Friday, January 11, 2013

Gundam UC Episode 6: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows - Promo Video [Updated 1/11/2013]

Gundam UC Episode 6: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows will be released on March 2nd, 2013
The official website for the Mobile Suit Gundam UC anime series announced that the sixth episode, "Sora to Hoshi to [Uchū to Chikyū to]" (Space, Earth, and…), will open in 16 theaters in Japan on March 2, 2013. It will have four more theaters than the previous episodes had.
The 16 theaters will sell exclusive theater editions of the episode's Blu-ray Disc, while regular stores will begin offering the Blu-ray and DVD on March 22nd 2013. Both the exclusive theater edition and the limited first edition at retail will have a special 110-minute bonus Blu-ray Disc with the entire "Film & Live 2012" event from May 13, as well as an "episode 6 making & interview video."
The sixth episode was to have been the final one, but the "Film & Live 2012" event revealed that there will be a seventh one "in the near future."
Gundam UC Episode 6: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows Limited Edition Blu-ray (Release Date: Mar 22nd 2013, Price: 8190 yen)
Includes special drawn jacket by Katoki Hajime, complete recording disc of Gundam UC Film & Live 2012 Reader's Theater "Hand in Hand", Making the video interviews, Special 16 pages booket, Episode 1-5 digest, PV collection.
Gundam UC Episode 6: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows Standard Blu-ray (Release Date: Mar 22nd 2013, Price: 6,090 yen)
Gundam UC Episode 6: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows DVD (Release Date: Mar 22nd 2013, Price: 5040 yen)

Video via AnimeChannel


  1. Jegan doing the thumbs down ftw. I wonder though, why can Riddhe use the Banshee? I thought only newtypes could use the NTD without dying. I checked everywhere and I never seen or read anything that said riddhe was a newtype. I hope he isn't. I want to see a normal person overcome the power of a mobile suit like Zechs did the Tallgeese.

    1. Who said anything about Riddhe's using NTD in ep 6?

    2. Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I've only watched Unicorn out of the Universal Century series, but can't Riddhe just be a yet to awaken Newtype? I was under the impression that some Newtypes have to awaken, much like how people with the Seed and Innovators in 00. And X Rounders from Age.

    3. Riddhe is nothing near Zechs' level of piloting. To compare them in the first place is wrong because in Wing, you don't have special abilities but more of super computers guiding the pilots to victory.

      Riddhe has shown "adequate" pilot throughout this series. The breakdown of skills in UC would probably something like Full Frontal>Marida>Byarlant custom's pilot>every one else. (this is just purely a guess)

      So he's nothing to be excited about except being a typical rich boy character born in a powerful family with lots of connection and angsty personality getting a Super powerful toy. If that describe how much i dislike this character.

    4. Tri-Stars should probably be up there. That said, Marida has been dependent on her MS's capabilities as much as Banagher. Funnels, I-Field, etc. The one time she didn't use the Newtype weapons, she took a while to take down a single Jegan.(ep1) Was the Jegan pilot strong or Marida's piloting skills weak when she's down to a beam saber to use?

      At least Riddhe can fight on par with both of them without any Newtype powers (i.e. He has had proper military training, and consistently fights well on an inferior MS.) No comment on his actual character lol.

    5. It also doesn't seem like Riddhe has depended much on his family's wealth, or he wouldn't be risking his life as a pilot..

    6. The OVA is really poor at portraying his character.

    7. Which I do agree to a certain extend. But Riddhe has not been shown to fight against Banagher or Marida in a serious fight so we can't really rely on this comparison. However, we did see he got owned pretty badly against Full Frontal along with with team but to be fair, who wouldn't get owned by Char's clone? lol
      Marida, though, had no trouble defeating a special squad, ep 1, yes, they were pretty good pilot, aside from the funnels overpowering them, she made the close combat looks like a simple walk. She did have more trouble against the Rezel squad within the colonies but she did show her skills to be pretty impressive.
      Riddhe has not shown that. It's true he didn't depended on his family wealth and pretty much told Bright he shouldn't treat him special but more importantly, he's being a dick. He curse his family blood but rely on it on a wimp, he also doesn't care shit about status Quo. So he was pretty much a weak character that tries to run away from things rather trying a transformational change which was pretty much why Minerva dump him.

