Thursday, January 30, 2014

NTT DoCoMo Survey Ranks Best Gundam Series

NTT Docomo's December "Voice of the People" survey asked users to vote on their favorite Gundam series. The results are shown below.

  1. Mobile Suit Gundam
  2. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
  3. Mobile Suit Z Gundam
  4. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
  5. Gundam W
  6. Mobile Suit Gundam 00
  7. Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
  8. Mobile Fighter G Gundam
  9. Mobile Suit Gundam V
  10. Gundam Build Fighters
  11. After War Gundam
  12. Turn A Gundam
  13. Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
Votes were tallied between November 28 and December 12, 2013, with 5,347 people participating. Mobile Suit Gundam won by a large margin, with 2,883 votes; Gundam Seed was second with only 485 votes.
What do you think? What's your favorite Gundam series? Let us know in the comments!


  1. Destiny third? I did not know that marijuana is legal in Japan

  2. Haven't seen much UC but clearly 00 is far better than SEED Destiny

    As for BF we should wait and watch it 'till the end

  3. My inner Gundam fan is crying after seeing SEED and SEED Destiny surrounding Zeta like that.

    1. SEED is better than Zeta, get over it.

    2. Seed is ok. But better than Z? I dun think so...
      no.1 0079
      no.2 Z
      For sure..

    3. That's what the poll says, right?

  4. My favourites are Z and 00.

  5. SEED comes in second? Oh boy, this is going to escalate quickly )

  6. Where is mobile suit gundam UC ? :(

    1. this seems to just be the televised series, UC is an OVA. there are somany good "series" that are out of the running with that logic

  7. AGE is the best of course!!

    1. haha, age is so damn lucky landing at that number

  8. Seed rank 2, seriously ???

    1. I wouldn't rate Seed that high either but Seed Destiny is way to high on that list

    2. I agree whole hardheartedly. Seed and Seed Destiny are absolute trash as far as story and character development go. The writing behind both those series is shit, its as if some horny 13 year old led the entire writing staff and forced the animators to put huge tits in their opening sequences. They're 100% unoriginal and take so many damn elements from the other original 1979 series that it is straight up shameful. I know of sooo many fans who were turned away from Gundam and Anime alike as a medium thanks to the shit Seed was. Hell G Gundam has MORE spirit than either of those two series and G Gundam has a mobile suit called Tequila Gundam...who voted for those two series? EVERYTHING in the UC Universe vastly outdoes anything Seed EVER managed to dish out, even Char's Counterattack and Zeta with all their ridiculous teenage emotional bullshit and all their on-screen military incompetence far out due Seed. Dammit, if anything I bet the people who voted for Seed and Seed Destiny have NEVER even watched any other Gundam series *sigh*

    3. You dont understand the average japanese anime fan. Different breed from a devoted gundam fan.
      They love terrible melodrama especially in the case of SEED/Destiny where it was mixed with characters being portrayed as perfect, pointless gundam posing during fights and J-pop intros.

      The huge proportion that voted for MSG shows that there are still many sensible fans that can appreciate something original and legendary.

    4. People getting THAT mad over SEED is what makes Gundam fans look bad. It's been fucking 10 years. We get it.

    5. People do realize that Gundam Seed was meant to be a way of retelling the same basic story as MSG, right? It didn't borrow from MSG to be unoriginal. It did it to bring those concepts to a younger generation. Not saying it should be #2, because it shouldnt in terms of quality. It did introduce a lot of kids to Gundam and the poll shows that.

  9. Why is gundam seed and destiny in the top ten?

    1. You dont have much knowledge of gundam fandom do you?
      Seed and Destiny have always been very popular in Japan with younger and more average anime fans.

  10. Gundam seed better than zeta!?
    That's funny.

    1. That's true, Zeta shouldn't even be right next to SEED; it should definitely be 2 or 3 spots further below SEED

  11. Why is Gundam Age so low on this list? I am surprised to see that Gundam X is better than Gundam Age. Didn't they cancel Gundam X a few episodes short because of the bad TV show ratings? I didn't like G Gundam that much. It was okay, but it was too sarcastic and very repetitive.

