Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gundam Funnies: Mobile Suit Gundam Disney

Gundam Funnies: Mobile Suit Gundam Disney
Mickey Asuka!? Now there's an idea...
Image via Toysdaily


  1. Suddenly Destiny becomes better.

  2. Yeah Disney stuff blows as it is, you might as well pattern Mickey after a sniveling, whiny, easily-lead, girl-bullying, protagonist-failing punk-ass like Shinn Asuka.

    1. Forgot to include the word "cunt" in there somewhere.

    2. +1, to the only failure of a Gundam pilot to ever has their show hijacked by another character... EPIC FAILURE!!!

    3. Here here! Though not to say Kira is much better! The whole seed line is full of people who have no opinions of their own other than "war is bad". We have thesw awesome machines of war, know what were going to do? Bitch about how much we dont like machines of war! Geez! Personally i think this is why i liked 00 so much. At least setsuna wasnt afraid to fight without his diolouge sounding like somthing a teenage girl says on a theripist couch!......sigh. sorry that was built up for a while.

    4. ok i still dont understand all the hate shin gets. If you ask me he was a better lead then kira. he had something to fight for in the lose of his family. The only reason why Kira was put back into the spotlight was a fan service.

    5. Shinn had the potential to be a great character but got his development shafted by Fukuda and his wife. He started out as a unlikable lead but that's kind of the point in most Gundam series as we can see selfish brats grow into sympathetic characters (see Kamille). Unfortunately the director transformed the show into a fanfiction popularity contest.

    6. Shin was unlikable from the start to the end. Never really saw him as the main character of destiny. More of a side character nuisance for the ship and crew. kira was ok, but too goodie to shoes. Athruns the only sensible one. Really enjoyed how he struggled to find which side to fight for.

    7. setsunas THE most annoying character in 00! Shut the heck up Setsuna! Always saying "I am setsuna f. Seiei" and "i am gundam". I get it! you robot! your almost there to becoming a gundam!

      besides that, hes ok...

    8. ^He's up there with Heero for me.
      "I'll kill you" gets old after a few episodes.

    9. Yea i have to agree with the last two Anon. Im a big 00 fan for the spirit of the show, but repetitive leads does get old. Seed and Destiny are to of my least favorite Gundam shows, but thats not to say that there are not good things to say about them. Athrun is the most likable Pilot in my opinion as far as Seed goes. I just wish they would stop putting children in the seats of these machines. I mean in EVERY Gundam the main pilot or at least one of the main pilot is a teenager. A young teenager at that! I mean all of the wing pilots were fifteen and sixteen years old. Come on, next time your at the mall look around at the 16 year olds and ask yourself if you would give a machine of war to them to defend people with. All the seasoned warriors around and we get "nope! Nope! This new guy, I want him! Which one? The kid? Yea the kid! THe one with the daddy issues and emo ideas about war! Thats the guy i want in the cockpit!

  3. I dont really mind Shinn being a cunt since i used to watch Kira in his early time. But what i hate is how they bring back Kira just to steal Shinn's spotlight and kill off Stellar. Really, now I have to find that SRW again and play and save Stellar so that Shinn can go and become a good friend with Kira

  4. what's its special weapon ?
    Disney Beam Cannons ? xD

  5. Seed destiny had so much potential to begin with, its not the characters and plot I should be hating.. It should be the director's fault for his half assed job at directing this gundam turned abomination

  6. M-I-C-K-E-Y G-U-N-D-A-M!!!

  7. Hijaked by haters. Wish they would hurry up and finish/continue SEED to shut you assholes up.


  8. And the Strike Freedom became Bugs "Free DOC's" Bunndom XD

    ~ Bugs Yamato Bunny
