Tuesday, October 8, 2013

MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero - On Display @ Gunpla Expo 2013 (GBWC)

MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW  (Release Date: Oct 2013, Price 5040 yen)

Images via Muhammad Fahmi Facebook  - Gundam Expo 2013 (GBWC) Malaysia


  1. As great as this guy looks, I am going to hold off for that rumored Wing EW 2.0 and Wing Zero EW 2.0. Proto Zero looks cool, but I actually prefer the EW designs more.

    1. This is an EW design. Like wise, there's not going to be a "2.0" of the Wing Ver Ka / Wing EW as it's not a kit with many issues besides the hands / buster rifle. Which there isn't a way to rectify unless you modify the entire arm assembly to have the buster rifle lock-in to the forearm.

      Which, that locking design, isn't in the Katoki line-art or previous concept art. So it most likely won't happen.

    2. Makes sense. But there was supposedly this poll that Bandai had put out in regards to MGs that people wanted to see, and I think it was Japan only. The MG O was part of that list among others, but the Wing EW and Wing Zero EW were both higher up on that list in terms of ratings and we haven't seen them get a remastered/2.0 release. I think Bandai is waiting for the Frozen Teardrop manga to show the Wing Zero EW and only then will do a 2.0/RM or call it like Frozen Teardrop ver., along with doing a redo of the Wing EW using the same frame just with different armor parts.

      I dunno. That's what I'm speculating. Besides, I don't think many people actually like that the Wing EW is still using the old frame from the 2004 Wing Ver. Ka which by 2014 will be 10 years since we got it. That design and mold is about 10 years old now.

    3. They already released the Wing EW version 2 years ago, whether it's just a recolored old model with connector, it was already finalized, Bandai will surely raise a red flag for most people who already bought the kit so it's definitely a bad idea to release an updated one. Just who on earth made that kind of rumor anyway? Rumor means not necessarily true.

    4. @Suiton,
      The Wing Ver Ka may be an MG from 2004; but as I said, it's still a good kit slide it's one issue.
      As Anon (12:07 PM) said, the Wing EW was dropped 2 years ago. Even as a recolor it would most likely irk many fans to see the WZC & WvK get new kits in such short order.

      Especially when other kits are getting HG 1/144's in the all Gundam Project but lacking MG 1/100's right now.

    5. I do want MG Wing Zero Custom v2.0. The old MG Wing Zero Custom is too anorexic.

    6. @Synonymous
      The old as opposed to another one? Heh. If you use the word "old" to compare something, there has to be another to compare it with. Regardless, I still understand the point you're making.

      I definitely think if they refreshed the MG Wing Zero Custom, that Bandai would probably also do 1 for the MG Wing EW. I think a more appropriate time is to wait for it to show up in the Glory of the Defeated manga series. Maybe then they could release a Glory of the Defeated ver. for Wing and Wing Zero.

    7. suiton629 going Grammar Nazi Mode in using the word "old"

    8. I see suiton stopped being a coward... Still, spouting the same shit he was spouting 4 years ago... Suiton, just because you think something up on your head, doesn't make it a rumor, asshole

    9. http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=4852405&postcount=30932

      Ignorant as usual "Ben".

    10. So, in summation, this "rumor" is "I heard from this guy that said because people are requesting something that Bandai is making it". That isn't a rumor, that is speculation on top of wishful thinking.

    11. That distributor says that Zero Custom 2.0 is "certainly in planning". So, it is not yet 100% confirmed that they will release a new version. In fact, there is a possibility that the planning will get shelved. Also, that distributor may get fired for spilling some beans.


      lets see... I also heard from my mom's neighbor's dog's vet's daughter's boyfriend who works as a doorman at the building where the guy who decides new releases for bandai lives, that they'll be making MG kshatriya to release at the same time as sazabi. So I guess we should start spreading this rumor, cuz it's obviously totally legit

  2. This has been my dream all along to have Wing Zero along side with my other kits. Though he's quite different from what I expected (hence proto zero) he's a still a great addition to my collection. I might buy the Epyon too so as to match it up with Zero.

    The question left now is how soon we coud get the rest of the wing kits in their 1/100 form. Yup, ver Ka. master grades has been released several months ago but having the original designs (the tv and EW movie versions) is absolutely a different story.

    Hopefully Bandai will realize this and release these kits soon. Besides, they might be able to use same internal frames and make minor modifications and color injections to their existing wing kits to produce the original designs..

    And yeah, don't forget the After War GX and Double X MG form..

  3. See ? it doesn't look good when wing binder open.
    The gundam itself is fine, I'll buy this one. Disappointed because wing binder not look as good as original.

    1. Agreed--Okawara's binders had way more aesthetic charm to them than these jagged, edgy...things. They're honestly one of two major complaints about Katoki's design, the other being the cockpit hatch.

      Also, in the first image the buster rifles are yet again backwards. Whoever sets these displays must not pay much attention. It's not hard to get right, guys!
