Monday, January 20, 2014

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS - Episode 15: Fighter's Radiance (ENG sub)

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS - Episode 15: Fighter's Radiance (ENG sub)
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  1. This episode is epic!

  2. A God Gravion colored Psyco Gundam Mark 2? How unexpe- Wait, is it God Gravion or Xabungle? It definitely looks familiar.

    1. More like Combattler V, and it's the first Psycho Gundam.

  3. reiji sux at piloting compared to other qualifiers... would have lost for sure with out the op RG system.

    1. Meanwhile Felini would have lost if his shield didn't function as a glove to boost the arm strength

  4. great episode. the main fight scene are solid

  5. Ah, I guess Fellini really did already qualified for finals at the 7th period... I'm mistaken then.
    Nevertheless, the battle quite good.
    Still, repairing the gunpla after battle like that is...much work.

    And next episode, Sei' father finally appear.
    I guess he will be testing Sei-Reiji ability then (regarding the Beginning and Commando, and also Sei' words at preview)?

    1. Sei's mom finally gets some action now hubby's back

  6. The user blablabla upload this video blabla blocked in your country (Uruguay)


    1. Sorry loco, ese video fue subido por el sitio oficial y limitan la distribución en ciertos mercados, si buscas en google seguro encontrás los capítulos subidos por alguien mas. Suerte

  7. Heh, that psycho Gundam's paint job is a grid man reference

    1. No, not grid man, there's a lot in the super robot list to choose from and it's definitely not grid man.

    2. I think it's just that German guy's custom colors.

  8. Welp, guess we know the Papilon's secret now.
    Still makes it epic, though.

    1. I think they're more likely to be Ghirarga bits or Legilis bits from Gundam AGE rather than invisible bits that the pilot in the show who fought Aila suspected. She probably manipulates PP around her Qubeley and uses them to slice up or blow up mobile suits around it. Although, if the new OP is correct, her Quebeley proabably has regular funnels (not bits!) too.

    2. They showed a funnel-shaped object coming out of the smoke.

      It's not a speculation, it's a fact, just like how Luang tested the Star Build's shield.

    3. That Gyunei though

  9. This fight is so much better than any of the GS and GSD fights^^

    The legend's gundam dragoons also stop and shoot that's why it's easy to destroy it just like in GSD.

  10. RG #16 - Build Strike Gundam

  11. If that's the fight to get into the finals then the finals fights are going to be amazing!!

  12. Didn't notice Graham Aker's name was on the 8th Period battle schedule until I saw the list XD

  13. Bandai you better make a Mg Wing Fenice soon :D

    1. Not a fan of the original Wing Gundam but Will definitely buy MG Wing Fenice at a drop of a hat

    2. I really hope they release most of the kits in Mg so that we can customize with all the diffrent types of boosters and weapons :D

  14. Is that a Voltes V themed psycho gundam?

    1. Hehe, funny how a-Voltes V expy is in another currently airing anime as well.

  15. With what happen at the end of the episode, will we see one of the fastest upgrade from the main character?
    Enter Build Strike Freedom! Or not....

  16. Well supposedly the 3rd succession machine is the Wyvern Kai (or so it should be) 0_0;

    1. Isn't that something from the Plamodivers Kit & Build side (or alternate?) story?

    2. What's wrong with people thinking that stupid Wyvern shit is gonna be in here?

  17. Unless the demise of the SBS was to make way for the "Wyvern Kai" (which is too early to show it) we won't know for sure.

    1. What the fuck do you mean by we won't know for sure? Of course we are gonna see a retarded kitbash from a stupid comic soon you fucktard.

  18. Gunpla + something = cooler something?

    Suddenly Reiji becomes a skilled fighter against those guards.
    The guards are worse then those thugs that hurt his arm.
    Reiji is rather inconsistent with his IRL abilities.
    (And Aila was seen jumping around in a shopping mall :P)

    So that gem is a thing of royalty?
    Reiji did gave one to Sei, right?
    Is the gem is the 'secret treasure' Reiji talked about?
    (Went back to ep3 to watch the cartoony narration by Reiji :P)

    Guess its too early for Reiji to recognize the PPSE chairman.
    Or Reiji had never remembered such person and the chairman is thinking too highly of himself.
    I think the chairman should just let Reiji be since he doesn't recognize him, all the excessive obsession is giving himself unwanted attention.
    His letting his guilt and fear control him?

    So it may be just as everyone guessed, the chairman stole Plavsky tech from Arian.

    WTF! Nils the ninja!?
    Makes me think of Kaitou Kid.
    The secretary is sharp, I won't be surprised if she knows kungfu :P

    Gunpla battle is a sport, strength training in gym :P

    Ok, so Fellini will have enough points to enter the finals even if he loses the 8th period?
    But both Reiji and him want to have a good fight so we'll see.
    Any backstory for Fenice's asymmetrical design? Don't see anything practical in it.

    Patrolling, lol.
    So now the chairman won't dare to sneak attack?
    Maybe he will introduce them to the tournament officially?
    (PPSE sub team or buy out some of the fighters?)

    Those twins, have yet to see their best.

    Reiji is rather careless or its just the scriptwriter doing his best to make the protagonist helpless and therefore making the win more epic?
    Ok, the other characters are offering there analysis :P

    OMG! The repairs will be expensive!
    Maybe its ok since they are in Japan.
    It will be $$$ if I were to order the parts then ship in or buy another new kit just for parts.

    Will it end a draw?

    Ok, a little backstory there.
    So Fenilli might build a new or restore/upgrade the Fenice?
    No new kit announcement so far.

    Or will there be a break before the finals? (Filler eps)

    Star Build Mk2 next?
    Characters offering more analysis :P

    Aila feeling inspired?

    Nice fight.
    Nils is too logical to get the fighter spirit.
    Aila has yet to awaken to the fun of Gunpla.

    Draw as expected :P
    Best fight so far.

    I suppose they have leet scratchbuilding skillz to save money on repairs.
    Or they recast their parts?

    Sei's dad is back!
    The Beginning and Command...

  19. Reji must have be very skill at control the Build Strike as he managed to tie a string from it to the Universal Booster which probably required very delicate control. And also where do the string come from, lol?

    Also the 3rd picture remind me of a Gunda WIng OP of WIng Gundam (correct me if I'm wrong).

    1. Amuro used this tactic too with Nu's bazooka, which Sei probably learnt from according to Mr. Ral, but he held the string in his own hand, from the cockpit, never really understood it. The Universe Booster though, I thought it was a remote weapon so there's no need for string...
      And that's the second time we see Fenice does that OP face.

  20. After all that awesomeness I still can't get over the fact that the points still don't add up and Reiji/Sei only got 17th place on the last round and only get to 16th place with 26 pts. They should at least be 15th.

  21. He also tried to use the same tactic on Char when they were flying around inside Axis without their mobile suits, which is the scene Build Fighters followed more closely.
