Friday, September 27, 2013

MG 1/100 Strike Rouge Ootori [Phoenix] Equipment Ver. RM - Review by Schizophonic9

MG 1/100 Strike Rouge Ootori [Phoenix] Equipment Ver. RM (Released, Price: 4,410 yen)
Review by Schizophonic9


  1. When I get mine from GG, I'll probably just take an Aile Pack and put it on the Strike Rouge. The Ootori is just too cluttered for my taste.

    1. Now that sounds like Suiton, but I could be wrong. Sorry...

    2. maybe he is Suiton?

    3. Same, that backpack is too much. Ill be painting mine in inactive PSA mode colors

    4. It is suiton. Who else would brag about getting one from GG, and who else is spaming everywhere that he got 4 aile strikes, and that he'll give an aile pack to rouge? He's just too much of a coward to post under his name, unless he's just kissing GG's ass.

    5. i see no point in buying this kit if you don't like the ootori, is better to just buy the normal aile strike i guess

    6. why all that GG kiss ass?? seriously there's a lot o places infinitely better to buy gunpla than GG's unless of course if you enhoy flushing your money down the toilet

    7. PINK Foot, meh
      pink at torso is ok but at foot is too pale. clearly bandai didn't learn Color101

  2. Brace yourselves, SEED haters are coming...

    1. Tell me one good reason why SEED isn't worth hating, why?

      OP is example of fanboyism at it's finest. Or just another seedfag in denial.

    2. Because It is awesome, unlike you UC fuck ;)

    3. why seed fans hates UC ?
      both of them are awesome :S

    4. One reason? Mecha designs. I'm not a SEED fan or any gundam series, I just like gundams (in any series) only for the design.

      So if many hates SEED, we should hate SEED too? Why?

      You guys are just so stupid hating and fighting over for just a gundam series. Gundamfags.

    5. @thanh
      Why SEED fans hates UC? Because UC fans won't appreciate SEED.

    6. its funny how any seedfag's asshole puckers when hating seed is mentioned. its really a losing battle, and its so funny when you idiots get pissed off over a shit series

      the tears tasted wonderful this week btw

    7. I love UC! i love SEED/DESTINY! i love 00! i love AGE! i love ALL GUNDAM SERIES!!!! f*ck me right??

    8. You guys are ruining the Gundam fandom for me. All of the Gundam series taught us about peace, but here you all are arguing over which series is better. It's a never ending war. Just because they like SEED or UC doesn't mean they are wrong, there are both good and bad things about SEED and UC. We are all in the same f**king fandom, can't we all just get along please?!

    9. Please, Seed fans are the main reason why this kind of argument still exist.... I remember from the day of G Seed glory... They keep on saying UC are old school... UC MS are the most ugliest MS design compare to Seed. The most I hate is most of Gundam Seed Fans always said non MS from UC era able to beat their Seed MS. Because of Seed fans start the argument 1st then UC fans start to defending until some of trolls ( I don't think it is from UC fans) take advantage to trigger this kind of argument ... I do hate Seed Fans but I don't hate Gundam Seed era at all.....

    10. i think most of the people posting about hate never watched any Gundam series because they would know that all the shows talks about peace and understanding, all guys sometimes ruins the experience for all of us true Gundam fans, or maybe you guys are just a bunch of annoying kids with nothing better to do than trolling on the internet, get a life guys, Gundam is a anime series and Gunpla is just a hobby you don't need to be to serious about.

    11. Even though there are alot of stickers, the decals make up for it

  3. I, for one, really like the Ootori pack it just saddens me to know that thing won't a damn thing in the HD Remaster. at least the model looks great =)

  4. this is the first time the striker pack disappointed me.....
    I like collecting striker packs but this one looks odd.

  5. UC fans hate SEED because they want realism, UC fans probably like FMP and Patlabor more than SEED fans do.

    FMP < 8th Team (in terms of mech realism)

    But ill take EVA over Gundam any day

    1. Evangelion is overated as fuck, and im going to tell you right know why by asking you a question, explain the ending....

