Thursday, September 12, 2013

MG 1/100 Strike Rouge Ootori [Phoenix] Equipment Ver.RM - Manual & Runners Preview by koba6868

MG 1/100 Strike Rouge Ootori [Phoenix] Equipment Ver.RM (Release Date: Sept 2013, Price: 4,410 yen)
The Strike Rouge Phoenix Equipment will be appearing in the Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remaster anime.  
Manual & Runners Preview by koba6868


  1. So... many... stickers...

    1. That's just sad. Not even HGs have that many stickers, good job Bandai.

      Instead of rushing and delivering a shoddy work, couldn't they just wait a bit more to make a better job? Bleh.

    2. Those stickers doesn't bothers me much. The only thing I don't like here was the stand included. I hate that stand, it's too boring. For me, that stand only works well for WZC.

  2. that seal sheet....dear god. well i guess my yellow gundam marker is going to get a workout.

  3. Already got mine on pre-order. =P
    I think this is weird how an MG has so many stickers. But it looks like most/all of them will be going on the Phoenix Pack making me think that this was a rushed out, after thought.

    Ah well. Time to whip out some Gundam Markers and acrylic paints. =P

    1. I agree with the rushing, given that the "cockpit" of the phoenix pack is seals and the missiles are all white, definitely think it was rushed.

    2. I mean I could always just put on the Aile Pack from the MG Aile Strike RM Ver. if I wanted to, but I really wish that Bandai put more effort.

      I've been noticing Bandai getting very lazy and rushing things out with MG's lately, and this guy is just another one of those examples.

      What do I mean?

      Remember like the MG Tallgeese EW? Bandai used yellow stickers for the thrusters when that should have been plastic. Wing EW being just a recolor and not actually fixing the kit to match the updated quality of the other Wing EW line of MG's...MG Double Bullet having a severely oversized box.

    3. haven't built any of the MG's you mentioned but i know of the issues from reading/watching reviews. i seriously thought bandai cheaped out on the tallgeese because of those yellow wing seals. the aile pack could work but the reason for getting this kit would be the phoenix pack so its a case of pick your poison i guess.

    4. Sazabi is also a perfect example, with only 9,000 price tag, oh boy, i smell cutting corners all over the place... remeber that The O is priced at 12,000 and its nowhere near the quality of nowadays kit's...

    5. really hoping that isn't the case but we shall see as we get closer to release date for that monster.

    6. @anon 7:44, aka Suiton629, why do you persist with being such a liar? We know it's you. Announcing the world that you're going on a hiatus and then posting anonymously with the exact same crap you stole from this blog and posted on yours, or going around YT PMing users your comments instead of posting them on the videos (that's right, we also have friends and buddies ;) ), doesn't mean you're on a hiatus, it means you're a liar and a fake, just playing the poor victim so ppl can pity you. Since you said this "I will be leaving YouTube for a little while. I'm also leaving most of social networking, blogging, etc for a while." ( you've made 40 new blog posts, including a list of all the ppl who hate you, which is the most ridiculously childish thing you've ever done in the long list of ridiculous and childish things you've done, and posted up 6 new YT videos. You know what this means? Yep. You're a liar. LIAR. You have lost every single drop of credibility you ever had, if any. You're laughable, and you should feel very ashamed when you look at yourself in the mirror.

      On what you said here, I'm sure glad you're not in charge of bandai, you would make the company close in months, with the (lack of) grasp you seem to have on how things are done. If you actually assembled one of your 4 strike RMs (not that I have any hope you ever will), you'd see that the wings are extremely fragile and come loose very easily. The fact that you seem to entertain the notion that bandai could have done the ootori wings in full colours and have them not be a floppy mass is indicative of how much you understand about building a model...

      So keep at it, liar, we'll be here to see through your bullshit ;)

    7. Suiton629. Don't talk shit about our friends add hole. We will fuck you, along with your "suck my fag ass ninja balls contest shit thing".

    8. you know how manny suiton's are out there posting even more stupid shit? you know what gives them credit? people like you that give a fuck and really? are you actually following every coment suiton posts on every yt channel and blogs?!?!?!?!? like i said, get a life dude, too much free time...

