Monday, September 30, 2013

GG INFINITE: Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Metal Build 00 Raiser [Special Marking Ver.] - Very Limited Qty In Stock

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Metal Build 00 Raiser [Special Marking Ver.]
(Pre-Order Begins Mar 22nd 2013, Release Date: Aug 2013, Price: 18900 yen)
*The pre-orders for the figure were originally scheduled to end on 6/6/13, but the deadline has been extended a few days until 6/9/13. I don't know how this will affect GGI's pre-orders, but follow the link down below to make sure to secure yours!
GG INFINITE: ORDER HERE (Very Limited Qty In Stock)
'Right Click On Image To View Full Size, Select Open In New Window'


Images via Amiami Blog


  1. What's so special about markings?

    1. Nothing really. They look (to me) like the 1/100 "Designer Color" No Grade 00 kits' decal markings.

      It's thing like this that confuse me. I mean the Metal Builds are expensive as it is, so they jack up the price by applying decals on it.


      I mean if they want to do something with 00, there's plenty they can do in the MG line; many of which they can reuse existing molds & parts and modify things.

      MG Exia R2
      MG Exia R3
      00 Qan[t] Full Saber
      00 Qan[t] ELS ver.
      Astraea Type F
      Avalanche Dash Exia
      0 Gundam Type ACD
      0 Gundam Roll Out

      But Bandai decides to do this.


    2. What part of Bandai's Collector and Hobby (Gunpla) not having to do anything with each other don't you fucking get?

      The Collector division released the original Metal Build OO Gundam, it sold out everywhere and the O Raiser exclusive sold extremely well. So they're re-releasing it with new markings for a made per order exclusive.

      The different departments have little to do with each other so no, they don't fucking care about Master Grade OO Gundam. Hobby Division is milking the hell out of Unicorn, Seed, Seed Destiny and Wing at the moment.

      Plus, they already have their releases planned for a year+ in advance. If they're not in planning now or in the pipeline, its going to take that much longer for it to be released.

    3. Because Charles Kim is a fucking moron...

    4. Oh Suiton, please stop. You're first comment is good enough then you followed it with your lame wishlist again.

    5. Yeah, suiton, continue your wishlist spam of Gundam 00 and you will add more dirt to its name, just like what you did to AGE-2 SP.

    6. as a fan of the OO series~ I also wanna say... suiton... STFU and GTFO

    7. Sons of Gunpla! Of Bandai! My brothers.
      I see in your eyes the same hate that would punch suiton.
      A day may come when Bandai makes his list come true and tamashii accepts his complain, but it is not this day.
      An hour of Suiton's idiocy and shattered common sense when the Age of Men comes crashing down,
      but it is not this day!
      This day we fight!
      By all that you hold dear on this good site, I bid you to don't give a &@*$, Men of the GG!

  2. i think this is to release it with a single buy. no 7 sword. no transam. just simple 00 Raiser.

    just a prediction, i'm sorry if it's out of topic, i have a big feeling Metal Build Destiny is next in time for the hd remaster

  3. if only they release the 0 raiser pre order exclusive alone for my seven sword. cuz i missed my chance

  4. Pre-ordered already. I hope I won't be disappointed since the price is a bit off for my budget...

    1. Lucky you, mine's way off the budget.

      So long my MB 00 Raiser, here's hoping that you will come back on Gundam 00's 10th anniversary and also hoping by that time I have more than enough money to have you.

  5. I'm going to order or pre-order this soon (MAYBE) eventhough, i already have MB Seven Sword and O Raiser. I have it attached with O Raiser right now without Seven Sword and to be honest, i feel so "incomplete" with it because of his Seven Sword equipment that are left in the drawer for over a year. I MUST have Seven Sword w/ 00, 0 Raiser, and 00 Raiser to be on display and so, my collection can be complete.

  6. Anyone know when the preorder deadline is???

    1. I think anytime before the release date.

  7. Screw the watermark. hope gginfinite folds up.

  8. I am wondering...

    If Metal Builds product is easily available for purchase as any Master Grade model, would that lower the demand of the item?

    1. What. That makes no sense.
      The demand is insane, the Metal Builds have sold out pretty quick, except Freedom, and are hard to get after release.

      Plus they will never be as available as Master Grades and do not delude yourself they ever will. Metal frame, die cast, hand painted areas plus decals? RDs are more in line with what you're thinking but they stop production after a while, look at the original RD Qant.
      Master Grades are constantly reprinted because there is constant demand. There is not going to be a constant market for $150-$250 USD figures and they would lose money keeping the production line open.

      And this OO Raiser is made to order as in they will make as many as people ordered, meeting the demand. Once the deadline passes you're SOL, that just means you didn't want it or isn't have the cash for it but they made as many as they had orders.

      Plus why would having more units out quiet down the demand? That doesn't even make the smallest sense with the idea of supply and demand.

      Order this if you want it. They explicitly said in their news posts this is a one time run. They will not have another production run for Metal Build OO Raiser.

    2. Not if they wanted to do a Special Markings V2.

  9. Well i did have an extra $300 but I decided on PG 00 Raiser instead. This is really nice but IMO not worth the $300 as it does nothing for me that I would not be able to reproduce myself. Which is why I ordered the new Metal Build Destiny cause I definitely would not be able to replicate the extra detail and modifications that they have done to it.

  10. I think I have 00 Raiser's in my collection in MG form... 00 Raiser, 00 Raiser Condenser Type, 00 7 Sword G, 00 Raiser Trans Am.

  11. well they be selling anymore?
