Thursday, February 20, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Jegan D-Type - Promo Images

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Jegan D-Type (Pre-order Start: Feb 21,2014, Release Date: May 2014, Price: 1728 yen)


  1. Good thing its just a bad looking retcon variant instead of something someone might give a shit about.

  2. Nice, it comes with a bazooka and a beam rifle. Other than the colour change, what makes this different than the regular one?

    1. A couple of people pointed it out in an earlier post (would be nice if this stuff was compiled together...). Parts are taken from the Jegan [Ecoas Type], specifically the waist, backpack and shoulders from what I can see.

    2. Model-wise it's a recoloured Jegan ECOAS type but without the extra chest armour and visor. You can get the same MS with the HGUC 1/144 Jegan ECOAS type kit too.

    3. If it's like the ECOAS Jegan, the shoulders are completely different, the head is slightly different, and the crouch piece with the yellow "V" is slightly different.

      Pretty much like a "facelift" you see in automobiles. A few years after a release, the makers change small details to make the car more pleasing to eye, though performance is unchanged

    4. It's actually the ECOAS Jegan remolded in standard Jegan colours. Not a new model or even new parts for that matter.

    5. The skirt maybe...

    6. Shoulders, backpack and the front skirt has changed.

    7. Nothing, get yourself a ecoas jegan, swap the chest plate with part A19, there are head parts for a regular jegan look...and there ya go.

      The shoulders are the main change from the standard jegan kit, the stark jegan has those yellow vents on the chest so nothing from that (feel free to correct me if im wrong anyone)

      Oh and paint, this online exclusive truly shows who the intended audience is, since those outside of japan get slugged massive fees from the double handling of the procedure, this thing is really $15 shipping, then guys like gginfinite here add commission on top to make a profit.

      I'm tempted to get one...just to sell on later at $100+, I KNOW SOMEONE WOULD BUY IF GIVEN TIME!

  3. Anon 9:37: the regular Jegan has a slightly different backpack and chest piece with no bazooka. Other than that, this is just a remold. You could get an Ecoas Jegan, which differs only in color and the chest piece.

    These online exclusives baffle me, aside from the money angle, why not release these minor variations as a regular release? You'd get more sales that way. They could bundle these things with water decals or something. That would definitely add to the attraction. Ordering decals is such a hassle.

    What we need is a General Revil version, even though that probably came out already. That version's differences was at least noticeable.

    1. Regarding why they don't release minor variations as regular releases: Why waste shelf space in retailers with a small variation of something that may not sell when you can have a completely new product in its place instead that has a better chance to sell?

  4. A very very lazy excuse for an exclusive.
    Its just an ecoas Jegan in normal colours (since the ecoas kit has all the parts to make this)

    1. It is for lazy people. Being an exclusive you don't have to buy it. Actually if it was a regular release you wouldn't have to buy it either.

  5. It is the same as the ecoas version, checked dalong. If you want one just ya know, paint it. Pass for me but I will take a MG Jegan of any version.