    9. Here, the blog post where suiton says the exact same thing

      which he stole form this blog, as usual.

      And yes, we indeed follow what suiton posts, as we are many. We will not let suiton keep lying to the community as he does constantly and posting up lists of ppl who hate him, or PMing YT users telling them to block ppl on these lists, like a crybaby. We are not the problem, no matter how much you may think we are, ppl like you, who fail to address the problem and prefer to address the symptoms, are the problem

    10. @ Ben: i had no idea suiton was still active, thanks for the heads up. Signed Anon 7:20, 7:51, 8:30 and 8:39

    11. How do you know that anon 7:44 was Suiton?

    12. That's easy really, if you have the misfortune to be on the same forums or sites that he rears his head in, you will notice the hint of arrogance, and presumptuousness in his speech patterns as well as his complaints about the smallest faults that every model may have. Oh yes, and the fact that he always mentions that he has this or that pre-ordered, and his frequent use of the smileys, to be specific those with its tongue stuck out or the one with the closed eyes in an "X" pattern.

    13. Are you talking about "=P" signs and his ostentatious nature? Yes, may be you're right. Good point, mate!

    14. Don't quite get the complaint that he "stole" the images from this blog considering he gave credit to the original source. Not linking to the original would be theft.. just sayin.'

    15. He is also biased in alternate Gundam universes (except Turn A and the upcoming Gundam BF) and doesn't care in Universal Century. If he mentions UC, he will either insult it, underestimate a UC kit because of its flaws and declares that it is not worthy to buy, say that he's not a UC fan and attempts to remove it in discussions or questions why it always have releases instead of everything in his wishlist. At least he admitted how infamous his wishlist now (seen in Animesuki).

    16. dude you are actually creepying me out... suiton obcession much? if you are going to be a stalker then at least let it be a chick not a dude...

    17. Just a reader of animesuki and GG. Unfortunately, suiton is present on both sites.

  4. Greetings everyone, I'm from Venezuela and I made my mind and decided to start building gunpla, right now I'm traveling through USA, a tri-state course between California, Nevada, Utah and the way back; so I would like to know where can I buy model kits, I'm in North Provo, Utah, and I'll be going back through Las Vegas and finishing in Los Angeles, so I'll be really interested if someone could kindly give me info about places where I can buy the model kits in those places, thank you very much for any kind of recommendation

    1. Gundam Guy's store is located in los angelese so you could message him on facebook and ask, if not robots4 less is there too

  5. HAhahahaha glad none of seed ms designs appeal to me. phew!

  6. Really? That's what you complain about? Little yellow stickers that would be impossible to do cost-effectively as separate pieces?


    Anyway, as a real modeler, it doesn't really matter what color the plastic is, since I'm going to go the extra mile and properly paint it. I'm not gonna be lazy like a poser and just snap-together. I'm embarrassed to even think of myself being compared to modelers like you guys.

    1. And just how do you define a real modeler? what's wrong with just snap building? who looks more of a pose, a guy desperately pimping his kit just to show off to others or a guy building for the sake of building and having fun?

    2. Well, not everyone has a huge time to waste over a toy. Modding or painting consumes a lot of time you know, especially to those not as good as you. We spent most of our time making a living and not playing around with toys and trying not to be fat.

      I build gunplas just to relieve myself from stress.

    3. especially when its crappy seed gundam for seedfags

    4. Snap building is fun, even though I don't have any Seed models (I really should get one)

    5. nah. you dont wanna invest anything seed trust me

      if you wake up, that horrible series will be still be there

    6. Look out guys, this one is a *real* modeler, like that is actually an important thing to be proud of! Get the fuck out of here, personal preference! This guy has laid down the law on posers!


  7. Ultra faggot kira lover, Jonny Riden blocked the coments on the new gundam seed episode, so it's not my fault for psting this message

    Shinn's S.C.O.D final countdown:

    9 episodes left for the TRUE ending.

