Friday, May 8, 2015

Gundam Model - 'Gunpla Kit Bash' Skull- Custom Build

Gundam Model - 'Gunpla Kit Bash' Skull- Custom Build

Modeler used parts from various Gundam model kits to create this awesome build!

Modeled by Lee, Kyung Won

See a Gunpla Kit Bash Tiger from this same modeler: HERE!


  1. If I could ask this guy just one question, it would be "Why?"
    Just going off of the parts that I can identify, there's a staggering number of individual kits involved in each of his builds. They must have cost him a small fortune.

    1. Why not? This is art. It shows of an artist's imagination and creativity. Like many gunpla builders spend money on customizing gunpla and paint job, this guy has done a great job creating art. The question is, does it worth it? I think it does, very much. It is so original that I think it better any gunpla customization that mainly based on what is given by Bandai. This build is pure creation from nowhere.

    2. question is can you do the same or even top it?

    3. You ask why?
      I can think of only one person that can fully answer that question.

  2. The answer: Because He Can!!!
