Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Set for 2014 Not Announced [Updated 1/31/2013]

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Set for 2014!?
According to Anime News Network: ANN confirmed that the March issue of Gundam Ace magazine does not state that the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin anime will air in 2014. The magazine's August 2011 issue did state that an anime project of Yoshikazu Yasuhiko's Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga would be launching.
Earlier this week, an image began circulating online that claimed that the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin TV anime is scheduled to air in 2014. The image is the poster illustration that Yasuhiko created for the 1981 film Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow, except with text added.
Another image began circulating online this week, but its text simply says: "Mobile Suit Gundam, the first TV anime in the Gundam franchise which debuted in 1979 — Now we will go back to the origin in 2014 when it will be the 35-year anniversary!"
Previous Posts:
A new image stating the release of Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin TV Anime Series to be released in 2014!
Yesterday, we found a twitter feed from 鋼彈情報局【G.I.A.】 that reads, "Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin" -TV Anime- is scheduled to air in 2014!"  This really is exciting news, but we should wait for an official announcement just to be sure.  *Thanks L for the translation*
If Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin is to be released as a televised series.   What things would you like to see from this series?  And which gunpla would you want a release?  Leave us your comments below!
Images via AEMedia & Gtoys Blog, AnimeNewsNetwork


  1. im so exited. A full series.

  2. It's a shame Hirotaka Suzuoki, You Inoue and many others will not be able to participate in the making of this.

  3. I don't see why everyone is so excited about this? Doesn't this mean Bandai is running out of ideas? I mean just take a look at the anime industry right now LOL

    1. They are just taking it slow and safe - G AGE was a disaster and since S1 of G00 BANDAI hasn't released a worthy full-slot series. Thus, it's only natural that they would focus on series that possibly have the biggest fanbase out there and the original Gundam is on top of the list. It's also a good thing to animate this old idea anew. I suppose the designs will look much more realistic, with more details and overall improved quality. Look at Unicorn how fantastic this OVA looks. Anyways, I can't wait till 2014 :D

    2. Gundam 00 is the best and worthy Gundam series bro

    3. 00 was a train wreck with bunches of ideas unable to resolve until the very last moment of the series. Majority of familiar/important characters remained undeveloped. Alien, being as fresh as it is, has not been done as well as they would've liked and the concept still remained to be unsuitable for Gundam.

      Except for cool suit designs, super overpower Gundams with incomprehensible secret pilot's power and battle sequences aside, story is still mediocre.

    4. 00 was a decent B but nothing close to being the best Gundam ever came out of Sunrise's door.

    5. This is hardly the place and time to wipe the floor with 21st century G installments. I mentioned the other series for the sake of comparison and nothing more. Refrain from it please.

    6. 00 is totally disaster too for Bandai , their HG line sales like shit and the FG was totally failed
      and the movie punched Bandai right into his face , so many HG00 canceled because of it ...

    7. I don't know where you get the idea that 00 failed. It was a commercial success for Bandai and the models sold very well, maybe not to same the level as Seed but pretty high up nonetheless. The movie kits were only put on hold because Age was the newer series they want to push.

      As for 00 itself, the series and movie were fine imo. Most of the complaints I've read come from people who either didn't pay enough attention to the story or were already set on hating it before it even came out. This closed-minded attitude of fans is why we can't get any new ideas in Gundam.

    8. For the 00 haters and SEED lovers, well, you can say all the bad things you want to 00 but it is still my favourite just next to UC (all shows) which of course no other series could ever beat it.

      Long Live UC!!!

    9. FG is bound to fail anyway, and they were introducing the AG line (which also sucks imo). The older equivalents of FG had better articulation, just a little under the older HGs.

      SEED had a lot of HG love, and yes, it's crazy popular in Japan. But 00 wasn't bad at all

    10. There are still a lot of storyline in the UC period ~ hathaway flash, gaia gear and all the way upto F91; also the gap between V gundam to G-savior (which seem to suggested there was a small period of technology collapse)

      But I wonder if this is a complete reboot or it actually start from the assassination of Zeon sum Deikun or just the first year war itself.

