Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Question: What's Your Favorite 08th MS Team Mobile Suit / Mobile Armor? (Gundam Census #277)

Question: What's Your Favorite 08th MS Team Mobile Suit / Mobile Armor? (Gundam Census #277)
Gundam.Info (Japan) had taken a poll earlier this month (Oct 29th - Nov 4th, 2013) asking readers which mobile suit / mobile armor was their favorite from the Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team series. The poll result revealed the top favorite Mobile Suit to be the MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom.  The top 2nd favorite Mobile Suit was the RX-79 (G) Ez-8 Gundam Ez8.  What's your favorite mobile suit / mobile armor for this series? Leave us a comment below.
Gundam.Info Poll Results:
MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom (45.03%)
RX-79 (G) Ez-8 Gundam Ez8 (19.88%)
RX-79 (G) Ground Type Gundam (17.60%)
Apsalus (II, III) (3.90%)
MS-07H-8 Gouf flight type (3.88%)
RGM-79 (G) GM Ground Type (3.20%)
RB-79K Ball (2.36%)
RX-75 Guntank production model (1.50%)
MS-06RD-4 High Mobility Type Zaku  (1.42%)
Info via Gundam.Info


  1. I would personally say that I liked the Ez8 most because of its unconventional design style. While the old HG kit was quite nice, I wish they would release another proper HGUC updated one.

  2. The poll is quite close to mine too. My favourites would be Gouf Custom, followed by Ground type Gundam, then Ez-8, and also Ball K.

  3. Maybe Bandai is planning on releasing BluRay for 08th MS Team as well as doing 2.0 MG's for the 08th MS Team GunPla kits? That'd be cool!!

    1. For once a quite agreeable comment

    2. I want MG Ez8 v2.0

      I like Ez8 head and antenna, its unique, but current MG Ez8 build is way too outdated.

  4. I'm in the minority with the MS-06RD-4 High Mobility Type Zaku, but it's got one heck of a cool factor, for all its minimal screen time. MS-07H-8 Gouf flight type is another fave brief view.

  5. RGM-79G GM Ground Sniper, hardly any screen time but really dig this simple suit.

  6. I agree man taht GM Sniper too good, too underused :(

  7. I think that the gouf custoom is the coolest MS in the show, but on the mobile armor side is the apsalus II the best mobile armor, it was fast, strong y and have a cute female pilot! for the fed the Ez8 is cool and the ground gundam has the best weapons on the show.

  8. an HG Zaku High Mobility type-hell a Bandai p-hobby exclusive MG or HG of that kit would make my year if it was made! But, I'm sure we might be seeing possible HGUC EZ8 in the future thanks to this special edition DVD coming out.

  9. I always dug the Gouf Flight Type and the mass production Guntank.
