Monday, June 2, 2014

MEGAHOUSE: Excellent Model Limited RAHDX GA Neo PVC 1/8 Figure Tieria Erde - On Display Images @ Mega Hobby Expo 2014 Spring [Updated 6/2/14]

MEGAHOUSE: Excellent Model Limited RAHDX GA Neo PVC 1/8 Figure Tieria Erde (OO Gundam Season 2)
(Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA)

[Updated 6/2/14]
Images via Gundam.Info

[Updated 6/1/14]
Images via toho.seesa


  1. I have the most awkward boner

  2. I'm having a very confused boner right now

  3. Megahouse... The heck is in your mind??? -_-

  4. ...what no comments? Well, i'm gonna say it anyway, wow he's beautiful!! Lol

    Dont really collect figurines like this, but to those who do...what do you think? Do you fellas buy, not buy, watch from a distance? Lol

    1. Probably won't since I'm not a fan of 00. It's a beautiful looking figure nonetheless but I feel sooooo confuse.

  5. Welp, now his gender (as well as my sexuality) are driven further into question

  6. I'm so confuse....

    Isn't Tieria a guy?

  7. I don't know what i'm supposed to feel right now...

  8. guy...had an episode where he was in diguise as a girl

  9. Doesn't matter. He got boobs and booties.

  10. For those who are confused as to why Tieria looks like these, it's in Episode 8 of Gundam 00 S2.

    "During his meeting with Regetta, Tieria learns of the Innovators' ties to Veda and Aeolia Schenberg's complete plan while the A-Laws obtain two new pilots: Patrick Colasour and Innovator Revive Revival. Wishing to know more about the Innovators, Tieria goes undercover to infiltrate a gathering of A-Laws and Federation officials at the recommendation of Wang Liu Mei to discover the true leader behind A-Laws, Ribbons Almark. Disguised as a woman,Tieria meets Ribbons who reveals to him that according to Aeolia's plan, Tieria should have died with the rest of Celestial Being four years ago.." quoted from Wiki.

    That's pretty much it.. I can't lie that he looks hot here as a woman..

    1. Not sure if serious....................

      That's not what people are "confused" by

    2. Boobies! That's why everyones confused

  11. im really confused, is he/she a man/woman?????!!!!!!
