Friday, April 12, 2013

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD REMASTER Episode 3: Warning Shots (Eng Sub)

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD REMASTER Episode 3: Warning Shots (Eng Sub)
Video via Gundam.Info


  1. Another crappy episode of Gundam SEED where nothing happens.

    Fucking, lame.

    Anyone that likes this garbage is a big faggot in my book.

    1. You're actually SEEING the episodes?? Secret SeedLover alert!

    2. ... Yeah, if you hate it so much, why did you watch it? You should just stay away from it if you hate it so much... It'll just raise your blood pressure and that's just awful for your health man.

    3. @SonOfAsshole~ I'm not, seedfag.

      I just remember from my first horrible experience of watching it while it was airing, probably when you weren't even born.

      Some children that are seedfags just have poor lack of taste honestly. This was before anyone would know it was horrible, after the previous series' hype that wasn't even that great in the end. Many people were looking to see if this would be any better, when it actually turned out to the worse. And this was the only thing Gundam that was around back then. I'm excluding the Zeta Gundam movies, sice I had no way of watching them in actual theaters in Japan.

      It's even worse now than it was then because of you stupid faggots that worship this nonsense.


    4. You're funny, (but oh so dumb) because I was actually around when MGS0079 premiered and because you assume I like Seed ^^ In fact, I hate Destiny, but I don't go around looking for every tidbit of news I can find on it, like you. You're just an obsessed SeedLover afraid to come out of the closet. Of course you've seen this ep, like the good SeedLover you are. How would you know nothing happened? Unless you've watched it so many times back then to the point of memorizing it, like the SeedLover fanboy you really are...
      Let me ask you something. Do you, in your great matureness, really think that going around making poop jokes and calling ppl names (really, you loke like a 3year old who just learned a new word and won't shut up) is actually making anyone here, fan of Seed or not, feel insulted? LOL how stupid are you, really?

    5. tl;dr blah blah blah

      You weren't around for 0079, especially if you don't know where the Looney Tunes joke you're referring to all the time comes from nicknaming anyone that hates something Georgi. You should go back to grammar school in 1st grade becuase you type like a person that only makes minimum wage. And how come you have Destiny Gunpla anyway?

      I guess I proved the young seedfag wrong. Oh well.


    6. Calm down, Georgie, and watch this video:

    7. I've already won if I've gotten the first comment in.

      And it's a matter of time before other people stomp on this shit series anyway. Especially for the second half.

      You all can suck cocks in hell. You buncha' seedfaggots.

    8. ... Wait, so since Georgie has been around since 1979, is he saying that he's a 34+ year old who has nothing better to do with his time than to hate on Seed/Destiny videos? Wow... Georgie, I certainly envy your life.

      By the way Georgie, you spelled because* wrong. I wonder who really needs to go back to grammar school.

    9. You obviously have no idea where the Georgie name comes from, but I'm happy you took the time to go search for it, it means we (the so called "faggots") are really special to you. You also fail at thinking that my native language is English, but I guess you must be too young yourself to know about countries and stuff, from the way you resort to childish insults that just serve to make everyone laugh.
      I have Destiny Gunpla bc I enjoy gunpla, simple.

      I guess you fail again. Oh well

    10. ^ You do because you like seed, obviously.


    11. @SomeOtherAsshole~ I was there when you posted the Yeti in the Chatbox.

      One of you faggots did. And I laughed then, because it's from something you were probably too young to even watch at that point.

      And you have your moron Chatbox fags posting on here. It's ironic when you tell people to ignore trolls, yet you're really no better than I am right now. And I have the freedom of speech to not like what I'm seeing.

      Have other children do your battles for you then.

      You failed, you have Destiny Gunpla and Looney Tune jokes you've never even knew or even seen at this point because you thought it was funny without doing research.

      Deal with it.


    12. Just like you keep coming back to the seed posts, SecretSeedLover ;)

    13. ^seedfag / child

      Go back to the Chatbox, you fucking tool.


    14. I have no idea what Yeti is this you keep mentioning.
      I don't need ppl to fight my battles (there's a reason I don't use anonymous), they just come here to laugh at your childish fits.
      You have the freedom of speech, and we have the freedom to laugh at you as you make a fool of yourself.
      I fail bc I have Destiny Gunpla and somehow have a joke (you can *have* a joke?) that I never heard about (that makes no sense)? You fail for being about as offensive as a small 6 year old (poop jokes? really?) and yet claiming we're all children.
      Deal with it, SeedLover

    15. Quite an uphill battle we're fighting here eh, Georgie the secret SEEDlover?

    16. @SomeOtherFaggot~
      Opinionated, Unoriginal, and having children picking your battles for you.