    Remember, Gundam Seed Destiny ends in episode 34, with the main character, Shinn Asuka, killing Kira Yamato with his ultimate skill: SWORD CRASH OF DOOM. And with that, ending Laccus evil dictatorship plans.

    Special Episode: Uso kills Kira, Kio, and any other crappy character with his V2 Gundam.

    Special Episode 2: Shinn cuts out Laccus's inplanted cock and starts fucking the shit out of her.

    (AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 10:41 PM)
    different anon here
    Special Episode X: Shinn goes on and hunt down the true villains, Mitsuo Fukuda and his dumb bitch Chiaki Morosawa. After he kills them he went off to different parallel worlds and fight along side with his bro Kamille and other mecha heroes saving many different worlds.
    He also beat the shit out of Akihiro Hino and save the AGE universe from his bullshit writing.

    1. What are you saying, of course this is your fault for posting this message. You're the troll that got the comments on the Seed video blocked anyways. You're even posting on the youtube video now too though? Come on.

      On the plus side, it's cool to know that the sword crash troll, joel schumacher troll and angry swearing troll are all the same dude. Makes sense, since all of them just copypaste.

    2. you realize that the we win when the post gets disabled comments
      and when the seedfags keep bitching when they cant handle the heat

      you probably didnt because you're such a seedfag moron with a cock hanging out of ur ass.

      nobody likes seed. deal with it

    3. Words like justice and truth are empty concepts that have led societies through cancerous histories. Through the ages, those who have blindly believed in these absolute truths have fought and died in pursuit of platitudes.

      Today, you'll find people mistaking their own greed for truth and eating the planet out from under them and condemning themselves to total annihilation. Chanting their democracy and their freedom as though they were a religion. They're cheerfully justifying their journey toward self destruction.

    4. It doesn't matter if you win or not. What matters is you're ruining a series that has enough shit as it is, without you copying and pasting every week. I can definitely handle your shit, since you can only repeat the same thing and call people seed fags. That's the only thing you do, week after week.

      If nobody likes Seed, why does it have the most Gunpla other than UC? Why does it have an HD remaster for both it's series? Why do thousands of people watch it every week? Why does the Strike Freedom have a 1/1 scale bust in Japan? I think you're the one that needs to get their head out of their ass.

      Nobody likes you. Deal with it.

    5. "What matters is you're ruining a series that has enough shit as it is"

      >then questioning seed as good

      i rest my case seedfag. you should get that anus checked. i think there's still a cock in it

      nobody likes seed. deal with it

    6. ... What are you even saying now? It deals with shit, like every non-UC Gundam deals with. It has it the worst, since it's the most popular AU series. Seed/Destiny has the best soundtrack in all of Gundam, some of the most inspired mecha design, and is a modern retelling of the original series. By many people standards, it's good.

      Get your eyes and head checked. You seemingly have issues with understanding things, and can't get your head around that people can like things that you don't.

      Nobody like you, you homophobic prick. Deal with it.

    7. ^ opinionated and in denial once again like most seedfags

      you can check 90% of other sites that don't consider it good. maybe you just look at your fanboy character seed fansites that probably write better fan fiction and drawing gay hentai of the characters getting it on

      nobody likes seed. deal with it

    8. Tell me, if Seed wasn't so popular, why is there so much Gunpla about it? Why is Sunrise making an HD remaster for both of its seasons? Why did it win so many awards when it was airing? Why can't any other AU compete with the amount of pure stuff it has for it?

      You can't call me opinionated, all of the stuff you're saying is opinionated. Hypocritical ways aside, Seed is popular around the world. As much as the Gundam fanbase in the west can't understand it, it's still the second most profitable series behind UC.

      Why does it get watched every week if people don't like it? Just deal with the fact that people like it, and move on with your life.

    9. ^ opinionated and a hypocrite at that in terms of repeating posts

      as much you like that crappy show and NOT answer any of my facts which is proven on why its horrid, i have a right to my damned opinion. suck on my ass you seed loving cock sucker. im 120% sure you make yourself look stupid, praising it btw. keep bitching. i wont stop

      nobody likes seed. deal with it

    10. The person that likes SEED should read the reviews for SEED Destiny near the final episodes, and even the Final Plus review.

