Tuesday, August 19, 2014

C3 x Hobby (Japan): Dengeki Hobby x Hobby Japan - HGCE Strike Gundam + HGBC Build Booster + HG Weapon & Joint Part (Special Color Ver.) [Updated 8/19/14]

C3 x Hobby (Japan): Dengeki Hobby x Hobby Japan - HGCE Strike Gundam + HGBC Build Booster + HG Weapon & Joint Part (Special Color Ver.) 

Price: 3000 yen

*To be sold at the upcoming C3 x Hobby 2014 (Japan) on Aug 23rd - 24th, 2014

[Updated 8/19/14] *NEW*

[Updated 8/4/14] 

[Updated 7/24/14]

[Updated 7/22/14]


  1. wow this looks awful

    1. If the color scheme was something better it would probably look nicer, but as it, its pretty bad

    2. You do realize, being from a hobby magazine related thing, the point is this guy is a blank canvas and to do something with it?

      I admit we're all been out of box builders for quite some time but to not realize a kit like this is SUPPOSED to be painted...can't tell if young or thick.

      If I somehow find one I'm doing clear yellow joints, rest I'll mod into some unrecognizable abomination

  2. clear plavsky frame..??

  3. So basically:

    - They have a regular 1/144 HGCC Strike with "some" clear parts like the old MG Clear Campaign...
    - A plain white(?) Build Booster...
    - And a special (light grey?) color HG Customize Campaign parts set included?...

    Might be worth it if the included HG Customize Campaign Parts that come with the kit is already complete (Sets A to F).
    If you buy one of these and it turns out you only get "1" random HG Customize Campaign Parts set instead of all 6, well fuck...

    1. I'd totally buy it if it had the complete set. I don't think the 2 pairs of chest parts and the clear parts make it interesting enough.

    2. I think, they are giving the A to F HG campaign parts. If you look at the picture that has a no. 2 on it, it's the six campaign parts.

  4. I guess since it's from the hobby magazines, it's super basic so people can paint their own design easily... I can't imagine any other reason for something so hideously ugly and pointless :S

  5. Is this out and where can you buy this if you can