      AGE was an interesting proof-of-concept. Too bad anime market as a whole had been rather depressed; not from brain drain, but rather economic factor.

    11. It's pretty unlikely that either Gaia Gear (which contradicts established MS development for that period - it emphasis bigger transformable types, while F91 and Victory show them getting smaller and smaller) or Hathaway's Flash (which is a sequel to the events in Tomino's Beltorchika's Children novelization of Char's Counter-Attack) will get animated. Bandai has also shown a general disinterest in post-0100 UC stuff, so those periods will likely remain unaddressed.

      You have a good point, though - we really have no idea what parts of THE ORIGIN will get animated, though if it's a TV series, it's likely to be the whole thing. You can bet that if it redoes the events from the original series that it will have the pre-OYW content in there as well; not only are there new designs for kits, but it's also totally new content and a big reason for old fans to tune in.

    12. In japan,00 was friend told

  4. Yeah, it says the TV-Anime starts 2014 :) And I'm exciting since reading the Manga is very fun!

  5. So we're getting a weekly series, not an OVA run? Not sure how to feel about this, considering how god awful Gundam has been on TV for basically the last decade or so...

    1. SEED was bearable, Destiny was ungodly piece of crap. On the other hand 00 S01 and 02 were quite ok, especially the first run. Though, there's possibly no denying that AGE was a straighforward failure from day one.

      Alternatively, I don't think that BANDAI will WILLINGLY ruin the original series' remake, unless they go completely mad in two years.

    2. In terms of sales 00 Season 2 may have been okay on its first run, but good greif it was a bad series. Shallow cast where literally everyone who had potential did nothing and/or got killed off, terrible black/white morals, and the worst main character and main villain of the franchise at the time (Kio having topped Setsuna since then, and while Kira may be more hated at least he got some actual development, even if it was bad it was still more than what Setsuna got). And the only three interesting characters in the series literally had their problems solved because of magic dust.

      Honestly, 00 after the second season was just as terrible as Destiny. Only where Destiny focussed on contrived drama (both on-screen and behind the scenes supposedly) to the point it was downright stupid and had crap action 00 focussed on the action to the point the characters existed for no reason besides to shout things in the action sequences.

    3. Well, I was not going to engage in any of those trivial 'I am right, because I am' discussions, but since I've got a couple of minutes here goes nothing.

      As much as I can can understand any of the latest arguments against Destiny (because there just aren't any good sides to plot or characters) comparing 00 to it is just plain retarded (I'm not referring to the people, rather their twisted approach to facts - ergo fanboyism) and utterly painful for otherwise a decent series with relatively high re-watch value.
      Setsuna is in no way as bad a character as Kiro in GSD. Firstly, Setsuna developes from one dimensional, situation driven and rebelious teenager into a grown man with a wider perspective on things and ready to make difficult decisions. Sure, he has little drama development and he is really retracted from most human to human relationships but, in case you failed to notice, 00 is scarcely about that. SUNRISE strived from trying to kill the audience with forced drama and instead they took the direction of politics and middle-east crisis. Is this a bad thing? When we follow your comparison to the hated GSD and its overly forced dramatic experiences I would surely disagree. The direction is fresh, well-executed and actually leads to something (CBs actions eventually cause the world to 'sort of' unite). Furthermore, 00 tries to underline another important notion - single entities ruling over masses of people and making decisions for them. Sure, other series took that up too, yet the argument is, that 00 DOESN"T have any plot or character positive qualities and here is the proof that you're actually wrong. I deliberately overlook other series since you're comparing 00 to GSD and GSD only.
      Plot aside, most characters actually develop over the course of 50 episodes of TV series. I have no idea why do you disapprove of two Lockons, Tieria (who turns out to be a vital example of how a good double agent should be written) or Allelujah who actually accepts his bi-sided nature and takes good use of it by the end of the series, and mind you, that is only if we consider Gundam Meisters. Sumeragi, Saji, Lasse, Graham - hell, even Billy has his little arc and finally succumbs to the truth.
      You say that Ribbonz is actually a bad villain - really? He's smart, witted, skilled in combat and has utter knowledge about human race and takes little to no effort to utilise those skills. Furthermore, his point in doing what he's doing is quite sound too. He knows of the pending alien invasion and is aware that without the Innovators humans will fail to stand firm against the oppressors. It is just that the means he's using go against the CB policy of free world (he was a tyrant after all and wanted to rule the humans through dicatorship) and humans deciding on their own. Also, he is a bit too self-conceited for his own benefit. To me that is a perfect description for gundam antagonist! Remember Paptimus Scirrocco? Or Hamann Karn? They pretty much befit the description.
      On the other hand we have guys like Djibrill or Durindall from GSD - one dimmensional, simple minded (Djibril) or rather ignorant (Durindall about Orb and Kira X Lacus union) and unwilling at the end. Djibrill escapes like a scum from Moonbase (to compare that, Azrael did try to blast away Archangel) and Durindall just sits on the throne waiting for Kira to blast away his troops.

