Wednesday, January 29, 2014

(Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost - Released In Japan!

(Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost - PS3 Playable Mobile Suits Images & Screenshots

(Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost  (Release Date: Jan 30th 2014, Price: 7980 yen)
(Downloadable Version Price: 7980 yen)
Game Includes
- 90 playable units, 20 new units exclusive for the PS3 ver.
- New mobile suits from the New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series
- 30 original arcade tracks
- Game modes: Arcade mode & Co-op matches 

(Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost G Premium Sound Edition (Release Date: Jan 30th 2014, Price: 10980 yen
(Downloadable Version Price: 10980yen)
Game Includes
- 90 playable units, 20 new units exclusive for the PS3 ver.
- New mobile suits from the New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series
- 30 original arcade tracks and 5 exclusive tracks for the PS3 ver.
- Custom Sound Feature to allow player to enjoy battles with their favorite BGM / Songs
- Game modes: Arcade mode & Co-op matches 
- In addition to arcade mode, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost has Boss Rush where you fight gigantic Mobile Armor, Branch Battle which lets players pick their own route through eight different scenes, online cooperative play, and Free Battle mode.

PS3 Controller: HERE

[Updated 1/21/14]
98 playable mobile suits in battle!
[Updated 1/17/14]
New Promo Videos Added!

[Updated 1/14/14]

[Updated 12/28/13]  NEW UPDATES!
Initial release batch will include serial code to download the in-game Plastic Runner Gauge Design.  You must be a GPG (Gundam Perfect Game) member to be able to use this serial code.

[Updated 11/4/13] 
PS3 Version Exclusive Playable Unit - EX-S Gundam

90 Playable Mobile Suits From 28 Gundam Series:
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08MS Platoon
Mobile Suit Gundam Gaiden THE BLUE DESTINY
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 STARDUST MEMORY
Mobile Suit Gundam Ζ
Mobile Suit Gundam ΖΖ
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Mobile Suit Gundam Char Counterattack - Berutochika's Children
Mobile Suit Gundam UC
Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway Flash
Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Steel Seven
Mobile Suit Gundam V
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Gundam W
Mobile Suit Gundam W Endless Waltz
Mobile New Century Gundam X
∀ Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ASTRAY
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Theatrical Feature Mobile Suit Gundam 00-A wakening of the Trailblazer-
Gundam EXA

Featured Gameplay:
Extreme Vs. Full Boost retains the trademark gameplay of previous installments of the Gundam Vs. series, with a few adjustments and changes. During a standard arcade battle, each team is given a resource meter of 6000 points; when a mobile suit is shot down, its cost is deducted from the meter, and the first team to hit 0 loses. Each mobile suit costs 3000, 2500, 2000, or 1000 points, with higher cost machines being more powerful while cheaper machines are much weaker. A few missions, particularly boss battles, eschew this in favor of making a single machine the target and having its defeat be the goal of the stage (the player's side still has a resource meter and will lose as normal if it's depleted).
Gamplay makes use of four primary buttons: Shoot, Melee, Jump, and Search. There are also three sub-commands used by pressing Shoot and Melee (Sub-Weapon), Shoot and Jump (Special Shooting) and Melee and Jump (Special Melee). In addition to these, machines can have two different charge attacks, activated by holding the Shoot or Melee button until a meter on the ammunition display fills.
Extreme Vs. adds in two important gameplay changes. Extreme Action is the ability to dash-cancel one's attacks, allowing the player to string together larger and more damaging combos. Extreme Burst is a super mode, similar to older games' Awakenings, activated by pressing Shoot, Melee, and Jump together when a meter at the bottom of the screen is filled. Several machines (primarily those piloted by the protagonists of each series) also have a super-powerful Burst Attack, executed by pressing Shoot, Melee, and Jump together while Extreme Burst is active. Full Boost will give Burst Attacks to every mobile suit in the game as well as spliting Extreme Burst into 2 two types, Assault Burst and Blast Burst.