    What I am very surprised to see is that Gundam Build Fighters is so so low on this list. It is the new series, the model kits are selling very well, and I like it a lot.

    Why is the first Gundam #1 on this list? The show had very bad animation.

    Why is Gundam Unicorn not on the list? That makes no sense. And Japanese people like Gundam Wing more than Gundam 00? That is just crazy.

    Not in any favorite order, but the Gundam TV shows that I like are Age, 00, Seed, Seed Destiny, X, Build Fighter, and Wing (a little bit).

    I think this vote poll that the Japanese people did was fixed. I don't think it is an honest representational poll of what Japanese people think about Gundam anime TV shows. They should have let this poll be available in all countries around the world and then I think it would be more helpful.

    1. 1. Despite cancelation, X have more good story and endings kudos to storywriter and director. What make AGE got lower rank because pace and storytelling. It'll be better if they make every gen as 3 season than compressed it as 48-50 episode anime. Honestly I like AGE too but somehow X still better in term storytelling and character development.

      2. GBF is just side project on gundam franchise, and mostly more appreciated with fans who do gunpla modelling too IMO.

      3. First gundam is memorable and legendary. Not like us that mostly introduced with Wing as first watch, Japanese people watch it from OYW to GBF. Bad animation didn't have anything with it.

      4. So does 0080, 0083, IGLOO, Stargazer and 08th MS Team. They only list series which aired on TV, not OVA, ONA and movie. For Wing overtop 00, their fanbase are different from your, just that.

      Nah, that's only your opinion or you just desperate this rank list didn't match your rank list. You know SEED/Destiny still have large fanbase in Japan, though oldies favorite still on the number one with OYW Gundam at 1st place. And you know this poll was created by Japan-only handphone company, off course they don't bother with fans from oyher country. It will different if international site like animenewsnetwork did this poll.

    2. You said the poll on Japanese was fixed, so what makes you think if they make the poll for all countries, it will not be fixed?

      Gundam Unicorn is an OVA, not a series.

      Eventhough MS Gundam has a bad animation, it doesn't mean it was a bad series.

      As for the GBF, even you like it a lot, it doesn't 5,000 Japanese like it too.

    3. @OP Dude, 1st Gundam has bad animation? You do realize that it's called "First" for a reason, right?

      Another thing, there're only 13 entries cause there are 13 Gundam TV shows so far.

      While I cannot say that this is definitely not fixed, I am quite confident that this is more or less how they see it in Japan. I am surprised by Wing though, I thought they didn't like that show and I'm even more surprised that it ranks higher than 00

    4. @OP- I love people like you because your so ignorant you make me laugh. You people that bitch about msg or (mobile suit gundam) for those who don't know. What produced in 1979 think about it UC 0079 is your clue. Anyways in 1979 it was hand drawn, painted, and produced. Unlike modern gundam show like 00 that uses computers. Im pretty sure Seed and Seed destiny use computer animation not hand drawn so why don't you people complain about how shitty it looks time from time or the over reused animated footage?

  12. Destiny over wing, suck it whiny losers.
    Seed/destiny ftw!

    1. Haha, one of the reasons why I love Japan. Sorry western fans.

  13. GSD at #4... Okay, now I've seen everything... -_-

  14. SEED Destiny at #4?!


    It should've been at the bottom, at least next to AGE.

  15. Have you all forgotten how popular Seed/Destiny is in Japan? Good or not, this poll was a popularity one. Both CE series being in the top 5 with First Gundam was practically a given. We've been over this guys, Western opinion != Japanese opinion. Not that Bandai/Sunrise would care anyway.

  16. I can accept SEED being second place but X being eleventh? What the Hell?

  17. Enter stupid whiny Toonami Gundam Wing fans... and only stupid whiny toonami gundam wing fans to complain about seed

    1. Well excuse me. Gundam Wing got me into Gundam, but as far series go I prefer the Universal Century. I still don't like Seed that much, but Destiny was worse. I loved G Gundam, and still do. I love First Gundam as well as Zeta Gundam. Wing will always have a special place with me though. Reason: nostalgia. I will admit the story for Wing wasn't really well written, but I still love that series. I also love Char's Counterattack, and the Universal Century OVA series, 08th MS Team, UC, 0080, and 0083. Also I am a western fan from the US.

