Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1/100 Hi-Nu Gundam - MG 1/100 Nu Gundam Ver Ka. Conversion Build

1/100 Hi-Nu Gundam - MG 1/100 Nu Gundam Ver Ka. Conversion Build



  1. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinte folds up!

    1. then go buy the magazine where it was taken from

  2. And ν stuffs still on coming XD

  3. Where were these scans from?I'm gonna go grab myself a copy

  4. I hope there really will be a Hi-Nu ver Ka next year. It is interesting to know if Katoki will use the bulkier, original design, or the streamlined MG version (both were designed by Izubuchi). I personally prefer the bulkier one after seeing the Sinanju Stein.

    1. Why do we need a Hi-Nu Ver Ka next year when the MG Hi-Nu is only a few years old and is an awesome master grade?

      There are much older kits that need updates and a lot of other designs that would be nice to see in master grade form.

    2. Hi-Nu is an awesome Master Grade??? NOOOOO. Not Really.

      Besides the crappy redesing, the kit has got some issues. few of the are very very problematic. Poor quality plastic (considering the listed price of the kit), weak joints, problems with the funnel binders, ugly head, and the worst of all... THE WAIST MECHANISM.

      Yes, we deserve a new kit with proper improvements.

    3. Other older kits need more attention. Of course Hi-Nu has problems, all the Nu Gundams are going to have problems with the funnels, but it is still up to date (Even my Nu Ver Ka has weight issues with it's shield).

      Seems like you had a lot more problems with your Hi-Nu than most people, but that doesn't mean we need or deserve a new one after getting it only a few years ago. Old kits like the Alex, the GP01-3, Sazabi, G Gundams, Hyaku Shiki and hell even the Wing Zero Custom are all much more deserving of new master grades

    4. This is anon 7:54

      Actually, I agree with Mike that there are lots of other kits that deserve version 2s as well as other designs deserving of their first MG. I should have underlined the word "hope" in my post because I also know that with the SEED Destiny HD Remaster and the final episode of Unicorn, kits from those two would be a priority.

      As for the current MG Hi-Nu itself, it's a really great kit and I don't have any issues with it save for probably the cockpit (which is a standard square cockpit as opposed to the panoramic sphere cockpit) and the fact that it toned down the original, bulkier and more imposing design.

      As for the kits you've mentioned, I'm still betting that we'll get the Sazabi ver Ka for December. Just not sure with the Alex, GP01-3. But the Hyaku Shiki just might get a re-release (unless they release the Delta Gundam instead which is similar...but not quite the same).

    5. Yeah, chances are the MG line is going to focus on Seed Destiny and Unicorn this year and probably next year as well. I'm sure we'll get some Wing and 08th MS Team releases too

      We usually get two releases when it comes to katoki master grades. . . I was betting on the Nu Heavy Weapons System but it could be Hi-Nu Ver Ka.

      Funny thing with Nu Ver Ka. A lot of reviewers accidentally call it Hi-Nu Ver Ka in their reviews. Maybe it's foreshadowing

    6. I always thought the Nu HWS would be an online exclusive, you know? Because they would have the same Nu ver ka kit with tons of add-ons.

      I think because there are angles in the Nu ver Ka that actually looked like the Hi-Nu without the back-pack. Although to be honest, Katoki adding the "Invoke" mode sort of makes the Hi-Nu pretty redundant as a "completed" Nu and pretty much assures us that the Hi-Nu ver Ka will also feature it.

      Yeah, the Gundam EZ8 MG is old but still great. Even the Ground Gundams are great. They have the best cockpit mold before Bandai made the psycoframe cockpits more accurately (spherical). Having a ver 2 of those would be exciting.

    7. Yeah I noticed that about the Nu Ver Ka as well. When I first finished building it, I noticed it really reminded me of my high grade Hi-Nu.

      I haven't build the MG Ground Gundam or EZ8, but I here good things about them, and I love the way EZ8 looks with that bulky chest. Probably why I like 2.0 MK II so much.

      New master grades of Ground Gundam and EZ8 would be instant buys for me. And the Gouf Custom.

    8. The HGUC and GPB Hi-Nu are the best iterations of the design. Much better than the MG although the MG is also good. Maybe because of the bulkier frame? I don't know. But it's possible to reuse much of the mold used in Nu ver Ka into a Hi-Nu ver Ka. And Bandai loves doing kits that recycle molds and stuff.

      I'm not a big fan of the early Zeon MS designs, but the Gouf Custom is also a sure buy. They did the Marasai out of the blue so it's possible - although Bandai seems to love the Feds lately. That and the Bawoo and other units in the first Neo-Zeon conflict.

    9. I would love to see a Hi-Nu ver Ka with the PG style hands and more detail I'd definitely buy it

  5. This is not a Conversion Build it is a non Bandai model kit !
    Gogo 1/100 RX-93-V2 Hi-Nu E.V.O. Gundam

    The Link

    1. Idiot. look closely fucking retard. seems like you know nothing about gunpla.

    2. Haha! This 5:22 guy...halario.

      *shakes head in dissapointment*

    3. he use the Nu ver.Ka and his kit !!!

  6. 5:22 guy is really what i call a FUCKTARD

    1. suck my dick, fuck you all:
      5:29 , 5:36 and 6:25