      I rest my case again. seedfag

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Poop jokes, not funny (not in the way you think you are), is actually a child.

      I rest my case, SecretSeedLover.

    19. @SonOfGay~ You must like my work, huh? Don't so butthurt because I picked you with your dumb Seed Gunpla. seedfag. I do the worst quality work just because I'm not going to make an A+ modified photo for you and use photoshop the crappiest way possible.

      SonOfAsshole, get a better camera, you minimum waged faggot. Oh wait, I forgot you don't have a job since you're too young to even one. Is that your Mommy that buys you seed gunpla? I bet you take it up the ass with your boyfriend at school all the time.

      Don't forget to say Hi to your Mom for me.


    20. Poop jokes and now yo mama, SecretSeedLover is growing up. Now he's a crude teenager.

    21. Ahahaha! And I fail at typing?
      Dude, I've never laughed so hard in my life. How butthurt you are right now! Priceless.
      Please, proceed. Btw, I provided a new pic, didn't you see it? I'll just leave you now, so you can keep on showing everyone how mature you can be with your childish name calling.
      Thanks for the good laughs, we should do this more often ;)

    22. ^ It would actually be nice if you died laughing.

      But I feel like that won't happen. And your images probably suck too. Too bad Johny Ridden and GG are your bitch on the Chatbox. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.

      By the way, I can ban evade easily. So I can take as many shits on your dumb chatbox faggot friends anytime I want.

      Good riddance, tool.

    23. Do it then! I'm actually flattered you're devoting so much of your time to me^^ Sorry I didn't leave, but I'm having way too much fun with your childish ineffective insults XD Never thought one was able to make such a fool of himself to try and insult someone else (emphasis on trying). You really are a piece of work^^ Let's see how you'll try to insult me next. You've used poop jokes, you've used the "you proly failed school" technique, you've used yo mama jokes, calling ppl fags, calling yourself the greatest bc you are so good at the internet stuff, crappy photoshop spamming... What comes next? Come on, man, surprise me!

    24. Where is D-KLAC when you need him?

      Him and FAGman here going at it would be the battle of the Century!

    25. I'm not throwing in the towel over craptastic Destiny.

      I won't stand for this 2003~5 seed nonsense anymore. I'll post negative and snide comments every week until this is over, and there's not a god damn thing anybody can do about it. And that's just your problems if you want to live in the past with a dick up the ass.

    26. You are the one who seems to be butthurt by the past, if you feel the need to go out of your way to express your feelings about a cartoon you once saw, and do so in the most childish manner you can find. Many ppl here (including me) have been vocal about not liking destiny, but at least we gave logical reasons for disliking it. What you're doing is in fact working the other way around, since ppl aren't actually discussing how good or bad destiny is, but simply laughing at your tantrums. But please, do whatever you want, express yourself in the most ridiculous manner you can think of, no one will care about your opinion, and as you've said, it'll be over and you'll still feel butthurt about a cartoon you saw once, and destiny will still have its fans...

    27. @secretseedlover:
      we can do something about it. ya, keep posting your hate messages and no one will ever take you seriously anymore. have fun then, the Kim Jong Un of the Gunpla Community ;)

    28. @12:18 you just look like an idiot too now

    29. LOL. He loves SEED so much he wants to get with it.

  2. But I Love SEED, Georgie.

    And Oh, I think Most of the Gundam Shows you watch are Rip-offs of SEED.

    Praise SEED Forever!

    Holy is the name of SEED!

    I will plant my SEED on you, heathen!


      This where your Chatboxfag SonOfAsshole got it from, you stupid faggot. And he's a moron to not know where it comes from since he's only like 12 years old with a raspy Mickey Mouse voice probably. His balls probably haven't descended yet either.

      I could also say, Looney Tunes is more interesting to watch than this garbage too.


    2. Ahahah, Butthurt Georgie is Butthurt! Try harder!

    3. I'm not looking at that nonsense.

      Knowing how you faggots are like, it's probably some queer seed thing anyway.

    4. Dude can't you reserve your hate for the second half of Seed Destiny? Y'know when the show actually started to suck.

  3. Who's this nigga think he trying to punk with his fag talk?

    1. just some person's balls that haven't descended yet apparently

  4. I think the consensus is that the 2nd half of GSD is when everything went downhill. You cannot say that in this 3rd episode that nothing happened at all. Neo and Rey feel each other. Gilbert blows away Athrun's cover.

    I would forgive Sunrise and Bandai if they do a rewrite for GSD. Of course we all know that is not going to happen, we just have settle for fanfics. I'll even be happy if they disregard story continuity like bringing in the other Phantom Pain pilots from GS: Stargazer thrown into the mix. Or how about a three-way final battle between ZAFT vs Terminal vs Phantom Pain/EA.