      See now? Do you still believe your arguments to be point-blank valid?

      Seriously, I'm not against you in any way, I just don't like people moaning about stuff just because they feel they want to, no arguments to ground their theories.

    4. GS Kira is OK though going from revenge-driven killer in one episode to an enlightened character after a few more wasn't my cup of tea; GSD Kira is simply bad IMO.

      Setsuna evolved from a "Gundam" (his words) to something a little more human, then an alien.

      Personally, the character that made 00 great for me was Saji Crossroad, the guy who had a pilot friend, a gf who lost her arm and her family, lost her sister, causes a massacre, joins the war as a (support) pilot, then becomes an engineer in the end.

    5. @Lukasz Mazur
      Great reply! I agree characters were more developed in 00 than Seed. A lot of people missed the point of Setsuna's development which is seeing him grow from being a traumatized little kid into a man who finds new purpose in his life. Seriously fans can't expect someone suffering from PTSD to be instantly likable or romantic.

    6. Would you all just shut up, its a cartoon. Grow up a little.

    7. So find yourself another place to bitch, if you may.

      Anime is just the same popculture element as any. We have accepted comic books, modern art, various music - why not animation? Why talking about a hobby should be forbidden in the first place? What are you here for? To sound idiotic?

    8. @ Anon 7:19 AM

      I do believe Lukasz mentioned he made the comparison to Destiny and Destiny only, not Seed so take that out of your mind. Destiny were a disaster, anything would've been better than it.
      Seed on the other hand was not, stop this delusional belief. Not because you hate Destiny because it's bad, you have to always label Seed universe is bad just so you can feel superior when you like another series.

    9. Actually I still stand by my stance that 00, as of Season 2, was complete garbage akin to Destiny. The main character, Setsuna, was shallow and hardly developed. Those two sentances sum up his ENTIRE development over the 50 episode series, and it wasn't even engaging to watch since most of his screentime was him acting like an emotionally dead robot.

      And I also stand by my point on Ribbons. So what if he was a skilled pilot and took over the world and planned to beat any aliens back with sheer force? At the end of the day he was as shallow as Durandul in Destiny and was just another loser villain with a God Complex,of which I have seen many and a character needs more than just that to stand out. Hell, even Bushido had more development and personality than either Ribbons or Setsuna, and he was barely even in the show screentime wise.

      Then there is the plot. We go from a series about a guy who set up an organisation to end stupid wars and uniting the world, a series where both sides were grey and it was easily possible to view Celestial Being as outright terrorists, to a series about overthorwing a corrupt government organisation run by a guy with a god complex who is planning to shoot aliens when they come. That is B tier hollywood movie garbage, and after season 1 it was incredibly dissappointing to see a series that had brough such quality to the table go down such a route.

