Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gundam 00 Diorama: Return The World (PG 1/60 00 Raiser)

Gundam 00 Diorama: Return The World (PG 1/60 00 Raiser)
Modeled by Machida


  1. So amazing.
    Gundam 00,
    Is seriously one of the best.

  2. Lets do it~!

    trnsam styl

  3. Replies
    1. You're an asshole

    2. dont get me wrong. its a beautifully made diorama...im just saying, he wasted 200$ covering up the kit. unless of course he can restore the kit. anyways, i feel like assholing today hence the comment

    3. it's not about the money, it's about sending a message!

    4. This is something an asshole like you don't understand...this is art.

    5. what message ?
      return the world to previous ruler ? :D lol

      joking, don't take it seriously guys.

    6. Its a magazine photo. The guy who made it probably got paid enough for 2 PG kits.

    7. yup..asshole..hey guy,this is art u know??!
      if dun know..em...just go to learn,ok?

    8. maybe you should...I cant even understand your english. stop saying about not knowing art, its a freakin diorama! and again, im not hating about the work. I admire it...just hurts to do such thing on a 200$ kit. thanks @anon5:56 AM for putting a sensible arguement.

  4. Replies
    1. Agree. The only thing that would be better is if the base was more transparent to show the color.

  5. Awesome... Just brought back those old memories..

    1. Gundam 00 premiered in 2007 so... Wait, its been 6 YEARS already!?

      Gosh, I'm getting old!

    2. #throw back thursdays huh.. :) now the 00 soundtracks are playing inside my head.. hahaha

  6. Not to be an asshole, but while this is an incredible build, it does seem a waste of a PG. All of the best things about a PG are covered up or not used. A MG would have done just fine. Still, very impressive.

    1. Maybe this diorama is created when MG 00 didn't released yet?

  7. Cue "Trust you" by Yuna Ito. Also I love this, now do a diorama of the EZ8 reaching for the Apsalus 3's cockpit. (^-^)/

  8. Finally somebody did it!! I was waiting for it all these years when I saw that scene in Gundam 00 ed.

  9. Maybe to us, it seems like a PG wasted but imagine actually seeing it in person, where the sheer size of the PG is there for us to view.

    Or, maybe the flowers he had were 1/60 scale and he had no choice.

    Nonetheless, I love the results but I also agree with the commenter who said the water could be clearer with a nice lake base to further accentuate the calm after the war.
