Thursday, June 11, 2015

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Hyaku-Shiki - New Images & Release Info [Updated 6/10/15]

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Hyaku-Shiki  (Release Date: Jun 2015, Price: 7020 yen)

[Updated 6/11/15] *NEW*

[Updated 6/10/15]
[Updated 2/4/15] 

[Updated 1/29/15] 

[Updated 1/23/15] 

[Updated 1/20/15]


  1. Glad to see they made a damashii over the 2.0 mg or real grade........


  2. What a terrible price for what little weaponry you get

  3. How the heck is a Hyaku Shiki more expensive than a RD ZZ Gundam? This is just gold painted, not gold plated...

  4. Ridiculous price. Will wait for it to go down to a reasonable price -- just like the X2 Kai did.

  5. Overexpensive, no real accessories (where is mega bazooka????????, probably exclusive...). Can a damashii get even more underwhelming?

    That's not goldpainted, it has goldish yellow plastic, doesn't cost 1 cent more then another color..

    Instant skip !

    Now to stay in the same color banday, when is akatsuki gundam due??