      And that's before I bring up how if someone wasn't named Setsuna, Tieria, or Ribbons then the show could generally go on with or without them ever existing. How many characters actually impacted the plot in a meaningful way? How many got onscreen development to make up for their lack of action in the plot? Barely anyone, and as already mentioned Setsuna was an emotionless robot of a main character who, frankly, existed in season 2 to simply spout "cool" phrases in action scenes while having psuedo-deep development.

      At least with Age there were zero expectations of anything good, 00 meanwhile built them up and then smashed them to pieces in the second season like an angry kid does a lego tower. Thank god for Universal Century. But yes, I stand by my views. 00 Season 2 had potential from season 1, then over the course of the season it proceeded to show it had no intention on following any of it up, and was more intent on showing pretty lights than a fleshed out world like the first season.

      I do however take back my comment about Kira. On second thoughts him and Setsuna are about the same. Both emotionless annoying robots, both surviving crap that should have killed them.

    10. Here's my take: If a Gundam series pisses you off, DON'T WATCH IT. I see too many people complaining about a show episode by episode only to watch the entire series just to complain about it more. Why not spend that time watching a show you actually like?

    11. To Anon 3:13 AM

      Then that's your take.

      Setsuna did develop. From a character that does not care about others and believing in only his views of the world, to a one that cares and acknowledge his comrades motivation for fighting and living.

      Ribbons is a villain. His character revolves around his schemes and there's nothing wrong with handling a character to such. His motivation is his extreme devotion to Aeolia's Plan without the considerate of others, and there were parallels in First Season how blind devotion does not do any good to humanity and how Aeolia's Plan by itself does not lead to elimination of conflict.

      The plot revolves around certain characters and with that there's no helping of it taking sides. That's how you develop a character, to see their morality and their motivation, and how it stacks up against the other end of the spectrum. Black and white is a tool to see their true colours; those in grey at this point are the one that does not care and does not further the plot. Season 1 is not grey by any means. It's black and white too. From the manipulators to the manipulated. To those who fight for the sake of it and those with reasons. Fighting between those with moral values does not make them grey.

  6. There are many more better UC series like Gundam Sentinel, which has the most badass MS designs like the S Gundam, Xeku-Eins, Zweis etc that deserve some TV screen times or OVAs

    All these trends of rebooting old ideas are just getting out of hand and meaningless.

    1. I second that!! I would love to a top notch Gundam Sentinel in an OVA!

    2. Model Graphix owns the sentinel storyline. Bandai owns the right to produce merchandise from the designs, Sunrise can't touch Sentinel, due to it belonging to Model Grafix.

  7. Please No.... I want new fresh Gundam Series T_T

    1. And when a new Gundam Series comes up and you don't like it you'll call it crap and request for a remake of the old ones? =_=

  8. For me, there are two things Bandai needs to do for this to be successful: high quality animation and a tight, cohesive story-line. I'm sure the animation can't be as good as it is in the Unicorn OVAs, which I think is pretty good, but it has to be better than Gundam AGE. I guess this also leads to the fact that the art direction/style has to be "mature".

    As far as the story-line goes, I've never felt that I had a really strong grasp on what was going on in a lot of the Gundam animes that I have watched. Sure, the basic tenants are war is a horrible thing, innocent people get hurt, you have to kill to protect those you love, etc, etc... But there is a certain point in most of Gundam, and a lot of anime in general, where the story just takes a really strange turn and I feel like "WTF am I watching?". There are a few exceptions, like Gundam 0080 and 08th MS Team, but those were shorter story-lines that didn't seem to be as mired in Gundam lore as the others...

