Monday, March 10, 2014

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS - Episode 22: Meijin vs Meijin (ENG sub)

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS - Episode 22: Meijin vs Meijin (ENG sub)
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  1. Field 2: Dessert =D

    1. +1

      Exactly what we and everyone else was thinking lol

    2. I always found it funny how the machine talks in muddled english

  2. Now, THAT'S A BATTLE, I hope that the final battle wil be something worth seeing, and not some plavsky magic nonsense... Now I want a F91 Gundam U_U

    1. No we jsut got the usual stupid 00 trans-Am magic. much better.

    2. and the F91's after image system isn't stupid Magic? the F91 began the idea of a system that temporarily cause after images/ a performance boost. The Trans and was the first time something like that came back. I love both desgin's and hate the colours of the trans am system but I don't mind the system.
      Both Exia and the F91 can be counted in my top 10 favourite gundams so don't ry and say I am playing favourites

    3. They may have used systems from other series but both are still powered by the same plavsky magic.

    4. Well, if using an overpowered gunpla to win is not non-sense, that's even worse than plavsky magic. The Trans-arm system was a stupid idea of boosting the Gundams' performance so that they won't lose to the enemy that has better pilots with less advanced suit. The moment the world got their hands on the GN-Tau-Drive, the Gundams had problems since they apparently can't win without either having an overpowered suit that's 10 year more advance than the world or a super system to bost their performance.

      In the end, all of them are pretty much plot devices. Aila can see particles and predict movement, Reiji has to have some trick to make it a equal fight. Yuuki won simply because the Trans-arm system is both theoretically and literally an improved system than F91's Back Stream, it maintains much longer than the F91's. The tournament is not only about skill and it is obviously far from a balanced fight cos ones with better Gunplas = stronger, and with double team allowed, that makes for pretty OP teams like what we have in the final.

      But that doesn't matter cos Builder is about fun so my suggestion: Don't pay too much about the Gunpla performance.

    5. @Anonymous at 7:28 The Trans Am idea was an homage to past abilities of mobile suits like the F91 and the red colouration was a reference to Char suits being 3 times faster than regular Zeon suit. The gimmick is respectful of it's source material and at the same time was useful as good plot device. You mention the word plot device as if it were to have some negative connotation. If used correctly just like other narrative devices it can be used to enhance the plot and characters forward. For instance I liked the fact that it was because of Trans Am that the Gundam meisters were still able to stand a chance against their enemies who had acquired their GN tech to put them at similar level. To me it showed a sense of realism as an enemy military force would only become more powerful if they obtain the same military technology of their enemy ala WWII. I'd rather have realistic Gundam pilots that would have to struggle with enemies who now have the same technology as them rather than over the top ace pilots that take out 50+ MSs like a piece of cake ala Gundam Wing/Seed. Also after writing all of that and then writing down the last sentence makes it seem like you're a very unintelligent person, as you essentially contradict yourself. It's like a child complaining and throwing a temper tantrum and then suddenly calm down and saying maturity is the key to earning respect. You sound like an idiot. Why complain about small contrivances about the show as if expecting something different from what the show presents itself to be the claim it's fun so whatever. Are you bi-polar as well?

    6. Though I agree with the anon above me the that CB had to employ more advance tech to win but that's only becuase they were heavily outnumbered(fighting practically the whole world and yes There are pilots that can match them such as Ali and Graham, But it does not mean they are inferior pilots. all of CB's pilots were chosen and trained to become strong pilots, but CB could only pick 4 out of the many in the world. so there are still alot of able pilots in the world to fight them therefore the superior tech or else they lose. CB is not about honor justice and fairness(well maybe a little) or such they had a goal to intervene in battles to stop battles through force "Armed interventions" they needed superior fire power fore that.
      In Tran-am its more of a plot device really, kinda OP, true but i think its a proper homeage of F91's system so its gets an "meh...ok" reaction from me

    7. @Anon 12:50. It seems you miss the point. What Anon 7:28 said is pretty much this. Both Trans-arm and Plasvky magic are nonsense and they are both plot devices but in term of Gunpla Build Fighter, they are neccessary to make the story flows and because it's all about fun, although he hate the Trans-arm he has no problem with it in GBF.

      What you said is translated into this: I like Trans-arm, it makes sense with 00 story, it's realism, you (anon above) are wrong and I am right, you are kid and I am more mature, you are stupid so you are wrong. seems pretty clear to me who is immature kid is, lol. Condemming a person for reasonings outside of the discussed context to try making your argument look stronger is exactly what a kid would do.

