Friday, March 13, 2015

MG 1/100 Gundam Exia Dark Matter - Released in Japan [Updated 3/14/15]

MG 1/100 Gundam Exia Dark Matter 
(Release Date: Feb 2015, Price: 5000 yen)


[Updated 3/14/15] *NEW*

[Updated 2/18/15] 
Images via KANETAKE Twitter

[Updated 2/16/15] 

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[Updated 1/30/15] 

[Updated 1/27/15] 

[Updated 1/24/15] 

[Updated 1/11/15]

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[Updated 12/26/14] 

[Updated 12/10/14] 

[Updated 12/4/14]


  1. So I take it that the ice blade does not come in clear blue or chrome silver?
    Looks like I might need another MG Exia Ignition Mode to swap out blade parts.

    1. Oh so you mean the great suiton is too stupid to learn how to chrome plate a simple blade part like that?

    2. The Ice blade was never blue in the first place, it GLOWS blue.

    3. actually you don't have to get the whole MG Exia Ignition. Just get a replacement part from taobao. Some sellers part out the MG Exia.

    4. Dude shut the fuck up. I bet you never even watched the anime.

    5. Don't you think it would be cheaper to buy chrome paint and take 5 minutes of your life to coat the part with it?

    6. not to mention the fire blade comes in chrome orange. goddammit bandai what the fuck

    7. I think it's animate the show the ice blade is just a plain grey color, go check it...

    8. I think ive just made a game of seeing how many times I can find suiton and his stupid comments in this place

    9. This is an anime accurate version of the DM Exia with added details. And Suiton, DM Exia doesn't have a chrome-plated sword in the first place anyway. It's just grey.... And since its MG, they decided to put some silver bits on the sword, just like the GN Sword of Exia. There's nothing wrong with this kit. It's just YOU who complicates thing for himself.

  2. My only gripe with the face. Is like the just up scale the HG face plate and V-fin. Also the fins on the side are spoiler like instead of a sharp spike. Also I cant if they are using metallic coating on the orange blade. Bandai you can make it better, also I hope the fixed the ankle...just like the build strike did with the RM strike frame.

  3. Okay so it looks like after taking a bit more of a peek, it seems like the other blade is in chrome silver... I guess that's the next best thing we can get...

    Now it's just a matter of time til we get P-Bandai announcements for Dark Matter Trans Am, Exia Amazing, Exia Amazing Trans Am, Exia Repair 3, and Exia Roll Out...

    Come on Bandai. I know you want to do that.

    1. You're the only one other than Bandai who wants that. Shut up with all your 00 wishlist.

  4. Like wha I see so far and it looks like we will be getting the wrist sabers possibly along with the GN Drive that can mount into the back~ I=

  5. how many exias will i own when it is all said and done?

  6. might be my first MG, or i can mayhaps get exia ignition mode first.....hmmmmm

    1. your FIRST mg? i hope you're new cuz' you are missing out mate ;)

    2. your FIRST mg? i hope you're new cuz if not you are missing out mate ;)

    3. your FIRST mg? i hope you're new cuz' if you're not, you are missing out mate ;)

    4. i have built 26 hg and 24 sd and am working on my first mg exia. i love the bigger size and detail and will probably be switching to mg for most of my gunpla this year

  7. I'm afraid we're going to see P-Bandai trans-am version of this soon. I just know it.

    I will be surprised if they'll make Amazing Exia a P-Bandai too. Damn, hope not.

  8. Looks like you need to shut the fuck up.

  9. Suiton if you look closely (even tho it's a prototype) the blade edges are slightly colored in for the effect part of fire n ice blades, when the finished product comes out it may look better with some plastic parts to add over them til then let's see how bandai makes this one look

  10. suiton629 go watch the anime.

  11. Wonder if they fixed the Exia's Ankles.

  12. This guy is looking better and better. Cool they're including the "more Exia" variation with this guy. It's why I preordered 2 sets of this guy. Now to wait for MG releases for Exia Amazing and Exia Amazing Repair, and of course the remaining Exia variations in MG... Roll Out, Repair 3, and the Avalanche Dash... That about does it for the Exia mold?