    If this is going to a hard reset of the Gundam story and it gets rid of all of the convoluted history, keeps the story-line either more simple or better explained, and has a mature take on it, I think it could be a great thing. I look forward to seeing what happens with it, and of course the kits that go along with it as well.

    1. While the story of Age ended badly, the animation in that show is probably the pinnacle of what can be achieved with a 50 episode weekly budget (unless they break it into seasons).

      As for "mature" well.. it's not out of the question but Gundam on TV has always been a shounen action show aimed at teens so I wouldn't go into it expecting OVA levels of complexity.

  9. Am i the only one who's watching Gundam mainly for the mechs ? :)) Plot is important too but at the end, entertainment is all that's matter

    1. I think entertainment is different for everyone, but it comes down to the same thing that everyone wants to be entertained.

  10. So in 2014 there will be Bright's slap ver 2.0...

  11. This better have only 1 Gundam, unlike the other series where there's like a Power Ranger team of Gundams. >__<

    1. Some other crew members get GMs, and of course there're the Guntank and Guncannon (3 of each, this time), but the Gundam is the only Gundam in the manga.

  12. Slap is for sissy, now bright will punch amuro in the face

    1. Slap first, then punch as Amuro complains.
      Great effect if he doesn't get to finish his "Not even my dad hits me!" line

    2. Sorry to disappoint you, but the slap is the same.

      Though Amuro gets a chance to apply his own Brightslap at one point.

  13. goddammit BANDAI, just give us Crossbone Anime!

  14. Have any of you who question the quality of the storyline in Origin even bothered to read the manga?
    Seriously, its already guaranteed to be better than Age and will be a great way to get those animation snobs into the original concept of Gundam.

  15. I hope that the anime will be very different from the manga, otherwise we can put in the trash 35 year of continuity...


    1. See my post below. It trashes nothing. I, for one, hope they keep it the same. THE ORIGIN is the definitive version of Mobile Suit Gundam, as far as I'm concerned.

    2. Not according to Tomino since he didn't write it. The MSG movie trilogy is his definitive version.

    3. His definitive version. Not mine. When it comes to Gundam, "canon" is anything animated, so whenever there are contradicting animations it pretty much becomes up to you - especially since THE ORIGIN has zero contradictions with future animated productions.

      Even before I read THE ORIGIN, the anime was always my preferred version (better character establishment than the movies have).

  16. Why is the titel of the news written as a questions ? Isn´t this confirmed ?

    1. No. This is fake. The picture is just the poster of Soldiers of Sorrow with some different text that some troll added to it.

      Somewhere in Japan, some guy is really pleased with himself for fooling all these stupid foreigners.

  17. I must say, I'm sort of mixed on this news. I figure that it sort of feels like throwing decades of UC storylines out the window. But on the other hand it seems to me that with so many alternate universes out there, why not an alternate take on the UC history itself. It's still an alternate universe... just a little closer to home. As for all of the Seed and )) haters out there its like my grandma used to say: "If you don't like it, don't eat it, but don't complain. You'll ruin dinner for everyone else."

    1. This wouldn't even be a first for that - the MSG movies are basically what you're describing.

      Anyways, THE ORIGIN doesn't contradict anything in later series at all, so you don't need to worry about that.

  18. hmm I have watched original Gundam series in the past, do I still need to watch this ?

  19. G-SAVIOR is the best in Universe I think....

  20. Guys, you realize that nothing in THE ORIGIN actively contradicts anything but MSG, right? It's the same general story with the same character beats and the same deaths and the like. I guess it invalidates some extraneous materials, like databooks on the OYW and such (the White Base takes a different path to Jaburo, Odessa happens after they arrive in Jaburo, and the series has its own MS development history - something that was never set in stone anyways), but it otherwise fits perfectly into UC continuity.

    1. Don't really care, I just want to see Amuro vs Char in older mechs but with better animation.

    2. The postulate on which the oyw is that Zeon Mobile Suit developed while the Federation no.
      This is why at the beginning Zeon was winning the war.
      The Federal Forces employ something like 8 months to catch up and develop the "Project V"

      Origins eradicates this point of the story del'UC.
      Both sides have MS from the beginning...