      Do we seriously need 4 different versions of these shows now? I can't help but agree with haters.

    11. Like watching 2 kids fighting over a candy -_-

      Btw @1st anon, your theory about sword crash of doom indicating that you like Shinn actually. What so good about that emo character with almost no character development at all the entire series? For a person who hate SEED so much, how come that you like Shinn? No offense, but IMO maybe he's the worst protagonist ever in Gundam history.

    12. Opinions are now facts! A financially successful series clearly means that no one likes it! Cats are really dogs! The ground is the sky! Random person on the internet thinks calling something shit is a valid critique! IT IS A MAD WORLD! MAD I SAY!

    13. Other sites don't like the same show I don't! That MUST mean it is not popular!

      What's that you say? Loud minority? Never heard of it!

    14. Seriously S.C.of D. from YouTube, just end this bullshit attention whoring propaganda of yours. Whether people like or hate SEED, it's all up to them. Don't talk as if you're talking on behalf of your entire favored community here, cause seriously, I find the idea that to be grouped with people like you to be REPULSIVE. By God I hope you're not a UC fan cause all these bitching, whining and general faggotry you're displaying, add to the fact that you talk as if you're talking for your entire community, is the reason why us UC fans are being labeled as elitists.

      I'm not talking on behalf of the UC community here, but I do know that it's these kind of behaviour is why the term UC Elitists even came to be. The BIASED view of UC-fans that UC is always superior to any AU is what it is.

      The SEED series had it's points and flaws, ups and downs, much like every other anime out there and it ain't as bad as haters always point it out to be. It's not the best series out there as much as fans always point out either. But its doing its job well for being Bandai's cash cow even up to this moment, something which no series had done as successfully as this series did.

      As what I can say, you're the one who's stuck in 2004 trying to figure out what a light bulb is. People like SEED... and people can like whatever they like and we can also get along without having to hate each other... so deal with it!

    15. As long as the brand is healthy financially people should be fucking ecstatic. Continuous profit means more money to funnel back to budgeting on the brand as a WHOLE.

    16. @JustPassingThru
      Sorry to disappoint you, but that SCofD guy is not a UC fan. I give you clue: try to say something bad about 00. Soon, you'll see who will come to defend that series. I've tried it several times, and it always success (doesn't mean that I'm a 00 hater)

    17. admitting you even like seed is a troll post itself

    18. @JustPassingThru
      is that you, kaihedgie?

    19. "Opinions are now facts! A financially successful series clearly means that no one likes it!"
      you think its financially good and its not a proven fact due to the "remasters", and by finanacially, it's only based on japan sales and what's currently hot because of the "remasters"

      "Other sites don't like the same show I don't! That MUST mean it is not popular!"
      name a gundam site that isnt for seed other than mahq which i mentioned then in their reviews. you probably don't bother investigating what other sites give a honest review besides ones that love seed so much.

      "The SEED series had it's points and flaws, ups and downs"
      only flaws and downs. really.

      "As long as the brand is healthy financially people should be fucking ecstatic"
      refer to top statement

      "I give you clue: try to say something bad about 00. Soon, you'll see who will come to defend that series. I've tried it several times, and it always success"
      i really like everything except seed tbh, i dont care much for seed. i, for one thought 00 raised the bar pretty high in terms of gundam shows in the past 10 years. in terms of 00, the first and second season combined was much better than anything seed i thought, and definitely medicore seed destiny

      anyone that wants to defend seed destiny as a whole for its very problematic choices in writing or suit designs has half a fucking brain at this point in time, and nothing but a faggot fanboy "seedfag". you need 4 versions of the ending for these shows. why? and how can you call these remasters when they are hardly remasters? you act as if people aren't sick of seed and seed destiny nonsense all over the place besides myself here.

      news flash, for all my friends that post and attack seed for its bullshit as a whole. im not stopping, not until i see this crappy piece of fucking shit remaster deal done with. bfd

      so fuck you and your fanboyism bullshit.

