Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2012 (GBWC) Finalists' Gunpla Display @ Gunpla Tokyo (Gundam Front Tokyo, Odaiba) - Part 2

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2012 (GBWC) Finalists' Gunpla Display @ Gunpla Tokyo (Gundam Front Tokyo, Odaiba) - Part 2

Thanks for the images Jack Y.


  1. one thing that bugs me with these Mobile armor suits they're so clustered with weapons and stuff that i can't see what the hecks going on. now i have to say that O ms looks really cool thought even if that one is a little clustered too

    1. i think OOB build really suits your taste. :p

    2. i think snap kits suits him more

  2. those clusterfucks like the banshee and blue GN arms things look like a pile of turd. Same goes for the alien looking thing that doesn't even look like a gundam.

    totally disappointed with the judging criteria. A weighing scale was probably used for judging.

    1. Agree on those MA, disagree with that modified Titus.

      I don't think it was meant to look like part of the Gundam Universe (maybe the visor's removable) but it's certainly made from a GunPla kit. I like how unique it is.

    2. the only thing titus about it is its right arm. I don't see why kits who are not meant to look like part of the gundam universe belong in a gunpla competition.

      going by that logic people should send f16 fighter jet models for GBWC next time.

    3. The chest is from Age-1, part of the head is age-1, Titus shoulders, Titus knee cap as visor.

      Those would be welcome but only if they'll be made out of Gunpla. After all, the purpose of the whole event is to promote plastic kits.

    4. You dont need to feel dissapointed with the judging criteria,this is hell none of your business. You should dissapointed with yourself for being looser all the time in this you even dont know how to build proper kit?

  3. Anybody that says that the Eday's Entry is bad and is just a hell of a clusterfuck has absolutely no idea at what the hell they are looking at. I bet you guys arent even modelers and really really have no idea what would be going on even if it werent a clusterfuck.

    A big majority of gunpla modeler's would find Eday's work to be very outstanding. I dont need to explain why to those who dont understand because you guys don't know shit anyway. Its been said already a lot of time when GBWC pics have been posted. Just because you don't understand how much effort in detail and in design the modeler put in to does not make it a clusterfuck. So many goddamn morons and smartasses here in gundamguy.

    1. The amount of details (and effort) is amazing. The consistency of colors is great, especially for something so big.

      It's not bad per se, I just like my models smaller with fewer non-handheld weapons.

    2. Agree with you..those moron that commented and replied that those MA kit and unsatisffied result from judge completely stupid..i bet their capabilities in gunpla is no more than seing kit from internet and give their opinion like expert but stupid..even toymaker,dc23,waylander and other expert modeller in gunpla dont said critics like those moron do..
      All moron that only got skill in typing and critisisme but dont have skill at all in gunpla ..just shut up and shame on yourself !!

    3. simply... those who say that Edy's work is dusterfuck, please show you models here...
      let us see how "PRO" you are

  4. I dont think anyone is insulting his skill or saying that he is not good. I see the talent that was need to do this and I am also aware that I am no where near that level yet. Still I have to agree that it does look very over done. I strive for realism in my Gunpla though and this is a very unrealistic mecha. Not saying that the build isnt good, just cluttered.

  5. Hey for all moron who just have big mouth for critics and dont have any skill at all in dont have capabilities to judge neither to build this awosome kid specially Eday MA...
    and you just simply typing ur critics just by seing from inet pic??!! Moron..maybe you just only have snapfit skill and nothing more than appreciate other people work, sitback and blame your stupid skill in gunpla rather than give your stupid opinion that just make shame on yourself...

  6. ROFL Eday's fan club is getting butthurt and crying. Does his fan base consist of 9 year olds who hurl insults to those with a different view?

    Eday has done very beautiful works, but I am truly disappointed that he chose to join the clusterfuck bandwagon.

    1. there's no way modeler can build something that can please everyone, it's just about personal taste. like it? enjoy it...hate it? leave it.