    2. This may be too much for you to understand, but the ending is meant to be personally interpreted differently at the individual level. Sort of a "take it as you will." There's no solid, definite explanation, because only Hideaki Anno knows the details, if there are any at all.
      The only reason this is considered a bad thing by some is because it breaks the then-established norm for a conclusion. Is life really conclusive? No one's ever given all the answers, and Eva did good to bring this truth home.

    3. "This may be too much for you to understand, but the ending is meant to be personally interpreted differently at the individual level." ah yes the typical explanation of evangelion fanboy who didn´t get it either... look there's only one reason for that ending, no more budget, show cancelled, rushed ending , you know Lost? this is exacly the same, no one understand the ending cause there's nothing to understand, its a dude sitting on a chair with a shitload of LSD in is brain, that's the ending of evangelion, meaning eva story is just a trip of some basterd who took to much LSD... take it as you will... indeed.

    4. Actually the ending eps of the series are meant to show what is going through the characters' minds during the movie, which is the real ending of evangelion ( if you want proof of the movie being the real end, here's a hint: it's the movie's name!). Your reasoning that it was due to no budget, rushed, whatever, falls flat on its head when I ask you to please explain evangelion 3.33

    5. I like how people pretend Evangelion is still some sort of mystical clusterfuck when at this point the entire series has already been explained. What's the ending? The ending of the original series is just Shinji coming out of instrumentality by himself. The series ends there. The End of Evangelion movie expands on this by showing Shinji and Asuka waking up and waiting for the rest of humanity to wake up. Instrumentality is basically a gigantic mind melding of humanity on a physical and mental level where each human is basically given their own internal mental paradise where they live out realistic illusions of a real life. Those who reject this illlusionary perfect world will eventually wake up by themselves. What the series exposes is why people would or should reject their own perfect world, even if it's an illusion. That's what's up to the viewer to decide.
      Like I said, this has been explained. It's not really complex unless you choose to make it more complex than it needs to be.

    6. Love the Eva talk! but sorry if I offended anybody, I was just saying I watch EVA more than I do Gundam.. no beef just sharing the love for all things giant robat & anime!

    7. realism? seriously? if we start looking for realism in any tv show, movie or anything outside of our daily lives then we will stop watching tv, not even realit shows are realistic, so let's stop trying to make things more serious then they are and just enjoy the shows

    8. Idk dude maybe im just that weird kid that wants giant tank killing robots to be a real thing so I like watching shows that portray them in a realistic way (FMP, 8th Team, UC)

  6. Realism? You know we're talking about a cartoon with giant robots, right? UC "physics" revolves around a magic particle that basically does everything (indefinite nuclear power, energy source for beam weapons, comm interference, shield, levitation, etc). The ironic thing is that a lot of UC fans bag on 00 because of GN particles. Anyway, I like series (or parts of series) from all universes and not one of them are "realistic". It's a dumb argument made by fanboys to try to put their preferred series above others.

    1. And what, pretending there's a magical device than cancels out all nuclear physics is better than a universal particle that has a defined set of rules? the Minovsky particle was made because giant robots in modern warfare would at best be impractical. Tomino invented the Minovsky particle's jamming and scattering effects to justify why giant robots aren't obliterated by volleys of guided missiles or giant beam cannon batteries from hundreds of kilometres away.
      The particle isn't there to be a plot device that lets mobile suits have infinite energy or the like, the particle is there to justify why they exist at all in a semi-reallistic sci-fi setting when technology like particle beams (They're not lasers because Tomino knows light travels at the you know, speed of light, and would thus be invisible and infallible in combat) and gigantic missile barrages from large warships would obliterate entire armies of suits.

    2. all gundam series do have reality science revolves around but with added some random fantasy stuff, like UC minosky particles, 00 TD blanket, n stuff, for reality science like the AMBAC system of UC is proven to be achievable in reality for example(actually is used in space by astro) , so its how we view it or stuff, n yet, no point argue about haters n stuff, get a life haters =.=|||

    3. Oh sorry didn't mean to make you upset, yes I realize its a cartoon but im just talking about the feasibility of bipedal robots actually being used in a military combat situation... yeah they probably wont be 15 meter tanks running around but its just a what if, a dream..