    3. Sort of, but not really. Zeon still develops MS first.

      The Feds have Guntanks (which are barely MS - notably, they predate even the Zeon suits). The MS that they have "from the beginning" are Guncannons, but they're awful - worse than the Zaku I, and consistently referred to as "old type" Mobile Suits throughout the story and treated more like cannon fodder than the Zakus are.

      So, yeah, they KIND OF both have Mobile Suits...but not really. Effectively, the Federation may as well not have them at all until the Gundam, and Zeon still trounces the Federation at Loum and the V Project is still a vastly important development that takes 8 months to develop.

      But even if you're right...what does this change? When is "who developed MS first" EVER the point of the UC story? Again, yes, it invalidates some supplementary material, but not anything that comes afterwards. The Gundam retains all of its importance, and that's what's key here. Who cares when Guncannons were developed, if everything turns out the same anyways?

  21. It's ok, gundam can die. :) itwl eventually, but unicorn needs to end first.

    1. Yes, I'm sure the ending of a high-selling and popular entry into the franchise will be the death knell of one of Japan's most enduring pop culture icons.

  22. i don't mind this at all. i tried watching the original 0079, and i just can't get used to the animation.

    1. How shallow of you

    2. I could watch it, but i get what you mean. There are certain anime that friends recommend that i just cant watch because i cant get pass the art style.

    3. To be honest, the animation for MSG had plenty of QUALITY so it's not fair to call someone shallow for not liking it. I highly recommend you check out the movie trilogy though since it removes a lot of the problems and is pretty much the prefect version of the original story.

  23. I've already seen all I can take of the One Year War.

  24. thanks god, i don't see suiton a.k.a nike throw his Incoherent Babbling here.....

  25. I came to laugh at you

    1. No, you're not him. You can't deceive us...

  26. Great news. It's a good that I'm immune to these SEED shit stuff that will flood us this year and right now starting to save money for 2014 to buy Gundam the Origin gunplas and other merchs.

  27. Origin is going to be animated digitally so fans shouldn't expect a return to that ultra-detailed rough look they get with older series. Judging by the Zeta movies we're almost certainly going to see clean, shiny robots with pretty beams flying everywhere.

  28. my question is: what kits will we see?
    this isn't the same situation as wing and seed were (and 00 is now), where a refocus on the series can be accompanied by master grades of major suits that weren't released at the time of the initial series. does anyone think the tech has advanced to the point where a "3.0" will be vastly better than the 2.0 kits from ~5 years ago?

    1. Real Grades are your answer. The RX78-2 is basically a High End MG compacted to the HGUC scale of 1/144. The RG RX78-2 was amazingly detailed and mechanically correct.

  29. I hope for...

    Character driven story
    Respectful adherence to original concept
    Contemporary twists
    Technology base based on possible/probable developments
    A mature story
    A die hard aproach to production quality
    No compromise on story no matter what

    Some ideas I just brain farted.

    1. I can't speak for the production quality, obviously, but I can answer these questions based on the manga.

      Character-Driven Story: Yes. Very much so. Mobile Suit Gundam was already a very character-driven story, and THE ORIGIN adheres to that nicely. Its completely new material is similarly character-based.

      Respectful Adherence to Original Concept: Hell yes. Yas clearly had a great deal of respect for Tomino's original story, and he is (naturally) very familiar with it. The broad plot is identical to MSG's, and it has all the story and character beats from that show intact. It modifies things here and there, and makes one or two major changes, but they're all very much in the spirit and style of the story and the characters and story all end in the same way.

      Contemporary Twists: I'm not sure what you mean by this, exactly, but there are new story twists here and there (especially in the giant 6-volume flashback arc and during a side-plot in A Bao A Qu).

