Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bandai x threezero x Kunio Okawara: Fullmetal Ghost - New Images [Updated 3/13/14]

Bandai x threezero x Kunio Okawara: Fullmetal Ghost  (Release Date: Early 2014, Price: $2,550 HKD
[Updated 3/13/13]

[Updated 11/24/13]
FullMetal Ghost will be available starting Nov. 29th at the website.  
FullMetal Ghost is design by Kunio Okawara.  This figure is very articulate and can pull off pretty amazing action poses.
The mechanical modeling plan was done in cooperation with Kunio Okawara
Original Concept/Licensor – Kunio Okawara
Product Specifications:
* fully articulated FullMetal Ghost stands over 18 inches (45cm) tall
* incredibly detailed and over 100 articulation parts
* includes massive Katana Sword with scabbard
* realistic metal spring hose throughout figure arms and legs
* detailed cape made from brocade fabric
* light up feature for eyes and cockpit
* fully openable hatch with cockpit
* kneeling position reveals the stand for the pilot to easy access the cockpit
* fully posable pilot figure, which can be position inside the cockpit
* pilot figure comes with detailed armor parts (detachable), long blade and fabric clothing
* two interchangeable heads for the pilot.

[Updated 11/16/13]

[Updated 8/16/13]

Above images via HKFC


  1. think they gonna release this as a kit?

  2. Awesome, hope this is in the same class as the ThreeA Zaku released last year. Looks great so far, although the knees are a bit weird

  3. Jaw-dropping! I hope i have the same skills he has for my customization plan on my avalanche exia

  4. Oh look, something absolutely awesome that would sell by the millions, that we're never going to fucking get :D

    1. Knowing Bandai, they will probably release a model kit, but a shitty one. So that we will beg them for an mg style one.

  5. it's look like GestPent........

    1. Looks like what? Looks like what? What is GestPent? Hey, say it again, it looks like what?

      Kunio Okawara originally designed for Gasaraki (1998).
      And Hong Kong creators customized the design for this year's event.

      Everytime I see our Japan-related posts, South East Asians always say "Looks like (something)" and nitpick over our cultures.
      Why don't you stick to creations ONLY from your own country? That's better, you think?

      Who do you think pay for your country most? Who invest & help your country most?
      That's my country, JAPAN.

      South East Asians always fuss around "we have pride we have pride", If you have such a pride, why don't stand up for yourself?

      So, when you stop saying "looks like"?

    2. It's a super robot. And when did he mention anything about pride or him being South East Asian? "Looks Like" you got your panties in a bunch, go fuck yourself NewMoonOnMonday. ^_^

    3. LOL NewMoonOnMonday is having PMS

    4. He meant Gespenst, a mech/suit from Super Robot Wars series. Which is also designed by Kunio Okawara. For someone who comes from Japan, you should've known better NewMoonOnMonday.

      Personally, I think it looks a bit similar to Den'an Gei from MS Gundam F91

      trivia: The name Gespenst is German for ghost.

  6. Is the website working correctly?

    all i get is gas mask logo...
