Saturday, September 27, 2014

HG 1/144 Gehennam (Standard) - On Display @ All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2014 [Updated 9/27/14]

HG 1/144 Gehennam (Standard) (Release Date: Dec 2015 Price: 1200 Yen)

[Updated 9/27/14] *NEW*

[Updated 9/26/14]

[Updated 9/25/14]


  1. Wow, a new mobile suit with an open palm hand. I just hope the bottom of the feet are done well.

  2. Gehennam is the Jewish word for Hell. So what the heck is this? Is this going to be a line of new MS not based on any actual material? Is Bandai just making up random new mobile suits?

  3. OoohI I think I figured it out! I bet this is a enemy MS from Reconguista in G that they haven't shown yet, which is why it just says HG but not which HG line it's from. Haha spoiler alert! Either that, or it's some crazy mix of 8 different suits for GBF Try and it's a similar scenario where they dont want to ruin the surprise.

    1. dude, its already widely known that jahanam is a ms from G-reco. its 2d art has been shown here for quite a while now with the new "dom"

  4. Gehennam?? Really, Bandai, why the spelling change? Jahanam was perfect.

    ... Unless you're filling up your Bad Engrish Spelling quota or something, which I kinda had enough of.