  5. Fukuda and Morosawa, you two scarred a lot of Gundam Fans Forever. Even in Remastered? Seriously its the third episode now and I sense a lot of ranting above.

    But overly in a nutshell, this shouldn't have been made in 2004. Naomi is still butthurt about her role being pushed back into a wimp in this series, as opposed to SEED. ><

    1. cos we have georgie up there, who wears a mask of a SEED hater but is actually a secret seed fan cos he bothered to go to every seed post to drop his holy worlds of anti-Jesus Yamato wisdom ^^

    2. get out

    3. ha! another failed missile launch! hello kim jong un/georgie/secretseedlover
      too bad, i'm a fan of all things gundam. SEED and Destiny included ^^

    4. ? what are you even talking about? george?

      i dont understand with that this has to do with you being a seedfag

    5. hahah!!!! another epic fail of a missile launch, in this case, it nosedived and hit back at his own country!

      and to think that you are so dense to think who i'm referring to here, georgie, aka kim jong un aka secret seed lover ;)

    6. i really dont know who you mean seedfag, my name isnt george
      maybe you should get that head checked, theres plenty of people besides me that dislike seed


    7. aiyo, you really fail lah.... we know people don't like seed, and for us gundam fans, we respect their decisions because they don't force their views on us. but so far, only an extremely small minority (you) had been thrashing the show non-stop for just hating it for no reason since 2004. unless you give us specific reasons why you dislike seed to that extent then i will take your argument as groundless and invalid, and since you claim to be mature, i hope your skills can be better than that! and yes, we call you georgie, its freedom of speech, remember? right back at 'cha! ;)

      another failed missile launch from you, narrowly missing your imperial palace xD

  6. I haven't watched the episode yet but I hope they gave Blast Impulse more screen time.

  7. Cant wait to see destany gundam get fucked by justice in HD oh yeah

  8. I'll say it now. SEED isn't a bad series. I think it's more in the "okay" zone. It's definately not the best Gundam series out there, but I've seen a lot worse.

    DESTINY, on the other hand, started out okay, but it was already going downhill by the time the second half rolled around. Here are only a couple of my (and many others') problems with the decisions made with the series:

    The switching of Shinn's status as protagonist or antagonist depending on Kira's presence. It was made very clear in all the promotional material and the beginning of the series itself that Shinn was to be the main character, but for some reason, just because everyone still loved Kira, the directer decided that this was was a sign to not only make Kira the main protagonist and make him a nigh untouchable lord of the battlefield who smites his foes with the almighty stock footage beam spam, but they also just sort of abandoned Shinn until they remembered that he was supposed to be a character, and they ended up making him dumber and weaker until he was eventually reduced to something resembling a toothless rabid yippy chihuahua that desperately needed to be put down given animated human form so that he could be curb stomped by the old cast later. He also, out of the blue, also hooks up with the only similarly aged female around (who's sister everyone thinks he killed) simply because ths series still thinks it's a reimagined Zeta Gundam, and it apparently somehow still thinks Shinn is it's Kammile, and he apparently still needs a Fa for him to randomly make lip meetings with after the mind fucked not-GF dies. They had plenty of time, easily enough to try and develop Shinn into a likable character, but no, they just had to look at character polls and create this somehow extremely popular mess.

    There's also the fact that Mu is alive, almost completely negating the impact of his self sacrifice in the first series, and unlike Waltfeld, who (also in a complete ass-pull to make the fans happy) came back from certain death, but with horrible wounds and the loss of his lover, which almost made things seem a bit more believable (and with an actual backstory describing how to boot), all Mu walked away with is a facial scar and amnesia, and he is now a villinous bastard who is not above brainwashing children and committing genocide, but all that is forgiven and forgotten when his mask falls off BECAUSE HE'S MU LA FUCKIN' FLAGA, AND HE IS OUR FUCKIN' FRIEND!

    And let us not forget ALL THE DAMNED STOCK FOOTAGE! I would be okay with it if it were simple things done every now and then like the Impulse drawing a beam saber or something, but no, it started off fine, but then the animators got lazy and started making like 70-80% of all the battles afterward out of stock footage, many of which were recycled from SEED, and some of those scenes weren't even edited, so we had such goofs as the Impulse magically becoming the Strike. And seriously, do we have to see Nicol and Uzumi die every other episode? I could almost swear that they've probably got more screentime dead than they ever did before.

    Again, these are only A FEW of the very obvious problems plaguing the series. There is quite a bit more than what I described.

    1. You get a cookie. Most relevant thing I've seen here today besides blargh seed sucks

    2. You forgot one more problem: Morosawa fucking with Naomi Shindo's Role as Cagalli due to the controversy of her being with Fukuda.