    1. Only 2? I ordered 3 and another Exia repair and a third Build Strike and the booster for a separate set for RG mode

    2. Ordering more kits that you'll never build, I see.

    3. They will not release an Amazing Repair you idiot. Unless they release a Kampfer Amazing, they won't release such a thing because it doesn't exist. Also.... Gundam Amazing Exia might be a P-Bandai since it's a unit that has a low screentime, and the fact that after A-Exia has all the equipment it has, it was swiped and remodeled into Dark Matter immediately... And I guess they will make Star Build Repair because you are hoping for an A-Exia repair... What a joke.

  13. I wonder if they're gonna re-use the mold of the MG Exia on its legs for this, coz frankly, the leg joints on the MG Exia sucks in posing without a stand, pretty ironic for a "ground-type" Gundam. Because if they do, with its heavy backpack, there won't be much posing except like in those pics.

    1. Do you mean the ankles? They're not going to make a new mold for anything they can reuse, even if it's faulty.

  14. will this also accept use of the LED unit for the GN drive?

    1. Doesn't the MG Exia models have capabilities to be placed with LEDs?

  15. The back attachment looks like that Sid thing from age

  16. This thing is finally starting to look good to me, wonder if I'm taking ill?

  17. Bandai should admit that they plan to do P-Bandai releases for MG Exia Roll Out Colors, Exia Amazing, Exia Repair 3, and Exia Avalanche Dash...

    1. They don't need to admit it because they're not going to release them at all you fuck head. What you want them to admit only because you want to hear it?

  18. Liking how the blade spikes on the handles spread out for the hands to hold it better~ Wasnt too fond of them on the HG~

  19. Interesting that this guy still comes with the GN Long and GN Short blades as well as the Exia's shield. But I guess not too surprising since they're probably reusing the MG Exia Repair 2 mold.

  20. Old Exia shield? Is Bandai teasing us to buy 2 and give the old style colors to one of them? D:

    1. I don't think they're teasing. Maybe they're subliminally suggest us to buy 2 (or more)? :D
      But so far, I've preordered 2 of them to have the regular Dark Matter and the more Exia style version.


    1. Yea. I know what you mean. Bandai could be doing so many release w/ the Exia MG mold like Amazing Exia, Exia Roll Out, Exia Repair 3, and the Avalanche Dash Exia...

      But you have to remember that even if they have all of those already developed, they can't just announce it all at once and release them all at once, even if they're all P-Bandai. That would, for one, over saturate the market, and more importantly, it would wallet-rape us all to no end..LMAO

  22. Is there any mention of whether or not this guy is compatible with the Gundam 00 style red LED units? If so, I might have to pick up another set or 2.

    Also, has there been any confirmation on whether or not this guy's "ice" sword is in the chrome silver that we got with the MG Exia Ignition Mode? It'd be nice if it did come with the chromed blade since that would make it look more like an "ice" sword IMO.

    I'm still anxious to see if we're going to at least get a P-Bandai release for the Exia Amazing...

    1. Do you ever shut up man

    2. If you have nothing constructive or useful to add to my comments, please refrain from posting.


    3. he may be a pain in the ass, but his first question here is actually kinda valid, i'm sure the dark matter can take an led to the chest, but i'm wondering if it has one included, also the booster would be quite simple and mostly hollow and could presumably also have some light gimmick as well

    4. @suiton, seems you have something constructive/useful to add on the comments section yourself, you hypocrite.

    5. @Anonymous January 31, 2015 at 10:46 AM
      I'd be surprised really if we could not use the LED units for the MG Exia Dark Matter; especially since it looks like it is reusing the Exia mold.

  23. I want an MG Amazing Exia as a regular release.

    1. It'll probably be a P-Bandai release. Be patient.

    2. It's more likely as a P-Bandai. Start saving your money. LOL

  24. Moar UC stuff plz! Why the shortage lately???

    1. Because nothing is new is being aired in terms of UC? Origins is coming soon so we will probably get announcements soon.

    2. dude we just got a PG unicorn!!! what shortage of uc stuff are you dreaming of?

    3. UC timeline is Gundam's mainstream timeline, just like Earth-616 of Marvel for example.

      Aside from being the mainstream timeline, the Gunpla kits of UC sells very great. So even though there are currently no new projects for UC for now, their kits still sell very well, although The Origin, just like past projects, will surely boost their already high sales.

