Thursday, November 1, 2012

GG INFINITE: The 3rd Gunpla x Gundam.Info Promotion Campaign Winner Is One Of Our Customer!

The 3rd Gunpla x Gundam.Info Promotion Campaign - Results
This is the second time a customer of ours have won the Gundam.Info Promotion Campaign!  This time it is our customer 'Charles I Kim' winning the 8 Real Grade gunpla set. Congratz!
This is his winning card.  Congratz to Charles I Kim!
Click here to view the campaign result: HERE


  1. Congratulations suiton on the big win!!

    1. Thanks! Hey! I was talking about you with GG recently. I was asking what happened to you and the YouTube thing. You haven't posted a video in a long time.

      And yea. I'm serious about never winning anything so I never expected to win let alone the RG set. I woke up a little late this morning since today I'm off from my 12 hour a day job (yea..sucky), and well, yea. This just turned out to be a great day!

      I sent in my picture and mailing address and contact info to BlueFin a few hours ago with the original, unedited picture. =P So I hope to get a call or email reply back soon. When I receive it, I'm gonna have to do a YouTube video and make sure to link GG Infinte's blog and online store. =P Hope to see you comment on that video. It would mean a lot to me.

    2. Oh good, you can finally stop commenting on random contest or giveaways, crying about how you never win anything.

    3. Videos are coming, I've had some issues with YouTube and equipment and I post on the blog for ~24 hours a week, so time is valuable and rare! But stay tuned!

      Very happy to see a community member win and I will be on the look out for your YT video!

  2. Guess we can expect to see a silent video panning thru all 8 RG kits soon on youtube.

    1. Of course. =P Being consistent is very important.
      You can "depend" on me being "consistent". =D

    2. We can depend on you doing crapy videos showing boxes, getting a load of dislikes and complain that people are just, and I quote, "jealous"? And you still don't know why ppl hate you? At least do a freakin' unboxing, since you won't build them anyway....

  3. I woulda entered too, but GG sent me a code that EXPIRED BEFORE I EVEN GOT THE PACKAGE.

  4. How does this card thing work...I want to win....

  5. Nice to see someone we know get the prize!
    If you don't mind answering: how many tickets did you enter?

    1. I don't even remember how many tickets I entered. But it certainly wasn't much at all, and so I wasn't expecting to win. I mean I know there are people out there who wait to buy kits just so that they can amass a huge ton of entries... Like they'll buy multiple copies of SD kits (cheapest way) and then enter those codes in. I didn't really expect or assume I would win. I just did it anyway since I had them. =)

    2. So you don't just buy tons of Gunpla and leave them lying around unopened? I feel I might understand you a bit differently.

    3. You are an idiot if you really think I just buy GunPla kits all the time and then don't do anything.

      "I feel I might understand you a bit differently."
      ... Well I feel I might understand you to be 1 of the many idiots posting as Anonymous who just find it a strange hobby to come to the blog and troll/flame directly at me all the time.

  6. 'cmon guys
    Stop giving suiton a hard time ...
    Sure he might share his thoughts a bit too often
    But secretly, we all have our little Gunpla prediction lists too ...
    Congrats on winning btw!

    1. Thanks.
      I don't know why people find it amusing or feel the need to waste their time like this, but it's their choice ya know? What can you do?

      And yea. I know that everyone here secretly have their GunPla wish lists and prediction lists. It's just that everyone else is just too scared to actually post it..LOL

    2. Posting lists is scary shit man :\
      Not everyone is as brave as you...

      Oh wait, i always mix up bravery and stupidity. It's a fine line so they say.

  7. I can imagine that right now, in the deepest pits of hell, the devil is searching for that unlucky bastard who left the AC on...

  8. Lemme give you the run down on how this is gonna go down.

    -Suiton gets his free kits.
    -Suiton proceeds to make a silent video showcasing the boxes.
    -Said video gets flamed to hell by everyone because no one likes Suiton anyway.
    -Suiton is gonna try to flame back and fail miserably because he doesn't really have any friends.
    -Some users will take pity and tell people not to be so harsh. No f*cks to be given.
    -In the meanwhile, the kits will be in their new permament home. Their boxes. Unbuilt. Forever.

    (Somehow in between this clusterf*ck, Suiton makes a video complaining how crap the RG kits are and how they're not even mobile suits from Gundam 00)

    The world shall move on, again, no f*cks to be given except for that one where someone more appreciative and liked by the community would've won.

    1. Amen.
      To every single point here.

      Today is a sad day for the YouTube Gunpla community.

  9. Suiton is an asset to the community. You people should be ashamed. What would the gunpla community be without his constant begging and comment assaults on review videos? Nothing, that's what.
    I'm honestly pleased he won and am eager with anticipation to wait for his 8 silent unboxing videos. And I'm also eagerly awaiting the day that he doesn't actually build any of them but posts videos about his thoughts on the real grade line, what he thinks should come next (00) and why he thinks real grades aren't good.

    1. oh i see what you did there....nice one.

    2. I like your technique.
