Thursday, November 28, 2013

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Silver Bullet Fin Funnel Equipment - On Display @ Gunpla Expo World Tour 2013 (Japan) [Updated 11/28/13]

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Silver Bullet Fin Funnel Equipment (Release Date: March 2014,  Price: 2,520 Yen)
[Updated 11/28/13]

[Updated 11/21/13] 


  1. Robot damashii mk v blue version ver ka
    Robot damashii mk v eff version ver ka
    Hguc doven wolf. Zz
    Hguc silver bullet fin funnel test type.

    Web exclusive sure is a killer move.

  2. The head is so freaking small!!

    1. nope it's in scale it's just the ms design that made it small, but overall for this kit it's really a big miss the "test" funnel is the same as the delta gundam kai as far as i know not mention it'd one diff peice for it as the connector so again nuthin special :/

    2. Write in coherent sentences with proper grammer please! Honestly It doesn't take that much effort. What was the point of your parents putting you through all those hours of school for? You're probably not a doctor nor aspire to be one but the least you can do is not insult the English language.

    3. ^Yet you mention not ONE THING about the model at hand, gtfo.

      (I want one, enough said)

  3. Replies
    1. It is, they share the same fin funnel (least from images of their drawings anyway)