      Technology Base Based on Possible/Probable Developments: Not really. Tech is a big part of THE ORIGIN; there's always something going on in the background, especially in terms of repairs/replacements, but there aren't any "references" or easter eggs to future tech development or other series or anything. In fact, THE ORIGIN has its own version of MS development history; obviously, that subject wasn't covered in MSG, but it does do something separate from the various guidebooks or MS Igloo.

      A Mature Story: The story is the same as MSG with (like the movies) some of the sillier tech and one-shot episode stuff cut.

      No Compromise on Story: Not really sure what you mean here, actually.

      Obviously, this is the manga, but if the anime is faithful to that then this is what you can expect. Hope that helps!

    2. Yea for sure. Thanks for the input. Some of my chriterias are a bit vague and fuzzy but I suppose I'm sort of hopping for the JJ Abrams revamp of StarTreck if you know what I mean?

  30. Can't they at least try to animate gundam sentinel? I know it is owned by model grapix, but still.

    At least people who are not aware can see what happened behind the scenes during zz gundam and they are featuring UC but with fresh chracters and mobile suits.

    1. Gundam Sentinel isn't long enough to justify anything other than an OVA.

    2. Probably a short OVA similar to unicorn? maybe rush it up like what they did i F91, i dunno.

  31. I think animating Gundam: The Origin makes perfect sense. First Gundam is great for what it is but the animation had already aged badly a few years after its original release.

    Additionally it was weighed down with a fair amount of bad ideas that were forced on Tomino (G Armor, Mobile Armor of the Week, etc.) because the sponsors had no idea of how groundbreaking the series actually was.

    To claim that it is a sign that Bandai has suddenly run out of ideas is to ignore how derivative Gundam has been for decades.

    Gundam has never been one large epic story with lots of chapters. It has mostly been variations on the same story with different bells and whistles.

    The only Gundam series that have not been retreads of the OYW were G Gundam and Turn A Gundam. Everything else has been another side story to the OYW or a retread.

    At least with The Origin they are not hiding the fact that it is the OYW all over again. Since they can't disguise it in different clothing they have to focus on telling the original story better.

  32. Does it make sense to incorporate some side stories or MS designs from MSV?

    1. They likely won't, at least not if the manga is followed. The manga had (basically) the same lineup as the original series, with slight redesigns that still largely followed the original aesthetic. The Feds only use the Gundam (and, briefly, its own version of the RX-78-01), Guncannon, Guntank, and GM; Zeon has its 2 Zakus, the Gouf, the Dom, the Gyan, and the Gelgoog (with the Adzam, Grabro, Elmeth, and Byg Zam for Mobile Armors), plus its earlier pre-Zaku MS in the flashback bits. It doesn't incorporate anything from even the 08th MS Team (thought the GMs look a bit like the ones from that series), much less obscure MSV suits.

      That being said and Bandai being Bandai, some may be incorporated for the sake of selling kits a la Unicorn's 4th episode.

    2. Ah, and Zeon naturally has the Zeong as well. Forgot to list that one.

    3. Finally, as for incorporating actual side story character and plot content (which I just realized you asked about), it doesn't do that either. Its big flashback story arc is sort of a side story, in its own way, but there aren't any aces included beyond what MSG had and there are no references to materials that take place in the same time frame. Including these is less likely than Bandai including MSV designs, because unlike those, it can't milk shout-outs and easter eggs for profit and they don't really have a history of acknowledging that stuff outside of character encyclopedias and the like anyway.

  33. Oh come on, who ever said he wanted the mechs/ MS's to be fully animated in CGI, i think that's kinda retarded, The animation quality of unicorn is awesome, and a little CGI won't hurt like unicorn did, but not verything should be in CGI.

    1. Unicorn has a ridiculously huge budget and almost unlimited production time, something that would be unsustainable for a weekly series.