    3. Just to add on to this. I really felt that both series overused flashbacks in the episodes. Literally it was 2 - 3 fucking flashbacks every episode from 20 and on. Its ridiculous how much reused footage there is in this series. I feel its pretty piss poor writing and story telling if you reuse scenes over 9000 fucking times. Flashbacks aren't bad, but SEED's overuse of them is ridiculous.

  9. Fuck Gundam Seed Destiny ang Fuck Shinn Asuka.

  10. On the plus side though, SEED and DESTINY both have really great MS designs. The Strike is one of my all time favorite Gundam designs, second only to the Mark II. I'm also a huge fan of Goufs, even DESTINY's GOUF Ignited. I wouldn't at all mind having one of those on my shelf.

  11. *Glances at the top* Ah, a perfect example of the actual problem with Destiny. That is, the utter morons that bash it, even after a decade. The behaviour of the people here makes me fucking ashamed to call myself a Gundam fan with the absolutely pathetic conduct going on. It's worse than a fucking high school in here.

    "Baaw, I disliked a show in a franchise, I'm going to bash it for the rest of my life and anybody who dares to say anything that isn't also mindless immature hate." Don't like Destiny? Do yourself and every other blasted human that browses this site a favour and move the fuck on, I'm beyond sick of your retarded hate in EVERY DAMN THING RELATING TO SEED (not even just Destiny, Seed in general which was flawed but fine).

  12. These arguments are so amusing.

    1. Want some popcorn? I brought plenty for all of us who absolutely love this great display of immaturity

      And what beverage would you prefer? I got Coke and Pepsi for the minors and good ol' beer for the adults

    2. >destiny

      well it is what it is
      the worst gundam series ever

    3. Why do people act as if reading these silly flame wars is any better than contributing? They're beyond crap to read and it boggles my mind people can actually find entertainment in people posting things that basically are the following

      >Destiny sucks shit

      >no u suck shit

      >nah, you suck shit seedfag

      >random text wall about why Destiny sucks as if this hasn't been thrashed to death ten years ago

      How on earth can anyone find that genuinely entertaining and worth reading? I'd rather be scrubbing mould out of the shower over reading that sort of exchange.

    4. That's Gundam niggatry for ya.

    5. Melodrama, my friend. It's what you can get easily in anime and that's why the flame wars here and elsewhere are entertaining.

  13. Ahh, SEED Destiny videos where you'll see mature UCfag gone mad and act like 7 year olds because they don't like something yet claim that they're still mature
    This is weekly entertainment for me

  14. Seriously, regardless how many SEED haters are here, you must know that Char voice actor is in here as Chairman Gilbert Durandal. This episodes always excites me when Gilbert talks about fakes names, real names, and finally about Athrun Zala.
    SEED series is about how war changed a person and how war effects people around, suffering, death, betrayal, etc.
    War is hell, is not about excitement like in anime.
    SEED and SEED Destiny is still a not bad show, is fun to watch again. Plus there are 4 notable voice actors (people may not care, but whatever)
    1. Shūichi Ikeda - voice for Gilber Durandal (and all time favorite Char Aznable and Full Frontal in Gundam Universal Century)
    2. Akira Ishida - voice for Athrun Zala (Well known as Gara in Naruto)
    3. Kenichi Suzumura - voice for Shin Asuka (Well known as Zack Fair in Final Fantasy VII)
    4. Maaya Sakamoto - voice for Lunamaria Hawke (well known as Aerith Gainsborough in Final Fantasy VII)

    So if you don't like it, stop complaining.... be a grown up... watch it or leave it

    1. War being hell applies to all of the Gundam series

    2. @blacksolar212 except G-Fighter

    3. In fact, blacksolar is right. G-fighter, while not about war in itself, shows, in a way, what the solution to said war is. They held the gundam fight bc war simply got too violent to do any of the sides any good

    4. Every day is hell for those on earth in G Gundam (by modern standards). In fact, it gets worst whenever there's a Gundam Fight since they get casualties, though not in the nuclear bomb or colony drop scale.

      I also like that part in Destiny, I always imagined Char talking to his semi-clone.

  15. A few talented actors can't save an extremely flawed script and lazy animation. Besides, there are some people who, believe it or not, actually prefer to watch dubs over the original voices, so aside from connecting Dearka Auel, and Shinn to the English dubbed voices of Amuro Ray, your argument is lost for them.

  16. wow so much butthurt over MSG: SEED Destiny HD Remaster. Don't watch it if you don't like. It's that simple. Get over yourselves.

  17. Can't wait for next week's episode (and flame wars)

  18. flame wars....flame wars everywhere.....
