Sunday, September 29, 2013

MG 1/100 Wing Custom Zero - Painted Build

MG 1/100 Wing Custom Zero
Modeled by idf8123


  1. this kit needs a 2.0 revision badly. by today's standards, this pos kit is barely hg quality.

    1. I guess you haven't seen the HG 1/100 version of Wing Zero Custom, comparing to that kit, this one can still be called MG and it always will be.

    2. All it could really use a set of hands with pegs to hold the buster rifle, but it's fine for the most part. Sure, some wing joints can be a little loose, but it's not that loose. Most problems can be fixed by just replacing parts from others in the EW line.

      Aside from that, I can't say I'm a fan of the shade of blue, but the shading and paint job looks pretty badass. (owo)b