    20. I love this little troll; I hope it never grows up. This cute little troll proves how seed is still strong even after 10 years. If Seed didn’t had such active trolls, it probably would have been forgotten just like any other old series (including 00).

      Never give up little trolly! Let’s keep Seed fresh in the minds of the community for at least another 10 years!

    21. If anything they give seed even more attention. Total opposite of what they probably had in mind.

    22. Totally agree with Anon@4:08. It's kinda ironic. This troll tries to get everyone to hate and eventually forget SEED and its crappy BS. Yet, the trolls themselves are one of the (big) reasons as to why people remember it and sometimes look at the "better" side of it.

      I am by no means defending SEED. I'm one of those guys who just is simply disgusted by the series too. But, in all honesty, I'm starting to think this troll is dumber and more annoying than SEED itself. Trolls bein' ironic...

    23. SEED may never be in the same league as UC but "some" unit designs aren't bad. Only one I've truly liked is Strike.

    24. What the heck am I reading??? o_0

    25. You know SCOD, I could prolly write a really long reply here just to answer your points here and prove to everyone else that you're really just some bitching baboon with half a brain stuck under a tree, but I won't do so. Main reason, it'll be too much for your half baked brain to even process it.

      You really talk as if you know everything don't you? Confident that you know how sales work and such. Going as far as raising a flag to call to arms your "friends" in going on with more nonsensical trolling everywhere in this site. I get it, no WE get it! SEED sucks, you hate it, its the worst possible Eldritch abomination that Bandai can ever come up with, sure whatever you say. But please just shut the fuck up for now and for the rest of the days ahead. If you hate the series so much, why not do all your bitching and complaining on sites that focus and prioritize on hating, loathing and burning the plague known as SEED. Just take it some place else, away from everyone else that wants to see something peaceful in the hobby they chose, after a long and hard days work.

      Your trolling has become really annoying. There I said it, proud? You should be, trolls serve no purpose but to annoy the public anyway.

      Every post with a hint of SEED, you're there trolling it. If I didn't know any better, you were probably one of the reasons why Ngee Khiong closed up his blog years ago. The guy has some preference in SEED and with the release of the PG Strike Freedom then, and him being happy about it, the SEED haters prolly saw it as an act of treason or some faggot act to do, so what they did was they flamed him so much to retirement.

      Seriously, do me a favor and just get the hell out of here...

      Also, get out of YouTube too... you're fuckin everywhere and your as annoying as that pretentious bastard suiton.

    26. He's the one responsible for the death of Ngee Khiong? Really?

    27. "you think its financially good and its not a proven fact due to the "remasters", and by finanacially, it's only based on japan sales and what's currently hot because of the "remasters"

      I don't just think it, I pretty much know it is "financially good" as you say. Japanese sales are the most important factor here.. that is the intended market. The Remastered anime is only one of the many signs that point to SEED being financially successful. If it were not, they would not be updating them for Blu-Ray releases and stations in Japan would not be airing it.

      "name a gundam site that isnt for seed other than mahq which i mentioned then in their reviews. you probably don't bother investigating what other sites give a honest review besides ones that love seed so much."

      You can't take such a small sample size (and yes, what you are citing is a small sample) and claim "90%" of everybody hates SEED. Statistics don't work that way.

  8. It's like Joel Schumacher ruined Gundam.

  9. woah look what I have found

    1. it really shows how retarded this show is that "fans" have to name it.. "Sword Crash of Doom"

      seed is just horrible

  10. These aren't Gundams...

  11. Greetings everyone, I'm from Venezuela and I made my mind and decided to start building gunpla, right now I'm traveling through USA, a tri-state course between California, Nevada, Utah and the way back; so I would like to know where can I buy model kits, I'm in North Provo, Utah, and I'll be going back through Las Vegas and finishing in Los Angeles, so I'll be really interested if someone could kindly give me info about places where I can buy the model kits in those places, thank you very much for any kind of recommendation

  12. SCOD here, I was reading all the comments and now the only thing that I have to say is...


    I'm only saying that Kira was supposed to die in episode 34. Later on, his boyfriend Athrun, would pilot the Strike Freedom and someone else would pilot the infinite.