Official Website:

[Update 9/17/13]
High Resolution Promo & Screenshot Images Added

[Updated 9/13/13]
Tokyo Game Show 2013
More Info, Game Trailers & Gameplay Videos from the upcoming Tokyo Game Show 2013
Location: Makuhari Messe (Tokyo, Japan)
Date: Sept 21st - 22nd 2013
- General Public (high school student & above) - 1000 yen
- Elementary student & youner - Free

[Updated 9/11/13]
Official Images / Screenshots via Famitsu

Image via the recent issue of Famitsu magazine


  1. we need more news and scans on this!

  2. Why only on PS3 and not on PSP Vita!

    1. Because the Vita doesn't have a potential disk space of 25 gigs to store all this gigantic info on?

    2. They should at least bring out a Ps4 version! I really really want a Ps4 version of this!

    3. But its old tech that was around before the ps4...if anything the sequel would be on ps4 ;)

    4. True but the Ps4 could run this flawlessly and expansions on next gen consoles are normal (Look at Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends coming to Ps4). All I'm saying is that a Ps4 version would only help not hurt Dogfight Replay and Gundam Extreme Versus footage is really popular across the internet and the Ps4 would only help that with it's built in recording abilities.

    5. The PS4 isn't even out. Why bet on a dog that isn't even running when the PS3 is all over in Japan, guaranteeing sales already? I mean, any future titles will likely have a PS4 version too but right now that's pointless.

    6. It's a moot point to put the game on a newer system when the hardware for it is already based on the PS3. It would take more work enhancing the game so that it runs / looks nicer on a PS4.

      Based on the way older VS. titles were, this is simply not going to happen.

    7. Someone on another board mentioned that the PS4 can play digital PS3 titles? I do not own nor intend to own a PS4 so I cannot confirm this, but if it is true that the PS4 can play digital PS3 games, then you PS4 owners can play Full Boost. The Famitsu article specifically lists Full Boost as having a digital release for both the regular and Premium G Sound versions.

      However, everyone saying that it should have been a PS4 native game is hilarious. It was developed on System 357 (a PS3 mainboard, lol!) with parallel development with the home version (indicated by when they accidentally advertised Xi for Full Boost...using a video of Xi running in PS3 EXVS. Whoops!). It was never going to be a PS4 or PS Vita game. It was always going to be a PS3 game. That's all there is to it.

  3. Looks like we won't be seeing any AGE units in this game... Really wanted to see how the AGE FX would work...

    1. Age 1 has already been confirmed as a release. Whether it will be in arcades or a console exclusive remains to be seen. S/Ex S has also been confirmed.

    2. need sauce on S/Ex S...

    3. There will be exclusive units for the PS3 version, but they will be announced over time to hype the game I'd imagine.

      I've yet to see any news about console exclusive units myself.

    4. Neither the S, Ex-S, nor anything else from Sentinel has ever been confirmed for this game. The leaked list was Crossbone X-3, Gaia, Gold Frame Amatsu, Kapool, Arios, Gerbera Tetra, Rozen Zulu (all of which are in now) and G-Fighter, AGE-1, and Striker Custom (which have yet to be added.

    5. While those are the only ones with pictures, wouldn't the ALICE skill in the lower right kinda correlate with S/Ex-s?

  4. If Namco Bandai decides to add more Gundam Wing units, the only possibilities I can think are: Epyon(TV ver.), Altron(TV ver.) and Sandrock(TV ver.).

    The first two have a good chance of appearing. Their move sets just have to be modified a bit. Epyon would probably cost 3000 and Altron at 2500. Altron(EW ver.) was a cheap 2000 unit in NEXT Plus.

    I just wonder if Japanese arcade players would be pissed if Epyon is a PS3 exclusive.

    1. they have epyon and sadly sandrock and altron get no love

  5. Whoa! This game is full of angry faces!

    1. Stuck in tiny cockpit all day with no bathroom, I'd be pissed off too lol.

  6. With Shin Gundam Musou (i.e. Dynasty Warriors Gundam 4) on the horizon, and likely to get a US release (probably just Japanese voices with the text all in English), I think this would be a perfect chance to give 'Westerners" the chances to play Gundam Xtreme Vs. with the Full Boost version...