      I would aggree with you on the notion that your argument makes sense for the 00 context, I wouldn't care less if you are correct or not since it's meaningless in a context of a different universe like Gundam Build Fighter.

    8. OMG!!! I through a video render at my computer and the 2.8 GHz CPU went TURBO all the way to 4 gigahertz, and finish it in 10 minutes as opposed to an hour. What is this obscene magical nonsense O_O

      Better yet.... Newtyypes, their abilities by nature = shut-up about the power boost "shenanigans" and think before you whine about a machine going berserk to give an added edge. HELL the Gundam from out the gate (of the schematics :? ) is higher performing than the other machines, some so much so that a complete idiot with no sense about then, let alone piloting skill can take out what would have been a "formidable foe" for all the trained army nuts

    9. @anon at 8:51pm I have a feeling you are are the same child that wrote the comment at 7:28 as you sem really defensive and quick to defend some stranger on this blog comment. You also seemed to miss the point as anon12:50 was stating his opinion and whether he thinks some one is being childish or not is his opinion. Anon12:50 never stated that anon7:28 was wrong only that he disagreed with his sentiments and thought he was being juvenile. Sweety condemn is such a strong big boy word for you to use here in an effort to make something more serious than it really is. It's not a crime to disagree with someone's opinion nor call them immature you petulant mongrel. You're quick to call out people "condemning" others for stating an opinion you are essentially doing the same by attacking anon12;50 you hypocritical cretin.

  3. Exia Amazing will probably be an online exclusive. Good episode overall with a great fight between two of my favourite designs.

  4. So that is what happens when the after image system goes up against the trans am.

  5. How many eps left? We still havent seen Miss Sazabi, Crossbone Something, Exia DM (final) and Arian and the chairman are a mystery. I do believe in Reiji...

    1. 3 episodes left, possibly.
      Unless theres a 2nd season.

      If theres a 2nd season I hope it will be outrageous (DG cells or shift to Arian) so that it will be acceptable if things are broken/too magically/ruleless/illogical :P

  6. Is it me or Doctor Techcs Farzenberg (From After War Gundam X) shows up as cameo?!

    1. Yes you are right...the first thing i noticed also

  7. OHMY that was a TRANSAM!!!

  8. In the next episode preview, there's a Chris & Lichty cameo from 00 Gundam

    1. You also get the other tragic couples like Hathaway/Quess and Kai/Miharu.

  9. Did anyone else think of that Lonely Island 3way song when Aila came out? This episode was surprisingly good

  10. Did anyone notice Quess Paraya and Kai Shiden in the next episode preview?

    1. Not Quess, that's Miharu Ratokie, Kai's love interest before she died in the series

    2. I think Anon1 only heard of the more famous ones so he automatically pointed out Quess and Kai without knowing their significant others by their sides.
      So let's see what we got:
      Hathway & Quess
      Lichty & Christina
      Kai & Miharu
      Odelo & Warren (no homo lol)
      and the lovely Ronah family

    3. Quess and Hathaway(Chris n Lichty as well) are in the frame before Kai

  11. Anyone else notice the Ronah family sitting at the table with Kai and Miharu?

  12. Good but the true F91 will never lose against Exia. Why? => Bio Computer + newtype pilot (let's say Seabook during Crossbone era) + MEPE > SF and even 00R


    2. Oh, we all know Setsuna has crappy piloting skills and always using Uberpowerful suits. Sunrise have to go all the way to "upgrade" his gene to make him become a "true Innovator" to make his pilotting better otherwise he's a mediocre pilot who just like to spam infinite Trans-arm just because he was granted a Gundam that can do Trans-arm repeatedly.

    3. Do you honestly have nothing better or more constructive to talk about other than a popularity contest and dick measuring. What are you 2 years old? Grow the fuck up! Who cares which fictional robot is stronger than who!?. This is why more teens need to get laid sooner in life so they would have better things to talk about because they'll have more confidence and lose that virgin loser mentality.

  13. Okay... so it wasn't a mistake that I noticed Amiami last time listed Exia Dark Matter as a possible Yuuki's Gunpla. They have mistakenly labelled it as Amazing Exia Dark Matter, while back then it was thought it's the president's secret weapon. lol I've discover the leak as an accident, though now they're separate units.

  14. Well, unless Sei and Reiji find someway to utilize the Star-Speed System coupled with the RG boosted power to pair up against the Trans-arm, their chance of winning is pretty low. If they insert Reiji's Plasvky's crystal into the Gunpla I guess something amazing can happen though, lol.

