Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gundam Build Fighters Mechanics Artworks: Miss Sazabi & Exia Dark Matter

Gundam Build Fighters Mechanics Artworks: 
Miss Sazabi 

Exia Dark Matter


  1. Somehow torso part of Miss Sazabi more sleeker than HG counterpart which proportion is too big.

  2. Why the hell does the artwork for Miss Sazabi look more LIKE a "Miss" than the kit?? How the fuck does bandai screw that up?

    What, are they too lazy now to design a more slender looking upper torso instead of just recycling parts from the HG Sazabi and attaching a new head & female looking legs on it?

    The HG Miss Sazabi kit looks more like a post-op transexual sazabi to me.

    1. Because the lineart, they can afford to draw the torso and arms skinnier than they actually are on the kit.
      And it's not that they're lazy, it's that they're cheap.
      End result, the lineart looks at least decent, while the kit looks like crap.

      And I still hate that Exia.

  3. miss sazabi look more slim in the artwork XD..and I still can't see exia dark matter eyes until now.. :(

  4. Everything looks much better in those Artwork

  5. the head of exia look to big for me, but the rest is cool

  6. Now everybody finally knows why MS Girls or Mechamusunes are really BAD influences for mech designs, these HARLOTS are so ruining what is supposed to be boys' manly sci-fi fantasies into wet dreams of transexuals and crossdressing.

    Carry on, otakus~

    1. Nobel Gundam would like a word with you. So would Valsione.

  7. So you just want to say mechamusume is not real girl? Did you just say girly mech is not men's dream? If so how you can explain Fei-Yen, Nobel Gundam, sidekick fembot from Mazinger series, and fembot from Godannar? Miss Sazabi's kit is just misinterpreted on proportion but her linear design is much feminine, though she'll much like taller and bigger than average girls.

    Carry on, you narrow minded

  8. wow the splash art looks so much better than the actual bandai

  9. Is it me, or does the Miss Sazabi kind of give off remind me of a combination of the Elmeth and the Sazabi due to the toned down blue and the yellow v-fin on the head.
