Friday, March 13, 2015

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam Banshee Norn - Re-issued!

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam Banshee Norn  (Release Date: May 2015, Price: 6480 Yen)


[Updated 3/20/14]


  1. Tell me Bandai, why do you have to make it an exclusive?????

  2. what's that now planning say?

    1. Box art i think

    2. Waterslide decals

    3. Water decal plan

    4. water slide decal

    5. Probably the boxart

    6. boxart probably

    7. I bet its waterslide decals.

      If they're GOLD like my mg novel banshee i may consider

    8. I think it says something about waterslides.

    9. Waterslide decals

  3. This better be in EXVSMB as a 3k unit else I'm gonna rage...
    against the PS3...

  4. Whats the now planing

  5. No big loss I guess, but I was hoping it would come with gold.

  6. I tried to held my urge from buying the titanium mg normal banshee so i could buy the norn.... Bandai why did u have to make it an online exclusive...

  7. Why bandai make we happy, sad, and angry by it's product ? :'(

  8. Well, its another way of saying, "hey, lets just make the amount of orders we get." That way they don't left over stock. Its the same with limited Figma's, they only make the ammount that's been ordered.

    Online limited edition is pretty much: Order it, we'll make it, end of.

    1. The most frustrated thing about p-bandai is that you have to pay an overpriced cost (~ 200%) for that kit if you're not living in Japan or HK. The amount of the kit doesn't matter. You can still buy it half a year after it's released with an insane price,lol....

  9. I hope they will release a banshee norn with green frame as a normal release

    1. Our last hope

    2. You are the only person that has had a rational comment about the banshee norn. Think of it this way why should bandai release the banshee norn with the orange frame if it's only going to be in the movie for say 15-20 minutes? Then it turns into the green frame after that point. So it makes sense if this version of the banshee norn is a online exclusive if they release a green frame version as a normal release. Look at it this was bandai only released the green frame Mg full armor unicorn gundam. there's no red frame and if it was it would be a online premium Kit. Because it would be pointless too make both versions and Hope the sell. Watch the collectors will by this version of the norn then bandai will release a green frame for the rest of use.

    3. @Anon 11:21;Dude that's a great hope,and lets hope so too for our benefit

    4. I really hope bandai does release norn in green psychoframe. My brother wants the norn and his regular banshee is in bad shape (will nnot get into details with that). Pretty much salvage the yellow psychoframe and replace it with the green (can't say the same for the armed armor DE). let us pray my brothers, that one we can finally have banshee norn (green frame) as a regular product.

  10. The 'now planning' decals are up on the site now.

  11. Green frame Norn isn't going to happen lol

    1. They'd be mad not to, especially since they've made new Norn parts for this kit. They've held off on big kits leading up to the Neo Zeong so people actually have money I assume so I guess we'll see it later in the year. If they don't release it... definitely mad.

    2. I agree, given that green Banshee Norn didn't even appear in Unicorn 7. By the time Banshee's psychoframe finally turned green, it lost all of its Norn equipment and weapons. But on the other hand, an employee of a well known Bandai distributor has said to 'wait', which means green psychoframe Norn is certainly on the horizon. If you can't wait a few months or love the orange psychoframe, that's what this online exclusive is for. At a premium price of course.

    3. The Banshee turned green for one minute at most, and the Norn parts were destroyed way before Banshee turned green. Also, there's also already a green Banshee kit, the MG Banshee ver. Ka.

      So nope, Bandai's not going to do it. It wouldn't make sense to release a kit that, you know, never existed in the first place. It doesn't exist in the novel version, it doesn't exist in the movie... it does exist in desperate fanboys' minds, though.

    4. @Anon 8:25am i think "the employee of a well known bandai distributor" is not a reliable source if that person doesnt even want to be identified. many "bandai insiders" have made predictions on model kits that never were released. there is no backlash against an "insider" for a false report because no one even knows who the insider is, so they can say anything they want

    5. You mean like you guys thought there was going to be a PG unicorn gundam announcement last month.
      @ anon 8:25am You should be making wild accusations that can cost that certain person his job because YOU were warned about repercussions if anything was leaked out of G.L. But if it is true I will be laughing my ass off because of all of the morons that bought the Banshee Norn through GG when they can get it else where for lease.

  12. For anyone wanting to buy this, be prepared to use sticky tack for the shield on the arm. It uses the same shield joint as the regular shield for the Unicorn MG, and with the extra plastic on the Banshee Norn's shield, it'll just barely hang onto the arm. Otherise be prepared to either leave the shield on the back, or not use it at all.