  15. Really like Julian. Really like Meijin. Really liked this battle.

    I really want MG F91 Imagine after seeing this. I know MG F91 is great, and I love the design, but I haven't because is has standard lead gundam colors. Totally would get the Imagine, though.

    The Exia Amazing is awesome too, but that F91.

  16. Another BORING episode another EASY-TO-PREDICT plot, Meijin Kawaguchi sure is becoming another CAPTAIN OBVIOUS as his character plot are just plain predictable and shallow enough for first graders to understand easily.

    Julian Mackenzie on the other hand, came in pretty convenient as someone to fill in the loophole in Meijin's story plot, otherwise Meijin's story plot is difficult to move on. But instead of using Julian Mackenzie, why not they just use the 2nd Meijin since that would provide a more stronger story background for Yuki (aka 3rd Meijin) to prove his own determination and ideals as a Meijin?

    This episode is just as bland and tasteless, unlike the previous one which is more BAKA and FACE PALM.

    1. Why are you even watching this if you don't like it?

    2. This series is aimed at kids.

      And if you're watching any Gundam series for a good plot, especially shows like Build Fighters and AGE, you're watching the wrong anime.

  17. Say, Ral referred to Mackenzie as "Commodore". Don't suppose that's a reference to the only other Commodore I've heard of in any Gundam, that is, Blex Forer?

  18. 3 more eps?

    Gunpla Academy!?
    lol, the carreer propects :P
    Looks like we might get to see the 2nd Meijin in the GBF A manga.

    Civilians not wanting to be civilians :P
    Is there conscription army in Japan?
    I sure don't want to be called with some military rank outside.

    Will you guys be building gunpla in to old age?

    Man, meijin will always remind me of karuta :P

    Will Arian make an appearance?
    With the gem and teleportation, its not chuunibyou right?

    Hmmm... a Mama, China and Aila DVD omake animation or drama cd?

    Will that gem be used in the Crossbone Kai?
    What will Nils get? Feels like the gem is commonplace in Arian.

    'Anti-Meijin', passing of torch.
    Probably similar happened to Yuuki earlier.

    The tournament is as ruleless as ever.

    Will Julian be upgraded to one of the regular protagonist?
    Then appear with the Crossbone Kai in the final battle?
    But if Exia is turning evil then will it still be best 4 vs last boss?
    What will Yuuki pilot then? Crossbone or Kampfer?

    Woah, X Maoh is non-fatally separated!

    So Julian is of the Academy too?

    Or will Julian be used by the Chairman to pilot Exia Dark Matter.
    Then Yuuki soups up the F91 to Crossbone?

    Then 20% is the Dark Matter booster?

    Academy? Or cram school?
    I would suppose it went parallel with their normal studies?
    Shaky plot...

    Is Ral an instructor at the Gunpla Academy?
    Ok, so Meijin is no good? Or was the title tarnished by the 2nd Meijin?
    Yup, looks so.

    Could Yuuki become the Meijin so that he can continue with Gunpla?
    To escape from his father's expectations?
    Julian thinks Yuuki is Zeheart :P

    'Asemu' vs 'Zeheart'!!

    Field 2 is still so sweet :P

    Looks like we are no 'Newtypes' like Reiji, Yuuki and Julian, lol XD

    F91 Imagine is no Exia Repair :P
    I thought the afterimage is from the machine? Not the fighter skills?

    Looks like the age of the 2nd Meijin is somewhat like Titans.

    Yuuki is like an RPG character, equips increases stats :P

    Hmm, will the 2nd Meijin somehow be the last boss?
    With his mind packed in the Dark Matter booster! :P

    Will the endgame be rushed?

    Next ep is a break from the tournament?
    Will Crossbone be just a 'peaceful times' cameo?

    1. This is one of the most decent comments I've seen on this thread.
      I love how you summarized almost all the questions in everyone's mind after watching this episode.

    2. Thanks for reading :)
      Was thinking no one reads them as they are getting long.
      I was pausing and typing as I watch.
      Have been doing it since episode 1 :P

      Have been doing this on and off.
      Certain shows makes me do it and if theres a place to post it up, even more so :P

      There was a time when I diligently chronicling my long rants at this site:
      Haven't done so in a long time, now I just 'dump' them at in comments boxes at blogs I frequent :P

  19. There sure is a crap ton to be covered in just 3 episodes!! Second Season/movie :?