    Here's to hoping this gets a US release!!

    1. just play the damn game without having to wait for a damn local version... -_-

      EXVS already was made with majority of its menu text in English, plus everything in the game is pretty straightforward. Even the missions. It ain't like Musou games where some important dialogues are being made anyway... I can't read Japanese characters except for those that constitute the word Gundam, but I was able to get through everything just because the game ain't that complicated to navigate through.

      So stop waiting and start pre-ordering... :3

    2. That's probably a fat chance considering the game is mainly geared toward a Japanese audience. There's no English fanbase for the game to begin with, and typical fans probably don't even know of the game.

      They bring DW Gundam over here since DW has somewhat of an audience in America.

    3. So you're saying that because Gundam is "geared toward a Japanese audience" that Namco-Bandai (or whoever is making this) wouldn't want to allow a publisher to localize the game? o_o

      Also, if that was true, then why do we even have the Dynasty Warriors Gundam series on the US PS3? Using the reason that "DW has somewhat of an audience in America..." isn't a good reason since we're talking about Gundam. >_>

    4. Umm, actually it's a pretty good reason from their point of view. I'd venture to guess there's a bigger player base for DW games than there is for Gundam in the US in this day and age. DW: Gundam sells because it has the Dynasty Warriors name on it, and then people who like Gundam are all the happier. From a business standpoint, they know a DW: Gundam game will sell, porting over something like EXVS, is a bit more of a risk.

      Don't get me wrong, I would love for EXVS to come to the US, but considering we haven't gotten a game from the Vs. series since I believe 2004, it's very unlikely.

    5. I really don't see what the big deal is in importing quite honestly, especially when the hardware is region free. It's also pretty user friendly for the language barrier considering it's just menus besides the instruction booklet.

      If wishful thinkers are too cheap about making a purchase, you can wait a year for the reprinted version while there's still no "localized" version.

    6. You can blame X-Play for the VS series not being localized anymore for R1 regions.

    7. X-Play? Could you go into more detail about why that would be? Was this another Macross/Harmony Gold situation?


    9. You honestly think that a review by G4TV is why the VS series stopped showing up? Seriously? See, if it were an issue of some entity holding the copyrights and being dicks about it (SEE: Harmony Gold and Macross games) then that's one thing. But a random review saying that it's generic and for Gundam fans only? Come on, now. You can't possibly be that naïve.

      Besides, the VS series wasn't the only Gundam game franchise to not show up. There have been plenty of other great Gundam games which didn't come over, the reason possibly being similar to why the VS series stopped.

    10. Well there is also the whole fact of licensing considering that that much of the content in game is of series that never made it stateside, kind of why also none of the super robot games make it to the US. There is also the fact that Gundam isn't as popular here, so it would likely be a financial loss for it to be released here. Believe me I would be ecstatic for it to get a western release, but Gundam isn't Final Fantasy level popular here, which is a shame.

  7. Glad I didn't spend any money for Extreme VS I'll just save up and buy Full Boost when it comes out.

    1. I wonder how this will play out. From what I understand, Arcade Full Boost didn't have some units that the PS3 DLC had for the original Extreme Vs. News is yet to be confirmed if all the DLC will be included in this game, or if old DLC could work with the new game if they are not included.

    2. The Arcade Full Boost DID get all the DLC!! the original Extreme Vs on ps3 got!!

  8. About time, got 3 gundam games to import now!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Agreed. Hopefully we'll get Nightingale as a DLC or include a game code with early copies of the game like Hi-Nu on Extreme VS.

  10. Greetings everyone, I'm from Venezuela and I made my mind and decided to start building gunpla, right now I'm traveling through USA, a tri-state course between California, Nevada, Utah and the way back; so I would like to know where can I buy model kits, I'm in North Provo, Utah, and I'll be going back through Las Vegas and finishing in Los Angeles, so I'll be really interested if someone could kindly give me info about places where I can buy the model kits in those places, thank you very much for any kind of recommendation

    1. Ying's Hobby, GG Infinite, Tatsu Hobby, Robots 4 Less
      They're all in California.

    2. Thank you sir, can you tell me if all those have actual locations where i can actually go and shop myself?

    3. Ying Hobby in san Francisco Chinatown my friend, GGINFINITE is online shop also shop from gundam guy, import straight from japan warehouse to any country, onlinehobby web store also have Gundam, is in U.S it have gundam and also cheap paint.