  18. I don;t know how Destiny even ranked? And why is Turn A so low that just tells me people never watched Turn A.

    1. No, they MUST have seen Turn A to know to rank it as low as they can. God that show was awful.

    2. What's it like having the shittiest taste on GundamGuy? Which is quite the accomplishment. You have to be exceptionally retarded to achieve that

    3. If you meet an asshole first thing in the morning, you've met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, you're the asshole.

      Somehow I think that saying applies to you in a very personal way.

  19. There are obvious things wrong with this poll. I'll bet anything that if we get all the real Gundam fans out there to vote, the results would be vastly different than what we have here.

    1. So the fact that over 50% of people voted for the original gundam series means that none of them are real gundam fans?

    2. Real gundam fan!? so the fan in japan are fake fans and those outside are fake fans in your opinion. how things are viewed outside vs inside of Japan are very different. If they like seed and seed destiny more i disagree with that but I would not call them fake fans.
      This pole was only taken in Japan so it is how japan see's it, we can debate which we like on other ways but bandai is more focoused on the domestic Japanese audience vs the global auidience

  20. Only over 5000 people? Wtf that's a horiable representation for the gundam fan world.

    1. This poll represent Japan, not world, as you can see who start this post after all, Japan-only provider company.

  21. gundamtokwa: yeah why o why?!

  22. SEED Second place, not surprising since Japan loved it. Destiny was utter shite, should of scored much much lower IMO, but some of the suits in it was pretty nice too have as a model kit (MG).

    Gundam 00 Season 01 is really good, better than SEED. Gundam 00 Season 02 is fail, its near on-par with Destiny's shite.

    Wing, not too bad, one of the first few Gundam shows to pop over to the west.

    Gundam Age is pretty good, I quite like the first arc, and last arc.

    Gundam Z, good, like the Gundams in that show.

    UC, pretty much all good.

    Build Fighters, love it. Lets see how far they can promote people to Gunpla and kitbashes along with the games.

    G Gundam, never watched it, not my type of story, but will probably get around to it one day.

    Gundam V, only seen a few eps, need to finish that off one day.

    AGE is shite? really, like Destiny? REALLY? fuck me, its hell'a better than Destiny!

    FREE! is really good, not Gundam, but its better than Destiny and 00 S2.

  23. Build Fighters should is on high top since it's fun to watch. Gundam original's background animation is indeed bad. But it's ok TV show. Seed Destiny is better than Seed which is odd between of them. In my opinion; G should be under X and V. Seed and Destiny would middle on top. Overrate 00 and Z is my favorite. Gundam 00, Z, W and BF must be on high top.

  24. Build Fighters should be on high top since it's fun to watch. Original's background animation is indeed bad but it's ok TV show. Seed Destiny is better than Seed which is odd between of them. In my opinion; G should be under V and X. Overrate 00 and Z is my favorite. Gundam 00, Z, W and BF must be on high top.

  25. i can't say it was fixed, to me it looks about right for the japanese fans, honestly though i liked seed but i agree with a number of folks here, destiny while having some awesome designs was an awful story re-treading old ground and recycling cells. at my own risk i will give my opinion, i feel 00 should be a bit higher i don't care what people said i liked season 2, and bump up turn A some other than that i give it an ok.

    1. You and me both. The entire 00 series got me back in to gundam and gunpla again, after being turned off by seed. Turn A is also one of my favorite animations ever.

  26. This sort of thing happens when people(it's PEOPLE not only Gundam fans) are asked only to choose a series they like instead of ranking them.

  27. I don't see why people hate SEED/Destiny so much. I thought they were brilliant although 00 remains my No.1.

    1. You and me both, I like CE Gundam the most. Plus Turn A and Age are at the bottom, it is true Japan has tastes after all.

