Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Microsoft Windows Spring Festival 2014: Mobile Suit Gundam's Toru Furuya (古谷 徹) Piloting The Kuratas Mecha

Microsoft Windows Spring Festival 2014: Mobile Suit Gundam's Toru Furuya (古谷 徹) Piloting The Kuratas Mecha

Microsoft Windows Spring Festival 2014 was held over the weekend at the Bellesalle Akihabara (Akihabara, Japan).  At the event, the Suidobashi Heavy Industry KURATAS was on display.  And Mobile Suit Gundam - Amuro Ray seiyuu, Toru Furuya, was a special guest both on-stage and inside the cockpit of the KURATAS.

Image via toho.seesaa.net


  1. Damn. How long until there's Minovsky particles, thereby Gundams? Or GN Drives... Perhaps crossing dimensions, Knightmare frames or Armored Cores anybody?

  2. I want one but it's too expensive

  3. by Windows 8.1 logo, I can safely assume it already use Kinect for Windows v2, the same kinect used on Xbox One.
    Kuratas uses V-Sido custom software and Kinect hardware to control its movement.

    original Kinect for Windows requires Win7, but it also has vast array of alternative open source driver and library like OpenNI and OpenKinect, which make it possible to run on non-windows OS.
    the latest Kinect v2 doesn't have open source library yet, and requires Win8 at minimum.

    1. @Anonymous 7:06 AM : Are you aware that, this is not Tom's Hardware forum, but Gundam Guy's one, right? XD

  4. I'll wait until it actually can WALK, not just driving on wheels. Cockpit is awesome tho

  5. Windows....So does that mean it must stop at random times for shitty updates?

  6. It looks like the AT from Votoms. And beware of blue screen of death :)

  7. in kuratas cockpit, directly use the voice Amuro XD

  8. it's all fun and games... until they equipped the vulcans, heat hawk, and slaughter the city...

  9. I attended a fantastic wedding here about a week ago. The food was beyond belief, staff was attentive and there was plenty of space too. The views from top of the building are great