    8. Woah hold on, Marida didnt make close combat look like a simple walk.. She needed several parries and needed her wing binder boosters to finish the last jegan. If she had been piloting a Geara Zulu she'd probably been fried.

      And how did riddhe rely on his family?? :/ He left home to become a ms pilot at a young age (ep4) and didn't brag about his family at all.

    9. There is no status quo, a whole city was destroyed, and both londo bell and neo Zeon have been out of status quo and have been in many battles with each other. Anyway, riddhe cant care much anyway, he's just a ms pilot. In fact staying in status quo can't fix a problem, so obviously 'solving' it requires actions which change the situation.

    10. She did, she toyed with the pilot, she could have dodged that but she used the booster instead. Based on Kshatriya's bulkiness and less mobile than that speedy type Jegan, she did had an easy time cleaning them up.
      He didn't brag about his family because, as before mentioned, he curses their power and, by his concept, the troubles they are responsible for pulling the strings as most politicians would do. Which means he's weak willed, trying to run away to become a pilot. And Minerva repeatedly ask would he tries to change the status quo and the world, he said he would like to "own" Minerva and rather not turn "the world into his enemy". First, he tried to prevent the war with Minerva, but as he feels she slowly slipped away from him, he grew desperate and state he don't care about the world, which defeats his purpose of being a pilot but anyway. Which was a nice confession to the girl but he was lacking as an strong willed individual unlike Banagher.

      There are indeed my friend. Minerva is still regarded as "the princess", the whole Vist family has their actions deeply rooted into the wars of UC, Earth federation are not united and secrets such as the Laplace Box are hidden from the world to make their wars more justified. The problems are always there and it's up for the main characters, often granted a Gundam, to challenge those.
      So as I've said, Riddhe who lacks the will to change the world does not deserve the Gundam OR the novel ending.

    11. True man, the officials seem to almost always unharmed, the only casualties of these holocaust were civilians and soldiers. Which means, the gap between rich and poor, powerful and powerless becomes even bigger after that.

      The top brass are always hiding somewhere drinking coffee, pouring money into weapons and mobile suits.

    12. Well actually, based on your logic, Banagher is not unlike Riddhe; when Banagher first entered Unicorn's cockpit and talked with his dad, he stated he just wanted to feel wanted by Audrey. He's been thrown into this mess and he has repeatedly shown himself to be a weak character that needs to depend on numerous support characters like daguza and zinnerman.

      I don't have that strong a feeling for Riddhe to keep discussing with you since you do realise you're writing with a bias... as for whether Marida used the wing binders to 'play with' the Jegan pilot or get out of a tough spot, we'll probably never know who's right. But it's true Marida relies heaps on her newtype abilities rather than piloting skills so if you're including a non-newtype like RIddhe in your 'skills ranking' then I assume its on a common ground like 'MS piloting'.... which I believe Marida should not be that highly regarded. That said this is all quite subjective since we are 'fans'.

    13. lol I've been thinking too much Riddhe. I mean, "if you're including a none-newtype like the Byrlant pilot."

    14. Also, I don't think Marida's personality is someone who would 'play around' on the battlefield...

    15. You guys don't understand Marida's character at all if you think she toys around during battle.

    16. I don't know what you guys are dicussing about but as a Newtype, cyber or not, her skills should be well beyond non-newtype such as Riddhe. But we still don't know if he's a newtype or not so we have to wait. But so far he's far behind.
      Also, the whole argument of relying on newtype ability to get out of the tough spot is off. Newtype, unlike Innovator or Super mode is something like an advanced awareness granted to the pilot. That's how they're able to use stuff like funnels. And by that alone, makes them better pilot than others. Simple, lol.

    17. Don't worry guys according to the novel Riddhe will get his redemption after going cuckoo and killing a certain someone.

      As for newtype ability it allowed Kamille to call on dead ghosts to power up his machine and defeat Scirocco which he couldn't have done so otherwise or Amuro to push back that asteroid.

    18. I agree with the first guy. I hope Riddhe isn't a Newtype. I personally am sick of the whole Newtype, innovator, coordinator, X-rounder crap in Gundam. I want to see cool pilots like Woolfe, Asemu, Shiro, Kou, and Mu La Flaga in cool mobile suits going at it skill vs skill without funnels, bits, ghosts, psychic powers, and all that other crap flying around. And ask for the NDT, its the worst thing in gundam since quantum teleportation.

