Sunday, January 11, 2015

PG 1/60 Gundam Astray Blue Frame - Painted Build

PG 1/60 Gundam Astray Blue Frame - Painted Build


  1. Can someone tell me how he got that shiny blue color o.0

  2. What kind of paint is that?

  3. no back shoots?
    is this really a MG or a HG/NG 1/100?

  4. You can tell this isn't the P-Bandai PG Blue Frame, but a painted Red Frame. The visible polycaps are the first clue, with the most prominent ones being the front of the elbows and the back of the knees. If it were me, I would have tried using automotive interior spray paint, intended for covering flexible vinyl or leather surfaces without wearing away or cracking with movement, to paint the polycaps a more complimentary color, or at least order a polycap set from a PG Strike to use in a more neutral gray. You can also tell that this builder painted his parts while still on the runners, because the trim marks are glaring in some spots. The first ones I spotted were on the closeups of the top of the torso, on the small pieces to either side of the neck, but it's also visible on closeups of the cockpit door. It just seems like a rushed job to me.
