Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Metal Robot Spirits Series 02: Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] - Promo Image?

The Metal Robot Spirits Series 02: Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] (Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA) ***Not Yet Confirm***

An image of a Metal Robot Spirits logo with a silhouette Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] is seen on the internet today, suggesting this would be the next release from the Metal Robot Spirits collectible figure series. 

We ask that you take this news with a grain of salt, until it is officially announce.  Would be an awesome release for this series.  What are your thoughts?  Please leave us your comment below.


  1. I think it would be cool. Though not as surprising with PG UNICORN that just came out.

    Not saying I'd buy it but still cool and expected.

  2. I feel like Bandai is milking the unicorn franchise way too fast. We're getting more variations of the unicorn as opposed to the public mg banshee norn or a mg schuzrum gallus.

    We all get it... The unicorn is cool.
    There's X amount of sd , hg , mg and now a pg unicorn kits, but in all honesty, Bandai is releasing all the unicorns too fast. What's next? Rg unicorn? Fg unicorn? Freaking 1/1 unicorn next to the RX -78-2 in Japan?!

    While I love the metal builds and damashi figures , the unicorn needs to dissappear for a while.

    But that's none of my business.

  3. Yawn.. there are too many unicorn already.. plus robot spirit failed on metal hi-nu so bad...

  4. is this serie cancel by bandai ? cause since 7 months, there's no news about a second model

    if someone have more information about it, i'm interested