    4. Thanks for the info pal!

  11. they should make an edition without crappy seed units


    1. You'd probably want to play the earlier PS2-era Gundam VS games then. The rest of us have moved on and are enjoying beam spamming everyone in glorious HD.

    2. you sound like one of those sdgo fags with broken skills like trans phase armor

      what a big faggot you are

    3. its better than age imo

    4. what the hell does this have to do with sdgo they are two different things dude

    5. Only thing I can find in common here is 9-15-13 12:17AM Anon and 9:25AM Anon not having any skills in both games so they hate on Seed and players who use distancing techniques.


  12. Just want to point out that GundamGuy's translation of the editions and features is completely wrong, so don't freak out when you read it. The correct translation is this:

    (Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost (Release Date: 2014, Price: TBA)
    Game Includes
    - Over 90 playable units, including over 20 more than the previous PS3 EXVS
    - New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series are new additions to the PS3 EXVS family!
    - Game modes: Arcade (including Online Co-Op), Versus (2-player splitscreen or 4-player online)

    (Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost Premium G Sound Edition (Release Date: 2014, Price: TBA)
    Game Includes
    - Over 90 playable units, including over 20 more than the previous PS3 EXVS
    - New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series are new additions to the PS3 EXVS family!
    - 30 tracks not featured in the arcade version as well as 5 new original tracks to add to an already huge BGM library!
    - Game modes: Arcade (including Online Co-Op), Versus (2-player splitscreen or 4-player online)

    There is no 'Limited Edition', that's the Premium G Sound Edition. Custom BGMs have been in since EXVS so we assume that feature will be included but no source thusfar has confirmed it. So yeah, that's pretty much it until TGS on the 21st.

  13. Thanks for the clarification!

  14. No Trial Mission mode? :(

    1. I'm sure there will be some sort of Trial Mission mode. Bamco wouldn't waste the opportunity to not include something they had in their predecessor Extreme VS, plus the business model of having more Mission DLC to purchase is too much for Bamco to pass up.

    2. We do not know yet. The translation I provided above is all the information we have right now. Please wait until the 21st for TGS to know more about this game. Do not panic just because some MS or BGM or mode isn't listed right now. We just plain don't know very much about this game right now.

  15. If I am correct the 90 playable units is the roster that is on arcade edition right now, right? So with 20 new units for the PS3 edition, anyone care to guess what they might be? Banshee Norn, the mysterious new mobile armor of Full Frontal for episode 7, Nightingale, AGE-FX, Dark Hound, Glansa, all the base AGE units (1-3), Ex-S Gundam, Phantom Gundam, X-0 Gundam are just a few I am thinking of. Maybe Advance of Zeta may get some units in game too if Bamco's trend of including mobile suits from side stories holds up (look at Xi and Blue Destiny).

    1. I'm actually hoping some of the MS that got the boot from GVGN+ going to ExVS to return like Akatsuki, Epyon, Kampfer and Guncannon to name a few. And as much as I'd want another Tieria unit, I can't say the same for Virtue/Nadleeh since 00 already has a freakin' 9 unit roster, 11 if you count 00 Qan[T] and Raphael to the list.

      Wish they'd add Fon Spark too seeing as he was in the last SD Gundam PSP game and his VA already voicing the Extreme Leos pilot.

    2. Fon Spaak would be awesome on Full Boost. I can imagine pulling off some combos and him laughing manically lol.

    3. It specifically says 'over 90 units' including 'over 20 that were not present in EXVS PS3'. This of course does refer to the suits we already know are in the arcade version of EXVSFB (Striker Custom from KATANA and G-Bull from 0079 haven't been unlocked yet but we already know they're in). The 'over' just lets them put whatever they want into the game. I'm sure they'll want to break the 100-suit barrier with this title since it's so close. Whether they'll do it on launch or not is up in the air, but chances are there will be DLC to break into triple-digits.