  28. well first... this is a Japanese Gundam polls, thats quite different from Western polls, or even another Asian country like mine

    why, first the peoples of Japan watch Gundam from 0079 (MSG), not like the US and (maybe) rest of the world that watch Wing first
    so they knew MSG and Zeta and Japanese peoples values their classics shows, my guess would be the older matured fans that polls MSG and Zeta

    second, SEED and Destiny is highly popular in there, regardless the bad story, etc, the CE universe has a lot of another gimmick like 4koma, manga, games, merc that boost the popularity
    and for the SRW fans, the CE universe is now more often replacing their UC counterpart on SRW games
    so yeah, the 2 and 4 position is expected

  29. Every Gundam show has its merits... I personally love SEED and SEED Destiny. It didn't have a deep plot and it was easy to keep up with, not to mention cool MS designs IMO. All you people bashing SEED can go watch your own favorite series :p SEED FTW!!!

  30. I'm sorry but seed destiny shouldn't even be on the list it was trash, and people say 00 isn't popular in Japan well seems to me they like it and wow Wing is on the list and it ranks 5th ? I mean I love Wing but I thought Japan didn't like it. WHAT!!!! How did Age get on the list lol but no lie I do like some of the suits in Age.

  31. You guys are always pointing SEED out. Just accept that people do LOVE IT. You can be both a seed and a uc fan. Get over it. Are you 0079 fans or GUNDAM fans ? Some series are better than other, but no one is BAD.

  32. Just be grateful the 1st Gundam is still top 1 after all can't beat the classic just like tf g1 Star wars 456 and and Robocop

  33. Guys, there's no need to be so mad at seed fans. Universal Century fans be happy that the original got first. However, if you want anything over seed fans, it will be this.

    Does Seed have a 1/1 scale Gundam in front of the Odaiba Gundam Cafe? Is the Strike nearly as iconic as the original RX-78, or the Zakus, Is Rau Le Crueset even remotely as popular as Char Aznable? Hell no.

    1. No, but SEED does have a half bust 1:1 scale Strike Freedom that you can actually get inside the cockpit, also, Bandai headquarters has 2 people sized gunpla at the front enterance, 1 small one, and 1 large one. The small one is the RX-78, care to guess what the larger one is? Yep, Strike Gundam. SUCK IT UC FANS.

    2. its not the full body and and didn't have full media attention you seed fans need to suck it don't forget who on top

    3. The fact that Seed fans are getting so high and mighty over this is hilarious to me. You know what though, I'd be happy too if my shameless melodramatic copy of a good show was rated in a top thirty with any place at all. Seed fans NEED this UC people, let them have it. their series is absolutely dead aside from manga but ours will be alive and kicking because, well, Tomino actually cares about the Universal Century

      Oh boy, you have a bust, we have an actual gundam, oh boy, you have a human-sized statue, we have a human sized Zeta and Hyaku Shiki with beam launcher, we also have a 1/1 scale zaku head in front of the newest cafe?
      Still doesn't say anything about our Char Aznable, where's your Toyota funded Rau La Crueset car? Where is your 3x Faster than meme? Where is your Bright Slap moment? Seriously, show me an original seed moment and I'll show you an emo knockoff.

      Plus they didn't count the UC's OVAs like 08th MS Team, 0083 Stardust memory, and Unicorn, all of which had far more backing and more creativity than Seed did in just one of its episodes.

      Don't forget that Mobile Suit Gundam made first and without MS Gundam, there is no MS Gundam Seed. So instead of coming here as an anon, just to say "Suck it UC fans" why don't you remember what made your craptastic series

  34. SEED is ok. Destiny? Really? Ok the suits are cool, but the story.. is a waste of time watching destiny.
    Zeta shud be higher than Destiny

  35. lol, its funny to see japan fans VS europe fans, cmon bro! people had their own opinion!!!!

  36. Disappointed that Gundam X polled so low. I've been watching it lately and I'm loving it. Haven't reached the end so far so not sure how much the cut short ending will affect my view but from what I've heard the team managed pretty well in the circumstances.

  37. Gundam OO is much better than gundam seed destiny

    1. because it fumble the ball in the movie

  38. Why is G Gundam even on this list.

  39. Where are the mini series??? they are much awesome than the seed merchandise

    - Poldo

  40. hey people , dont forget lorand at turn a gundam T-T

  41. I want to see a poll allowing for 0083, 08th MS Team, and such.
