Wednesday, May 21, 2014

HGUC 1/144 Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] 7-Eleven Color Ver. - Review by Schizophonic9

HGUC 1/144 Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] 7-Eleven Color Ver. (Released in Japan, Price: 1944 yen)

*This item can only be purchased a local 7-Eleven convenience stores in Japan only.

Review by Schizophonic9


  1. These suckers sold out fast in my area. I bought one but left the other two they had. Were gone the next day. Never saw one again at any 7-11. I should have bought all three. Someone at the Shizuoka sow was selling them for double retail.

  2. *Sigh* As someone living in the US, I envy you guys with easy access to all the online and other special location exclusive model kits. Only way for me to get these things is pay double the price plus high shipping costs. Wouldn't it be great if just to be nice, Bandai released a set of exclusive model kits in the US? I know Barnes&Noble bookstores started carrying Gundam models, maybe they could release a Barnes&Noble exclusive kit. I know this will never happen, but a guy can dream right?