      As for what will actually be added...who knows. Speaking purely my own personal opinions here so please do not take offense or think I have any official standing (I don't, I can only translate Japanese), I don't think Banshee Norn is a possibility. While it's true that Crossbone has a roster of lookalikes (which thankfully play differently), I think it would be VERY difficult for them to justify having Puru/Banshee at the same time as Riddhe/Banshee Norn.

      Wish list? I hope Epyon does get back into the game just so Wing Zero TV won't be alone. If a Fon Spaak unit gets in that's brilliant, because then you can have four-way Okamoto-san. I also hold out hope that Sentinel will get S/ExS and MkV. I freaking love Sentinel with a passion, so when I saw the 'ALICE' skill from the previous leak my heart leapt. A 1/144 S-Gundam was the very first Gundam kit I ever had, and is the oldest kit in my collection. Please, Bamco! Don't let me down! Give Sentinel some love!!

      I also totally wouldn't mind Harute getting added. My buddy's a huge Al/Hal MS fan, and doing something like 'while Marute is active all normal attacks are automatically multi-lock' would be super cool and something never done before in the history of the VS series. Just putting that out there.

    4. Fon Spaak in Full Boost with Accelerator's laugh = AWESOME!!!

    5. ^and partner him with Ali/Arche Gundam.


    6. I seriously cannot wait for that! :))


    7. Funny that Fon Spaak and Ali are both KPSA alumni XD

  16. Is it me the main difference between Full Boost(Vanilla) & Premium G release was the special BGM included. thankfully I cancelled my order on EXVS since there is a sequel(FB). except I don't play my PS3 Slim not much these days, rarely play. the only thing is learning this game mechanics & that rainbow steps.

  17. Yes, the only difference between the regular edition and the Premium G Sound Edition is the expanded soundtrack. If the additional songs aren't necessary for you (or you only care about custom soundtrack while playing offline) then the regular edition will do you just fine.

    For reference, here is the complete tracklist for the regular edition (since it's the same as the arcade game):

  18. GG, do you people just not read your own comments section? You 'updated' this post but it's still completely WRONG! You are spreading FALSE INFORMATION to the English-speaking Gundam community about this game! Please correct your information:

    (Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost (Release Date: 2014, Price: TBA)
    Game Includes
    - Over 90 playable units, including over 20 more than the previous PS3 EXVS
    - New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series are new additions to the PS3 EXVS family!
    - Game modes: Arcade (including Online Co-Op), Versus (2-player splitscreen or 4-player online)

    (Playstation 3) Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost Premium G Sound Edition (Release Date: 2014, Price: TBA)
    Game Includes
    - Over 90 playable units, including over 20 more than the previous PS3 EXVS
    - New Mobile Report Gundam W and Gundam EXA manga series are new additions to the PS3 EXVS family!
    - 30 tracks not featured in the arcade version as well as 5 new original tracks to add to an already huge BGM library!
    - Game modes: Arcade (including Online Co-Op), Versus (2-player splitscreen or 4-player online)

    1. Oh, and also, we've known for several months that the Striker Custom from Gundam KATANA is in the arcade version of EXVSFB, so that's another series featured. There was a skill with the image 'ALICE' in the same leak, so it's -possible- that Sentinel will be lucky #30.

      Just putting that out there. Come on, GundamGuy, do some research and get some people who can actually understand Japanese to do your informational posts for you. Or at least have a QC/fact-check team do a once-over on it first!

    2. I'm still mad about the whole Striker Custom thing. Anything from Sentinel would be nice but Gundam Katana? what a waste of a spot, but I think that with G falcon too, Guncannon or Char Zaku too busy or something.

    3. i like gundam katana a lot its just as justified as gundam sentinel.

