Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 11 'Nielsen Labs' [ニールセン・ラボ] - Video & Image Gallery

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 11 'Nielsen Labs' [ニールセン・ラボ] - Video & Image Gallery

Video via Gundam.Info


  1. Say G.G., how come you're blogging Reconguista in G on this blog anymore?

    By the way, that Meijin Kawaguchi the 3rd made an "amazing" entrance!

  2. The Gundam face on the hands of the dark Gundam feel creepy to me.
    I think the effect will be even more awesome if the Gundam is WIng Zero Custom instead of Amazing Red Warrior.
    Guess it is time for Fumina's team to upgrade their Gunpla!

  3. I guess now we're going to see a mid-season update for the Lightning, Build Burning, and Winning?

  4. lol. loved how all those desperate Wing fanBoys thought it was gonna be a Deathscythe getting put in as a main unit, just to be knocked down into disappointment. a little lesson; Black gundam does not instantly = deathscythe

  5. Please Give us HG 1/144 Gundam The End. PLEASE

  6. LOL at that random pic of the that guy from code breaker.
    Also, Meijin really seems to like 00 even when he's using the Red Warrior

  7. I smell a Trigun reference with the red cloak of that Gundam and the revolver the guy's using o 3o

  8. that music when the red warrior is coming...
