Tuesday, August 5, 2014

HGUC 1/144 Rozen Zulu (Episode 7 Ver.) - New Images [Updated 8/5/14]

HGUC 1/144 Rozen Zulu (Episode 7 Ver.) (Release Date: Aug 2014, Price: 3,000 Yen)

[Updated 8/5/14] *NEW*

[Updated 8/1/14] 

[Updated 7/23/14] 

[Updated 7/16/14]

[Updated 6/25/14] 

[Updated 6/6/14]

[Updated 6/3/14]


  1. So is it confirmed that this version of the HG Rozen Zulu uses purple plastic and not brown? If so, I suspect people would be buying multiples of this guy to have a correct colored HG Rozen Zulu and then another for the Episode 7 version...

    1. Clearly this is painted you troll

    2. Hopefully this just has all the parts for the regular version... I'd rather just paint the other one than having one normal and one with two shield hands

    3. Not yet, that's painted sample.

    4. I'm not surprised that suiton doesn't know that this is a painted kit given the fact that he hasn't even assembled one in his entire life.

    5. why you guys bashin' this guy?

      he has done models you know.. u.u

      he just likes to keep them in boxes and stuff..

      its his stuff,so why criticise him?

    6. It ain't one of his wishlist posts ain't no reason to bitch at him... seriously if it was anyone else ya'll probably be agreeing with him

    7. I don't understand why you guys bash this guy so much. Is it because he post a lot of MG wish list? What's wrong with that? Or is it because he is a Seed fan? I personally prefer the Universal Century but you know what? To each his own. I tell you what I am sick of is people bashing each other on this site. I visit a lot of gunpla blogs and for some reason there is a lot of hate on this blog. Also to guy that said Suition doesn't build his own kits please by all means please post pictures of all your kits as I am sure since youfeel the need to insult other people on how lousy they are building Gunpla.

    8. It takes more than just the wishlist to piss off those who hate him. It's a long story anyway, you can literally google his name to find out more.

  2. I wonder if you'll get the parts to make the normal Rozen Zulu...

  3. anyone else find it too white and not enough flashy/vivid colour

  4. Witty comment about the out of box color on this kit sucking

  5. Ow man should have known this coming, why I'm bother so much to buy the first one...

  6. i wonder what'll be written in the box art?? Rozen Zulu (episode 7 ver) ??

  7. Hey look! its purple and pink! no brown in sight.

  8. i think this is bandai's way of saying sorry we messed up the colors the first time...that'll be 30 bucks

  9. Am I going slightly colorblind, or is it more so blue than purple in the newer pictures?

  10. Why don't they just call it the Rozen Zulu Repair or something like that?

  11. Glad I only buy mass production grunt suits XD

  12. Every boxart of Rozen Zulu is awesome. Even it's appearance in MG Sinanju is awesome. Rozen is still my fave unit from UC.

    It's color is slightly better than the original but I still wish that:

    1. Original left arm is still included
    2. More stand for Incom / Pyscho Jammers (original only got 4)
    3. Original mega-beam shield is still included

    1. Looking at the runners of the previous kit on Dalong, both arm parts are moulded on the same runners, so it's possible you'll be able to build the "old" version anyway- they usually just throw in a new runner for new parts rather than re-doing the old runners.
