Friday, May 3, 2013

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD REMASTER Episode 6: "The End of the World"

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD REMASTER Episode 6: "The End of the World"
Video via


  1. i want to give everyone a warning
    this show gave me AIDS

    anyone that watches this show regularly should should be put to sleep

    1. Please fucking die already troll.

    2. It's one thing to insult the show. It's another to do it in someone else's name. How far is this SecretSEEDLover gonna go?

    3. @Anon 9:24 We need to go deeper...

    4. Stop using a good person's name or ur time is up. NTG is some1 who shows no offence n do u gain joy in taking up his name n troll ppl? get a brain n think, B!tch


    6. name gone zzz -.- n y the hell me this time zzz

      **Peace among the Gundam Lovers/Fans**

    7. You made the point. Destiny is bad.
      Please stop this every week. Some people are just sick and tired of hearing about it over and over.

    8. May i suggest you stop masturbating with your dirty hands?

  2. Aww, poor thing. You must be really weak though, i don't get AIDS from this at all

    Since you got AIDS from Seed Destiny, it must means that you watch this regularly so you must also be put to sleep

  3. LOL 2 comments in and this is already entertaining, good thing I already have my popcorn made

    I bet it's the same virgins behind the computer week in and week out who continually spend all their energy bashing SEED. Get a life, go outside and get some sun for the melanin in your skin, breath in some fresh air, it's spring time after all.

    1. Want some beer? I brought a pack :D

    2. I'll have one, and pass the popcorn please!

    3. I laughed so hard reading all comments above :D :D

      help me.. some popcorn stuck on my throat.. >.<

    4. choke and die

  4. Here we go gentlemen. Here. we. go.

  5. Lube up guys, this is gonna be a looong night!

  6. Is this a recap episode??

    I'm confused. The screenshots look the same as the previous episode's.

  7. This one is definitely a hundres times better than that 08th ms shit the UC fags are drooling about.

  8. Banyak bacot kamu pilat

  9. Nice shots, to bad that the whole series is a piece of recap shit+weak chara development.
    How could they make such a weak show after good Seed is really beyond my imagination.

    1. Why are you talking to yourself?

    2. It's that stage of a troll where he makes it look like he's talking to someone else to make it look like he's getting attention to get more attention.

    3. ^and you talking to yoursef also, seed fag.


    4. ^Don't worry man. A LOT of us here don't like SEED, including I. It's just that we don't find you more hate-able than SEED. Yeah, you're worse than the shit you and quite a number of people hate so much, SecretSEEDLover. BTW, We all know that you're the biggest SEEDfag here. You don't seem to comment on anything else, and we're pretty sure the only Gundam series you've watched are SEED and SEED Destiny. So, while SEED may be "shit", people hate you MORE to the point we all find you amusing. Where does that put you? Oh, you think that when people see your posts they'll be like "Hey, this guy hates SEED too. Let's start a riot! Or an army!" That's never gonna happen. The biggest SEEDfags are the ones who constantly pay attention to everything SEED, which applies to you. It's funny, when we ask ourselves "How did I enjoy life" and all of us have the answer "I did Gunpla and watched the shows associated with it, and it was awesome." But your answer will be "HAHA, I SPENT MY LIFE INSULTING THE ONE SERIES I LOVED SO MUCH!" It's a pity, really. We'll forget about you.

      Oh, and *you're *yourself


    5. To sum it up, in terms of being "shit":

      SeedSucksIt>SEED, SEED Destiny and "Seedfags"

      Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not calling anyone (Aside from this SecretSEEDLover) a "Seedfag". I'm just speaking from the perspective of a dude who isn't interested in Seed but is fed up with... Yeah. I've said my piece. I'm done.

    6. implying you aren't a seedfag

  10. Jackass people stop commenting if all of you always insulting the show

  11. wow great episode. i love the zakus!

  12. Remember, Gundam Seed Destiny ends in episode 34, with the main character, Shinn Asuka, killing Kira Yamato with his ultimate skill: SWORD CRASH OF DOOM. And with that, ending Laccus evil dictatorship plans.

    Special Episode: Uso kills Kira, Kyo, and any other crappy character with his V2 Gundam.

  13. Forgot my popcorn again guys
    It's okay beer or pizza will do

  14. I honestly really do love the ZAKU Warrior series. Modernized design and were built off from the technology of the previous GAT Gundams... something that's opposite of UC Zakus. Plus the fact that it can either wield a big ass gun or a badass halberd is more than enough for me. Though I love the halberd more just that those vulcans on the shoulders kinda messes it up for me.. :3

    I wish Bandai would develop an MG kit of this grunt... XD

    1. Don't forget the ZAKU can also pull out THREE beam axes from it's left shoulder shield!!! I mean Destiny Gundam only have 2 boomerangs to throw around, and the ZAKU can do it 3 times.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Chaos Gundam was awesome.
