Monday, September 15, 2014

HGBC 1/144 Lightning Back Weapon System - On Display @ Chara: C3 x Hobby 2014 (Japan) [Updated 9/15/14]

HGBC 1/144 Lightning Back Weapon System (Release Date: Nov 2014, Price: 864 yen)

Model Kit from the Gundam Build Fighters Try series


[Updated 9/15/14] *NEW*

[Updated 8/23/14] 

[Updated 8/22/14]


  1. As much as I love transforming mobile suits, I don't know why I find this one a bit odd. It seems like a last minute idea, the suit looks great in regular mobile suit mode. It'll probably grow on me, but it seems like it was an afterthought to give it the capability of an alternate "waverider" mode.

    1. That's the idea, i think... After all, the Re-GZ used as its base already had this kind of "mandatory add-on for waverider", except it was locked in waverider as long as it was connected to its BWS ;)

    2. I have to agree. You do have to keep in mind that it's based off of the Re-GZ though. That suit never had the smoothest looking transformation, although I think this one might be even less so. Still looks great in MS mode.

    3. I suggest you look up what the Re-GZ is

    4. dude, the suit is obviously based on the zeta gundam, just look at its face and legs. it is obviously designed so that i would transform.

    5. "dude, the suit is obviously based on the zeta gundam, just look at its face and legs. it is obviously designed so that i would transform."

      Where on earth do you get this info on? On official webpage it state clearly that this is base on Re-GZ

  2. db48 is based in the RGZ, so, is good as it is
