Sunday, September 15, 2013

MS Cockpit Series: Nu Gundam Cockpit w/ Amuro Ray - Custom Build

MS Cockpit Series: Nu Gundam Cockpit w/ Amuro Ray - Custom Build
Modeled by Alucard


  1. Anyone know how to move a conventional (non-psycho framed) mobile suit? With steer, keyboard, stick? What are those two spheres on the armrests?

    1. I think they're called "Arm Rakers" or something similar to that. Basically, they're the short-lived replacement for the traditional levers and joysticks that only appeared in CCA. In-universe (but not in animation), They apparently simplified the overall control methods, and were considered quite an improvement over the old joystick controls, but their overall smooth design made the pilots prone to slipping their hands off the controls, which is obviously a very bad thing, so the old joystick controls were eventually reinstated.

    2. funny, I always thought they control a Gundam using gamepad (with 2 analog sticks and 2 trigger buttons, that is)


  2. First of all : is this the parts came with MG 1/100?

    If it is, man, this gentleman has a Surgeon as profession or skillful Sculptor with advance microscope equipment & pro-tools

  3. I like the idea of that globe-shape controllers, they could be a new generation gaming controllers, faster response, smoother move.
    They resemble of the trackball mouses a bit, I wonder what would it feel like, playing 3rd person shooters with these ones :)