    19. Mu La Flaga? As in the pilot who uses bit-like weapons from the very first episode of SEED and constantly gets those Newtype flashes throughout the series? Someone's a moron.

    20. Woolfe, cool pilot, yes, good pilot, no.
      Asemu, cool pilot, yes, good pilot? no, superior machine.
      Shiro, yes
      Kou, yes,
      Mu, yes a cool pilot, great pilot? no.

    21. That's my point jackass, I want to see pilots like Mu not using bit-like weapons. And his flashes was nothing like Newtype powers like Kamille's where he can see dead people, read minds, and see the future. He just got a tingle when Rau Le Creuset was near kinda like the connection twins has.

      Or if the pilot is going to use bit-like weapons, at least let him have a haro to control them like Lockon had. But I would just rather them not being used at all.

    22. The argument that extra-awareness weapons use show less skill is not right, imo. The weapons do indeed overpowering normal suits, however, to be able to use those in the first place, the pilots have to be very skillfull. The haro control on the other hand, does not show Lockon's ability to use those weapons but instead the only instance where we can see the overpowering nature of the weapon without the pilot's influence on it.
      Riddhe does not get redemption by killing "that" character. It is poor writing of the novel that shows UC wars will always favor those have more luck, power such as gundam pilots, riddhe, minerva, etc. than those with less fortunate fate than them...

    23. Yeah, Riddhe can go and become a sex slave, have his life messed around before he can curses his family blood. Agree with the guys up there, not only he is born into a luckier family than others, he throws it away for something nonesense as his little pride. Not to mention he does not deserve any of the novel ending, that ending is just wrong.

    24. Asemu? superior machine? are you fucking kidding me? he pwned Legilis so easily using his old Dark Hound

  2. Looks like its going to be a character-development episode with lots of ship-based shenanigans and "Full Frontal" hijacking. Can't wait!

  3. "This video is Private"...

  4. video set to -_-

    1. No it isn't, I watched it just fine...

  5. "video is Private"...


    (i'm trying to watch it from Italy)

  6. Fuck the episode, I WANT THE SONG!!!

  7. Dang, I really hope I am mistaken, but Zimmermenn looks beaten up with the light of a beam attack appearing just opposite of him on the screen. I really hope he and Marina survive...

    About officials always surviving, well, that is the way the world is. Officials never get killed or held accountable for the atrocities they incite. It is actually realistic...

    1. My memory's fuzzy but didn't all the Zabis except Mineva die in MSG and nearly all the leaders of both sides in Zeta? Also Quess' dad got vaped in CCA.

  8. Hope Angelo dies in this episode. He's been asking for it ever since he went emo that his shot "ruined the captain's battlefield...!" As for Riddhe, well he isn't that important. He helps provide a second outlook at things but he's weak in character because that's his role in the OVA. On the other hand, we know what happens to Marida in the end.

    1. Oh poor Marida... I hope they retcon her fate. It'll be a pleasant surprise if they do.

  9. whats the name of the song anybody please tell meT>T

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Song title is on the bottom right corner of the video. Look at the screen caps :p

    Aimer - I Am

  12. Full Frontal piloting Jegan? they're doing the same gesture.. xD

  13. I see the full armor being suited up on the unicorn :D

  14. Marida Dies Shoot by Riddhe while trying to protect the Nahel Aragma and that how opposite 6 ends and Angleo Tries something similar to haman killing herself in zz but survives

    1. But not before She defeated Full Frontal in a incredible maneuver

  15. The anon above me spoiled everything T_T.

    1. Yeah agreed real subtle there buddy. Still I heard the OVA ending might be different from the novel so we may get a few surprises yet.

    2. I think they will not change anything about the story people who died in the novel will die on the ova the only change was on the ms mechanics like the gundam banshee & maybe something new with sinanju (though that thing is perfect from the start maybe adding funnels to it or a new weapons set) and am expecting slight change to ending on ova 7 slightly more positive to avoid any dark zeta ending (if u know what i mean Kammel's fate)

  16. Wait, Wait, Wait, before al this, Could somebody explain to me the paint on the cover art, what is that " mascot " on the table? The lady & the maid with the La+ box is understandable, but between the Unicorn & the Lion ( banshee ) there is a third one, some sort of puppy?

    ~ Someone who didn't read the novel

  17. Why cant i watch the trailer? :( even if i go to youtube it doesnt work.
