Saturday, November 9, 2013

HG 1/144 Build Gundam Mk-II & HG 1/144 Build Booster Mk-II - Runner & Manual Preview

HG 1/144 Build Gundam Mk-II (Release Date: Nov 2013, Price: 1,800 yen)
HG 1/144 Build Booster Mk-II (Release Date: Nov 2013, Price: 600 yen)
Images via koba6068


  1. Yay that's all we need, a big chunk of stickers for the chest and V-Fin. ><

  2. Thank goodness, they at least added proper beam sabers to the old Mk II, which fixes its one major glaring flaw.

  3. Anyone else notice this includes a normal V-fin?

  4. I knew it! The yellow for both V-fin and chest vents were going to be stickers. Although one could easily fix that by either using a yellow gundam marker or by painting it.

  5. Those airmaster shapev fin is blue ??
    I'll skip that anyway, Mk II v fin looks better

  6. I'll be waiting if the separate Build Booster Mk II will include the new v-fins, vents and chest parts if Bandai decides not to chop them off the runners. That way, I'll just buy an RG-MkII and do a slight kit bash...
