Saturday, March 23, 2013

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-2 Double Bullet - On Display @ Tokyo International Anime Fair 2013 [3/23/13]

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-2 Double Bullet (Release Date: June 2013, Price: 4410 yen)
Images via Akiba Hobby, Gundam.Info


  1. Here we go, let the show begin!

  2. Double Bullet age 2 mg! Finally!

  3. Finally good to see this guy is coming!
    It probably was because:

    a. Asem/Zeheart anime series is coming
    b. It would've been a stupid mistake not to do it since only a few parts needed to be changed

    :: waits for online exclusive Special Forces Age-2 Normal ::

    1. Dude just paint your Age-2 Normal white, it's not that hard to do plus it will be way cheaper to do it yourself than to buy the online exclusive that will be way expensive.

    2. He hasn't even built any of his kits and you're telling him to paint?

    3. it probably would come out though. you know bandai loves recolour like all the variations of zaku for example. now that a new age anime is announced i think it's possible. and not everyone paints. not me, not suiton who rarely even builds

    4. I think he's only after the boxart images that's why he doesn't build.

    5. With the new Age movie coming Bandai should give us MG Razor and Swordia!

    6. So glad didnt but the AGE 2 Normal, i just knew Bandai was going to pull a fast one, but with the Dark Hound 0_o did not see that coming first.

  4. I hope Bandai gives us the beam effect parts that kinda look like the 00 raiser's beam effect part for the GN sword III instead of just using the beam sabers like the HG.

  5. Hey Suiton, Congratulation! finally one of your wish come true.. and same to all AGE fans~ you guys been complaining for months about not getting this MS. At least Bandai prove they still care for the minority :) Cheers~

  6. i think thats something wrong, some part of gundam double bullet should be red, especially the foot.

    1. Its a damn prototype. They use the normal Age-2 and put rapid prototype parts on it.
      You will have to wait a while to see it in its final colours.

  7. Why is it that the only semi decent design from age looks like a knockoff of dynames from 00?

    1. Because they were designed by the same guy.
      And his designs for AGE seemed lazy at best

    2. I wouldn't necessarily call the guy lazy. The design brief for Age was probably very different than 00. It you notice the suits in 00 were more or less complete while the suits in Age were designed to have parts that could be swapped out and a generally more cartoony aesthetic.

  8. Jesus, some people make it seem like they've been waiting for this kit for years.
    MG 00 took almost 2 years to be released. Age-2 DB is in a pretty standard release window.

  9. I'm probably only going to get this guy if it comes with effect parts for the shoulder beams, otherwise I think I'll stick with my HG

  10. There, now Nike can finally shut up not having a MG of this kit. I was expecting Double X to be released anyway.

    1. X means NO and Double X means Double NO. That's why Bandai won't make kits from Gundam X because it's a NO NO for them.

      Hehe, just kidding. :p

    2. You never know, they could pull an MG V2 Ver Ka or MG Double X or MG Legend out of nowhere and BAM you wouldnt see it coming until they hit ya with the announcement.

      Bandai, they always love to takes your money!

  11. Looks like the shoulder parts are completely new. Can someone tell me if the binders of the MG Age-2 swivel all the way around?

    1. 2 big guns will rotate nearly as same as HG Age-2 Double Bullet, judging from the Prototype, I dont think Bandai will include new trick on these binders. But I notice there are 2 round things on the shoulder and really wonder if we can plug 4 wings of Age-2 Normal on that as well

    2. In one of the mag shots you can see on the edge of the pic that indeed you can put the AGE 2 normal wings along the DB binders.
