Tuesday, November 17, 2015

METAL BUILD Destiny Gundam To Be Reissued!

METAL BUILD Destiny Gundam To Be Reissued!

Due to popular demand, Bandai's Tamashii Nation will be reissuing the METAL BUILD Destiny Gundam.  Although it has not been confirmed, but the reissue is said to be via the Tamashii Web Shop, which means it is an exclusive release.  

At the recent TAMASHII NATION 2015 event in Akihabara (Tokyo), the METAL BUILD Destiny Gundam Wing of Light Effect Part was once again on display.  Perhaps there is hope that we will see an actual release of the effect part set in some form.  I look forward to seeing the METAL BUILD Destiny Gundam reissue to be repackage to include the effect part set.  But it is more likely that it will be sold as an individual product.  Stay tuned as we get more info about this.


  1. Yes, I believe this info was given yesterday with the strike freedom's pictures. From what I read, they're calling it a renewal, most likely gonna change something like colors here and there, but does being exclusive mean that we might not see the order for this renewal/reissue from gginfinite?

  2. prefer the heine custom colors. besides, shinn is a whiny, wimpy crybaby... debating on getting the wing effect for the heine custom... >.< i want mine now! the wait is killing me...

  3. That's nice and all, but could they reissue all the damn 00 Metal Build figures? Exia, 00, and all their flavors have gone into 'Absurd eBay Markup' territory and that's a really shitty barrier to entry.

  4. Wait reissue?! You telling me bandai only make a few thousand and then stop making it, wow are you telling me if I want these overprice figure I need to pay extra for those selling it on ebay etc ,and I thought Enix are lazy with play art figures but it seem there are others.

  5. I've been around this rumor for a couple of days, i wonder how much "renewed" will be in price compared to whatever improvements they'll do, since it's gonna be a TWS release. Still glad to see a reissue of this MB.

  6. so is there not going to be an order up on gginfinite since it's an exclusive item? I'm curious because I know Heine's destiny was also an exclusive and it was up for order. This seems like the last chance to get an MB destiny.