      You cannot accept UC's success don't you, suiton, eh?

  25. kinda disappointed with the stickers on the left / right backpack binders. orange detail would be nice if it was made of clear plastic instead. but then it's a good kit overall.

  26. Shut the hell up, suiton!

    1. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I'd appreciate if you could refrain from such unnessary language.

      It does not contribute to the discussion, bring in any new ideas, nor does it make you any more respected from others.

      You must feel safe and proud for posting as Anonymous?

    2. Hey, suiton, anon 8AM here.

      Everyone is entitled to their opinions but it doesn't mean you have the right to abuse them by spamming them and shoving them to our throats.

      New ideas? Your comments are same old spammed ones changed a bit to make it "new". You bring hypocrisy to the next level, suiton.

      So what if I'm posting as Anonymous? I simply don't have a Google account, that's why. And I have the right to post as Anon as I wanted to, not to mention unless its needed for other reasons, I don't want to sign up for a Google account just to post comments here.
      Oh BTW, seems that you're warned at Gamefaqs, isn't it sad? ahahaha

    3. You can never win against this suiton guy man, he's never wrong in his eyes. Letting the world know about his ridiculous and not to mention impractical wish list counts as an "opinion". His contribution to the discussion? "waa waa bandai i want chrome blades why no chrome blades make more chrome blades!" Pathetic

  27. I seriously don't get the suiton hate
    I want more kits too

    1. Please ignore them and their comments. They seem to enjoy hatred and this attracts others to do the same. It's up to them how they wish to spend their time and how to behave online. I also want more kits too. But people like them give this hobby a very bad reputation.

    2. People like THEM give the hobby a bad reputation?! LOL

      You must have forgotten what type of reputation you have.

    3. thats rich coming from you suiton

    4. Please ignore suiton and his comments. He seem to enjoy spreading hate and his own ego-driven trolling, this results in others to react as a result of his trolling by calling him out of his actions. It's up to him how he wish to specnd his time and how to behave online. I wish that he leave for good and do something better and I also want more kits too. But people like him give this hobby a very bad reputation.

    5. Says the troll who spam wishlists, preaches how awesome his opinions are and how it is like a written psalm from the Bible while insulting the opinion of others and now, labeling his critics as "trolls" despite them having no-nonsense reasons why they criticized him.


    That pic proves that we're not getting chrome parts. T_T
    I'll have to take it from a spare MG Exia Ignition Mode that I've had. =D

    1. Who the fuck aside from you cares about chrome parts? Everyone has at least either Gundam Silver Marker,Mekki Silver or a proper Shiny Silver.

    2. I have two spare MG exia ignition mode.

    3. Paint the fuck out of it you dumbass

  29. Whoa, why do you hate suiton? I'm kinda curious why the community seems hate him? :0


    2. He spams wishlists, begging for money so he can buy kits which are never built, selling bought kits on eBay at inflated price, preaching how absolute his wishlist and opinions while mocking others' own wishlists and opinions. He label people who are calling him out of his actions as trolls/flamers/haters despite their reasons are well, very reasonable. Not to mention he set up contests with questionable mechanics and results. He also claim that he built kits before but never posted pics/videos of finished kits. When people requested for such video/pic, he insults them. These are just some of Suiton's actions. Hope this answer your question, man.

    3. Because he spams the fuck out of everything with comments that have just couple words changed...
      Sometimes he makes a point but usually he is just spamming and complaining

  30. So I guess maybe instead of the chrome silver, we're going to be getting regular silver?

    1. Why do you keep asking about it? You should have absolutely no problem with this since you have already bragged that you were going to use your spare Exia ignition mode!

      But a smarter person would just use chrome paint. It is a lot easier and more economical. But like I said, its something a smart person would do.

    2. It's his way of letting the world know how cool he is for having spare MG kits that he can waste one piece on. Classic Suiton

  31. Has anyone received this kit yet?

  32. I wonder how long til we get the Trans Am version of this guy.

  33. did we get the LED too or we must buy seperatly ??

  34. Spam fag spam turd
