Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gundam.Info Poll - 'What is the Charm of the Gundam W Series'?

Gundam.Info Poll - 'What is the Charm of the Gundam W Series'?

#1 answers from the poll was the design of the mobile suits!

Based on a recent Gundam.Info poll in Japan about 'what is the charm of the Gundam Wing series?'  Here are poll results (2534 people participated):

- Design of mobile suits (59.91%)
- Memorable character lines (21.35%)
- Distinctive characters (12.12%)
- Story (human drama) (4.74%)
- Cast and Crew (1.89%)


  1. not being like horrible gundam seed

    1. Broken bandwagon is broken

    2. Lol doesn't make sense. kinda saying Wing has to wait til Seed series appear to start having charm xD

  2. Cast and crew is last? I'm not surprised. Why isn't music in there? That's my second reason for watching it 6 times. As for the characters, I like Heero, Duo, Noin, Treize and Zechs. Relena, I GUESS has her interesting moments.

  3. I personally loved Epyon massacring all that oppose it and Heavyarms just firing all of it's super awesome guns of awesomeness

  4. It was a trick question. This series has no charm.

    1. So that's how you detect a seed fanboy. And here I am not even much of a fan of Wing.

    2. Lol, you must be joking right? still make me laugh xD

  5. The charm of Gundam W series? I dunno but maybe because of the sole reason of it being my first gundam series I watched as a kid.

    Memorable character lines?? Like what?

    1. "I'll kill you"
      "Nobody is strong. All of humanity is weak!"

    2. Heero: It hurts like hell

    3. I'll kill you

    4. "I'll kill you." :V

    5. Everything from the mouth of General Septum.

    6. This is more a phenomenon in Japanese than English but a lot of one-liners from the characters are strongly associated with them and are relatively well known, games like Extreme Vs. only serve to back this up. It's probably not the case in English just because of differences in language and the fact that out of all the Gundam series translated into English officially, Gundam Wing had a *horrible* translation. Doesn't matter if you go by subtitles or dub.

      But some examples are Heero Yuy's "Life is cheap, especially mine," "Mission accepted/completed," "I will kill you," Duo's "Death (shinigami) has returned from Hell!" or Trowa's "Those who have seen a Gundam must not be allowed to live," and so and and so forth. Think of it as the equivalent of action movie one-liners.

  6. It's the idea of five diff Gundams (carried over from Gundam G).

    Many viewers are waiting for all of these five work together (but only happen rarely in the series)

    I wonder why the band of 5 usually got the best attention

  7. The MSs designs especially the endless waltz version. The music are pretty good too, any anime from the 90s their music are quite good (not big on todays music in general), most of the characters not all... Overall its one of my favorite AU gundam series 4/5.

  8. That was a rather boring main character and some overly poetic lines, no wonder everyone just liked the mecha.

  9. The public has spoken Bandai, now start making more HGAW kits.

  10. Toonami's aggressive and ingenious marketing.

    The ads were superior to the show.

  11. SYSTEM ∀-99 White DollMay 8, 2014 at 7:20 AM

    Charm of Gundam Wing is the coldness of Heero Yuy.
    Fans tired of crybaby main char like Uso Ewin or emo talkative one like Domon Kasshu.

    And then there's Relena Peacecraft, a strong female lead.
    Compared to Rain Mikamura or Shakti Kareen from previous series, Relena has very strong personality, even though she's not a pilot. That's very welcomed by fans.

    As for design of Wing main MS, they're good but more like refinement from G Gundam.
    Wing from God Gundam. Wing Zero refined from Master Gundam. Shenlong from Dragon Gundam. Deathscythe refinement from Gundam Spiegel. Heavyarms from Maxter.

    Finally, the anti-hero theme of 5 mysterious gundam wreck havoc at various part of world is in itself very exciting.
    Seed try to follow the formula to an extent, but failed miserably coz it's too focused on Strike and Freedom.
    00 got it right, team of Gundam each with unique abilities. It's a well-proven plot, I expect Bandai to reuse it again on future Gundam series.

    1. Are you serious? You do realize only 12% voted for the characters right? Also I don't agree with your theory of refined Ms designs. Mainly because Altron and dragon gundam are the only two that are actually similar. Did you even know that wing gundam made appearance in g gundam?

  12. Does that mean, we'll be expecting some MG kits of the TV version mechs soon?

    1. It's just a poll. Doesn't mean we'll get any. Just Katoki-fied versions.

  13. Why is "stuff getting blown up" not part of the list? That was the only reason why I watched the show. Even as a kid I realized that the plot was very confusing.

  14. Honestly, my favourites are Wing Zero (TV and EW), Deathscythe Hell EW, Heavyarms Custom EW, Heavyarms EW (not a tv version), and Epyon (TV and EW)

  15. nothing at all. its not a charming show.

    love how like 1% said characters

  16. Wing was a miss in my opinion. The same concept was re-used for 00 and it rocked so the idea was good. They just didn't develop the other pilot characters enough like they did in 00. I do like Zechs, he is one of the coolest characters in Gundam history but the main group of pilots are kind of weak. Heero's coldness was done much better by Setsuna because we know why he's like that but we never really know why Heero is that way. It's biggest weakness is simply lack of good enemies. Of all the Gundam series, the enemies in Wing are the weakest.

  17. I've been seeing a ton of divided opinions in the Gundam fandom and reviews online, so I'm just gonna ask this (also considering I've got an Endless Waltz VHS): is Wing worth watching, or just a waste of time?