    Or if you all will still cry every time I spam SCOD on you all.... Read this:

    Look, Kira was absolutely awesome in Gundam Seed. We saw him mature from GS episode 1 to GS episode 50 (plus the 5 minutes ova which truly concludes the Gundam Seed arc). He lost a lot of good/close friends during his time as a pilot. In several battles, we CLEARLY see he is NOT UNBEATABLE/UNTOUCHABLE, like in one of his fights with the 4 stolen mobile suits, several battles with the three Evil Gundams (Forbidden, Raider and Calamity), and ESPECIALLY in the final battle with Rau Le Creuset’s PROVIDENCE.
    But then comes GUNDAM SEED DESTINY, which RUINED so many things that were done so well in SEED. Mu La Flaga was magically brought back to life, making his supposed epic death in SEED USELESS, the new characters had PISS POOR developpement compared to the prequel, Cagalli was made useless, Kira became untouchable in Strike Freedom, in fact, why the hell was he the main character? At first i thought we were simply gonna get GLIMPSES of the guy, as cameo and making fans know ”Oh hes allright, hes now living peacefully”.

    Sigh, the only thing that COMFORTS me is that it wasnt the SAME writer/director or whatever that made this pathetic sequel. It was SEED’s director/writer’s WIFE who took control and ruined what could have been a beautifull sequel.

    Do any of you know that SEED’s writer ORIGINALLY intended Kira to become the villain in GSD? He was supposed to have similar characteristics to Char from ”Char’s Counter Attack”. As in, Kira was going to realize at some point that all the efforts and sacrifices in the first war were in vain, for nothing. Battles and violence was still being spread, and he’d decide that humanity needed a harsh lesson, thus putting something in motion. He’d be against everyone. What scared me though, is that the director also wanted Athrun and Kira to both die in this sequel. But what’s good is that Shinn was going to be the main hero, and Athrun would have been a Quatro Bageena, guiding Shinn in his path. But Bandai and the director’s wife were against the idea, and he just gave up and somewhat said ”Fine! Do what you want!” Thus, we now have this awful sequel which I like to pretend doesnt exist.

    Found it somewhere. Enjoy

    1. So instead of posting this very well thought out opinion (which, if you share it, means you are also a fan of seed, and, like many fans, are just angry at the way they treated the series and character in Destiny), you decided that the best course of action to get this point across was to insult everyone by childishly calling them names and spaming everywhere like a 12 year old, which, ironically, makes you the single person on this website (and apparently many others, since you seem to be going around every site that has anything related to seed) that pays seed the most attention, by far, making you a complete hypocrite, and making you lose every drop of credibility your opinion might have and you're so desperately trying to gain back with this post.

      Had you posted this when you started your futile quest to change ppl's minds about seed destiny, and you might actually have provided some good discussion, where you might have actually made ppl think better about their views. But no, calling ppl fags and obsessively copy/pasting the same comments over and over is much more mature.
      Sad, really...

    2. look... SCOD... I don't care what you and the rest of the world thinks of SEED... your opinion on SEED is clearly your own thus whatever you think about it, I will respect it. But! what I do care about is that ignorant and immature behavoiur of yours that's copy-pasting shit from one site to another with the intent of infuriating the fans who enjoy the series. Also you have this behavoiur of directly attacking people with insults just for even liking the a goddamn rock in the fucking show. Insults here and there and one after the other. Your actions start a chain reaction of haters and fans warring out against each other.

      Much like SEED and the fucking rest of the gundam shows out there, if one starts attacking ones beliefs and those that they hold dear, surely a war will ensue. I can't believe you and a lot of your kind have been doing that same shit since I don't know when. You call yourselves gundam fans of the series' you like yet you all can't even grasp the simple anti-war themes of the freaking shows.

      Like what Anon 11:15 pointed out, if you're trying to desperately gain credibility here by sounding mature and reasonable, you ain't gettin it kid. You lost it all the moment you decided what your courses of actions will be.