  34. GUNDAM AGE is the best GUNDAM series of all time!!!!

  35. As much as I'd like this to happen, it's a dream, I'd rather wake up and read the manga instead.

  36. No risks I see (real ones anyway)An actual new series that isn't so grounded in homages/throwbacks/recycling whats been done with the franchise is still a whimsical fantasy. Now we have to re-tell, no, remake the original? If they wanted to adapt an other manga or novel into animation or an OVA, they certainly have quite the catalog to choose from as it is. What kind of shenanigans is really going on at Sunrise?

    1. Are you seriously conspiracy theorizing about this? There aren't any "shenanigans". Sunrise is (potentially) producing a remake of one of the most enduring and popular pieces of Japanese pop culture. This is like the original Star Wars trilogy getting remade; in other words, it absolutely is a real risk, because this sort of series is meant to appeal to older fan but could just as easily turn them off.

      As for the rest of the catalogue, well. Gundam manga is, on the whole, a very mixed bag, and few of them have anything even approaching the quality that would do the franchise proud in animation. THE ORIGIN is certainly one of those few, and if the 2014 release date is right, then it's just in time for the 35th anniversary as well.

    2. That only makes me feel worse....
      And seriously, how simply 'shenanigans' equals conspiracy theorizing? is beyond me. They certainly haven't been doing too well on the anime side of things lately and now this! So yes, shenanigans in my book.

  37. all japanese news handle this still as a rumor!

    1. It's still pretty likely to happen at some point, though. Remember, this was officially announced (albeit 2 years ago), and it has been advertised on releases of the manga volumes and such. The 2014 date is probably a rumour, and we still don't know the nature of this anime production, but there's little doubt in my mind that we will, at some point, have THE ORIGIN animation.

  38. Actually the gunpla builders plot is quite interesting and if fully developed could be a good anime.Alternatively imagine WW3 set maybe a few decades into our future where the weapon of choice would be mobile suits developed by the military. Would that be a good iea?

  39. Origin, give me pow... MS-09B Dom 2.0. Or PG.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I seriously wonder how well the whole WWII in space angle is going to go over with the kids in Japan. Their generation has little to no familiarity of that time so I'm skeptical whether Origin will be the huge revival Bandai's hoping for.

    1. Except very little about the One-Year War is like WWII. Learn to history - there's more to WWII than Nazis.

    2. I'm not saying that OYW is a recount of WWII but that Tomino undoubtedly inspired by it. I can see Origin being popular with older fans but not with kids (who Bandai's actively trying to reach for the past few TV series).

      Even if it's a cultural icon in Japan, Gundam has failed to make a splash in mainstream for years (the closest they got was with Seed) so I'm skeptical about how a 30 year old concept is supposed to fix that..

  42. Just a simple question :
    It is me, or in the promotion poster Char share same face as the Rx-78-2 ?! so... Char is Gundam & Amuro is Zaku?! ( just joking )

    If just Char was who gets a Bright's Slap and Amuro who goes 3 times faster XD


    "ANN confirmed that the March issue of Gundam Ace magazine doesn't say that the previously announced Gundam The Origin anime will air in 2014"

    False alarm people.

  44. I'd rather see advance of zeta or cross bone turned into a series. I would like to say that the best part of AGE was the vagan mobile suits. Very animalistic but some were occasionally over the top and pointless.

  45. Am I the only one worried about Sayla new seiyu?

  46. I want to see the final shot remake, GUNDAMMMMMMMM!


  47. just put the title "Gundam" and I will watch it till the end coz it is GUNDAM! only after that I will judge the overall story

  48. Zakrello needs to be in it.

  49. Not really looking forward to this one too much. We're just getting the same story we've already seen twice before. What I'd really like is if they did the novels as a theatrical trilogy. More hard sci-fi, more brutal combat, more in-depth with the characters, and a much more profound ending. It would be like Do You Remember Love? to Macross; a similar premise that goes about it differently.
