Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gundam Fashion: STRICT-G - AMURO STYLE Concept Casual Wear

Gundam Fashion: STRICT-G - AMURO STYLE Concept Casual Wear
STRICT-G is starting its spring men's apparel line-up with the release of the AMURO STYLE Concept Casual Wear on April 6th.  This new clothing line will incoporate style inspired by the lead protagonist "Amuro Ray" in the original Mobile Suit Gundam series.
STRICT-G (Bandai - Men's Apparel Shop) is located at Tomei Expressway (Shizouka, Japan) and Gundam Front Tokyo (Odaiba, Japan).

Desert Coat (39900 yen), V-Neck T-Shirt (6090 yen), Knit Cardigan (17850 yen), Short Pants (15225 yen)

M-65 (33600 yen), Indigo Chambray Shirt (24990 yen), Short Pants (14595 yen)
Parker (27510 yen), Ox Shirt (17115 yen), Sweat Pants (23520 yen) 
G-Jacket (33600 yen) V-neck Pull Over Knit (14700 yen), Denim Pants (23940 yen) 
Images via Gundam.Info

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