Saturday, February 1, 2014

MG 1/100 Gundam X - Review by Schizophonic9

MG 1/100 Gundam X (Released in Japan, Price: 3,800 Yen)
Review by Schizophonic9


  1. I can't wait to have one for myself. I am excited to see how they did that with the chest piece and also the solar panel wings. I hope that we get the X MAW from Build Fighter, Double X, and X Divider for MG version. Maybe we can get the Leopold and Air Destroyer, oh and the G Falcon too?

    1. Shut up Suiton.

    2. suiton as his dioypm alter-ego LoL

    3. If you're curious, then why don't you search for it? I haven't built this, and I've found it. The chest (specifically piece receiving the microwave signal from the moon) is part of the inner frame piece, and is shielded by a green piece. The chest/breast vulcans are individual pieces, and other than that, they are standard pieces. The cockpit is, if I recall, on a hinge joint. The Solar Panel is simply the sticker with a clear piece on top.

      The only reason we get the X, is because there's the X-Maoh. X-Divider might be possible, but the others, not so much.

    4. Oh look, suiton is back to commenting as anon. And using his dyoipm persona, at that. You forgot to call the G-falcon G-eagle, suiton. How can you expect to fool us that way? LOL What a ridiculous little person, his need for attention is so obsessive he's willing to pass himself as a dumbass just to get it...

  2. I can't wait to get this one. I like this one better than the DX. Better colors.

  3. Anyone saw that hole in the bottom right of the backpack? (With gundam facing front)

    Wonder what that hole is for

    1. One's for the beam rifle, the other's for symmetry.

    2. and thats where the x dividers propellant tanks plug into whenever bandai decides to release it..

  4. The shield rifle plugs in there for storage.
