trinity killing off hundreds of people attending a private, non-politically affiliated house party? Destiny with its genetic discrimination and "Let's kill every single Coordinator/Natural with nukes and colony drops." Perspective. Dark subject matter is common in Gundam beneath all the pew pew and bright colors.

  34. Genocyber got away with it, why can't gundam? And didn't the main character from valvrave rape someone? Where was the TV popo then?

    1. Genocyber was a seinen OVA, not a shonen tv series, but regardless it *did* create some controversy for its purposefully gratuitous content, but I don't think it would have been in the context of protecting the youth. The Ghost in the Shell manga has a lesbian cyborg orgy and Akira has rape and sex slaves, but they were published in seinen magazines instead of shonen ones.

      Valvrave is a better comparison because it's the same demographic but I think it did get some flack over it too.

      But it's also an exaggeration to think that this is a controversy. Shows get complaints all the time.

    2. It's the nature of the complaint that's ludicrous. People are mad over a kid shooting someone in an anime..... As if its never happened before

  35. I think these people just assumed that anything that's looks like a cartoon and has robots is a kids show.

    Congrats, you just invented a new definition for stupid.

    an angry mob of people who assumed Gundam is a kids show, watches it, sees a shirtless kid shooting people, and complains

    Btw I'm under 13 but still...
