Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gundam W: 1/100 Pisces - Scratch Build

Gundam W: 1/100 Pisces - Scratch Build
 Modeled by Vegeta8259


  1. This is very impressive. Kind of a clunky design but looks show accurate.

  2. Great work..si a kit or you ha ve used many kit?what kit do you ha ve used?

    1. Check out his youtube page. He scratch-built this using pla-plate, putty and aftermarket joints. He's building the entire zodiac MSs from Wing Gundam. I think he has the Tragos and Taurus left to build.

    2. Completely scratch built apart from the ball joints in the hips and shoulders and the joints for the claws.

    3. This was made totally scratch, look it up on YouTube.

    4. Its a scratchbuild. not a kitbash or a custom.

    5. Don't bother asking him questions directly. Vegeta's fame has gotten to his head and he rarely answers questions from his fans on his YT channel, let alone on any blog. I think he just mostly used plaplate, and sculpted in epoxy putty, maybe recasted some parts and used aftermarket joints. Good job on his scratch building skills.

    6. It was completely scratch built from styrene and epoxy putty, with Kotobukiya joints. Look up vegeta8259 on youtube if you want to see the WIP.

    7. Anon 10:54 f yourself; Henry gets like 1000 comments a month and there is no way to answer all those questions.

  3. Hey completely scratchbuilt it, no kit pieces used

  4. He didnt use any kits, it is all plaplate and putty

  5. He mentions in the video that he used Kotobukiya joint parts for the individual claw/screw blades. Also, the ball joints for the shoulders and knees are completely identical.

    Considering that this is completely scratch-built, this is an amazing job. Only the rear of the shoulder armor needs any added cleaning up IMHO. Henry even made a small pincer manipulator for fine maneuvering - nice effect!