  19. I think AGE units will be come at first DLC expansion pack.

    1. i'll be slightly sad if i have to buy all the Age Units but if i get AGE fx out of it i'm all for it. love that suit

    2. AGE-1 was confirmed via leak along with the Striker Custom, so there's that at least.

  20. For those people who played EXVS b4, does this Japanese game will work on US PS3 Slim? what I heard PS3 games are not region locked(Region Free)? is that true?

    1. Yes it is true US PS3 can play Japanese games

  21. Even while in their mobile suits, Zechs can't stop staring at Noin's ass.

  22. And here's a random pic of HGAC Wing Gundam for no reason...

    Jeez, get it together GundamGuy.

  23. Where is the Penelope Gundam è_é!!!!



    New suits:
    MS-06S Zaku II
    Cost: 1000
    Pilot: Char Aznable

    AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal
    Cost: 2000
    Pilot: Asemu-Asuno

    YMF-X000A Dreadnought Gundam
    Cost: 2500
    Pilot: Preah Revu~eri

    CAT1-X1 / 3 Hyperion Gundam
    Cost: 2500
    Pilot: canard pulse

    GNY-001F Gundam Astraea type-F
    Cost: 2500
    Pilot: von Spark

    FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt version)
    Cost: 2000
    Pilot: Io Fleming

    Release: March 2014, Arcade

    1. I thought you don't care about it's release?
      and where's the source link of the new Mobile Suit's costs?

    2. Hey buddy remember our BOSS "gunpal629" "BEN" from HLJ? Well we are going to run you off. Seriously you should leave G.G. He wont do shit to stop us all. Were gathering many new people to join. We are many and we are strong!


  25. lol I know we're suppose to be fighting to the death but...damn it there's something very interesting over there!

    Seriously what are they all looking at...

    Also minor complaint...what on gods green earth is the Infinite Justice doing on the cover...I mean I don't mind the RX-78-2 alongside the Extreme Gundam...since it's the original gundam and the in game original suit...but everywhere else...Unicorn and Banshee...rivals...Wing Zero and Epyon...Rivals...00 and Reborns...Rivals...Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice? BS get that out of there...I know we can't use Legend since it's not a playable Character until Maxi Boost...unless they use him as use the Destiny or better yet the Freedom with the Impulse...why is the Infinite Justice just bothers me...I know it's a nit pick but still...

    1. Same thoughts too. They could just left out both Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice all together. Then give everyone else more space on the cover.

    2. Why leave them out? Cause you personally don't like them?

    3. Of course, what else could be a better explanation from a hater?

  26. So Ex-S get same treatment as Hi-Nu in standard EXVS.... why....

    1. because its awesome, or would you rather pay 500 yen for a suit that could be free?

    2. Well, it'll more awesome if they add it on initial rooster not dlc bonus, right?

  27. I played EXVS in Japan before I came to US. when I played it, there were no internet connection problems with my friends in Japan. Internet connection in Japan is so faster than US level.i wanna play EXVSFB with my Japanese Friends without the problems from US to Japan. Does anyone know whether I can play or not here?

  28. What's that gundam above Rx78? The shiny Phoenix(?)-looking thing.

  29. there are many image you have post what a hard work for this blog with infomative blog can we friends
    very nice post Best deal on Sony PS3 and X-Box

  30. Hey guys... I kinda just stumbled upon this game and I think I may be hooked. So if most of you guys are correct this game is not going to be released in north America.. so where would be the best place to buy this game new?

  31. I'm totally gonna import this at some point! It looks so awesome.

    On a side note, it would be nice if the would make a Gundam game that for once doesn't look like it was run through Maya once..... :P

  32. why Ex-S dont have pilot?! What hapen to Ryou Roots ?! ;_;

  33. i was wondering if this game has a digital release. i have an american ps3 and was thinking of buying it on my japanese account, will it work if i buy it?

  34. also, anyone know the price in U.S dollars? i need to buy enough Ps cards for this game.

  35. the ps4 still havent in out if japan so that why least japan game,i wan my shin gundam musoa play at ps4 so bad~~~T T

  36. calling Malaysian players!
