Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gundam Hobby Rumor: MG 1/100 Akatsuki (Mar. 2014 Release)

Gundam Hobby Rumor: MG 1/100 Akatsuki (Mar. 2014 Release)
Looks fake to us.  Don't take this rumor seriously until we get some sort of confirmation.
Would be nice if is true... although pricey with gold plating.

Please leave us your thoughts about this possible release in the comment area below.


  1. All I can say here whether it's true or fake, there will be a flame war.

  2. It makes sense since the suit is based on the GAT-X frame. If it is plated, the kit will likely go in the 8000 yen range, roughly twice the price of the regular Strike. If this is true, I hope it comes with both backpacks.

  3. I'd prefer practically any other suit from that series since the 1/100 was actually pretty good.

    Watch Bandai also give Akatsuki a new backpack in the remaster that also does nothing.

  4. I love the Akatsuki, I really do, but to release this when we still don't have a Master Grade Providence is just infuriating.

  5. Akatsuki is pretty much a modified gold painted Strike isn't it? Could be true since the new RM Strike

  6. If it is true. Then it's gonna be as expensive as hell. Remember extra finish/titanium coating or whatever the name is?

  7. i hell pricey MG kit i should say XD lol but if its true i cant wait to see the details of it... if not, well MG LEGEND GUNDAM pls XD huehuehuehue

  8. If the news is true, then it gonna be as expensive as hell. Remember extra finish/titanium coating or whatever the name is?

  9. Arm look like Strike, i think the arm look like freedom

  10. Yes please! If this is true though, I hope they use the same gold in Hyaku Shiki + Ballute System pack.
    I think it's cheaper that way and everyone are free to paint it with the gold finish they want.

  11. Looks fake, but I would look forward to it as long as it is a plated kit. On the other hand, I am annoyed if it is real because I am still waiting for a MG 1/100 Justice Gundam and MG 1/100 Saviour Gundam.

    1. +1. Justice and saviour really need a MG version release.

  12. Fake as hell.
    The sketch above just modified from RG Strike' sketch. And we knew that Akatsuki is different from Strike in a lot of places (which that sketch above didn't).
    The shoulder armor way too small to be true, and vent at the feet got different shape.

  13. pieces are falling into place if this was true since we already have the strike RM + the build booster which resembles the oowashi pack

  14. I believe there is a very big chance of it being produced in near future.
    Bandai just need to re-use the inner frame of Strike.
    Regarding the pricing, I guess it could be slightly expensive though...
    An electro-plating gold could be around 8000 JPY,
    when publicly-disappointing Aztec-gold could be similar to Strike.

  15. Fake. If this sketch turns out to be a true, future Master Grade Gunpla, then 8000 yen plus the Oowashi and Shiranui backpacks if they get bundled inside the kit's box is going to cost S$119.95 w/GST in Singapore like the MG Infinite Justice which also costs S$119.95.

  16. I'm calling a fake on this one. The chin should be longer, the feet are all wrong, the ankle armor is wrong, the arms are wrong, the chest protrusion where the cockpit should be isn't quite long enough, the gray shoulder armor should a little longer. Everything about this drawing is off. And if this rumor was real, I don't think the price would be too high. The gold plated Hyaku-Shiki from 2001 sells for 4,500 Yen. If this were real, I would estimate the price would be around 5,500 to 6,300 Yen. Why you may ask; because if you were going to estimate the cost of a new kit that uses the same frame, one would have to halve the cost of the original as you would be using only the frame parts.

    1. Your reasoning about the price makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

  17. Posting gossip isn't doing your site's reputation any good, GG.

  18. Guys the original 1/100 Akatsuki kit is 7000 yen. A MG Akatsuki would likely be 10,000 yen.

  19. I pray this is real, I'd buy this in an instant. Easily one of my favorite Gundam designs ever, even if the existence of the suit makes no sense in the show.

  20. mg akatsuki will cost about 9800 yen, and knowing bandai they won't include both backpack together in the same package.
    expect 2 version of mg akatsuki, or worse, online exclusive of one our both backpack.

    technically speaking, RG akatsuki is more possible to come than an MG one..

  21. I'm not flaming, but just curious. Who was actually waiting for an MG Akatsuki? It didn't seem very high on people's priority lists for MG treatment. I liked the Akatsuki and I've got the 1/100 model, but I really wouldn't be waiting for an MG of it.

    Other than that, this pic looks pretty fake to me. :D

    1. Had they not have released Strike RM, I'd say that the 1/100 Akatsuki is an excellent kit itself and no Master Grade of it was necessary. Now that there's a new MG Strike, there's better incentive than ever to make one.

  22. You don't need to post rumors on here. We get enough official trolling by Bandai already...

  23. We've not seen the Akatsuki in the remastered Seed Destiny yet have we? It would not surprise me at all if this is a redesign. They did it with the Blitz and the Aegis. Given that the Oowashi striker pack is basically a stripped down Ootori pack, I can see this happening. The NG kit is quite popular and can go from anywhere to $90-120 on ebay sometimes. There are other options besides gold plate, which would make the kit ludicrously expensive. Myself, I wouldn't mind if it was the same gold they used in the Hyaku-Shiki HD version. I pray to God, Satan, Buddha, Odin or anyone else who will listen that it isn't the same shitty yellow they used on the Ballute System Hyaku-Shiki. Knowing Bandai however? We would see a standard release using the "gold" that recently debuted with the HG Gold Frame, and a plated version as an online exclusive.

  24. As long as it's the Aktual Akatsuki and not the BF imposer, PLEEEZ be real and not a rumor!!!! :D
